second level 1 « Cache « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate.initialize() and second-level cache

Does anybody know if Hibernate's static initialize() method, which populates a proxy object, will attempt to hit the second-level cache before going to the database? My code seems to be ...

2. Do you always use a second-level cache in Hibernate?

Do you always use a second-level cache in Hibernate or do you first try it without and only use it when the performance goes down?

3. Manipulating Hibernate 2nd Level Cache

I am using hibernate as my ORM solution, with EHCache as the Second Level (Read-Write) cache. My question is: Is it possible to access the Second Level cache directly? I ...

4. Hibernate second-level cache in orm.xml?

Having been googling for hours, I realize that users can use either xml file(orm.xml, I suppose?) or annotations in JPA, or both of them at the same time. I'm i correct? So, ...

5. 2nd level hibernate cache understanding

1.for 2nd level cache, can only set timeout period but cannot force refresh/clear cache of entity? or putthing annotation @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE) like auto refresh/clear the cache each time doing ...

6. What's a good 2nd level cache for Java EE applications?

Can anyone recommend a good 2nd level object caching solution for Java EE 6 applications, and give background to your recommendation? I'm using JPA 2.0 as persistence provider. I am particularly worried ...

7. What is second level cache in hibernate?

What is second level cache in hibernate ?

8. Hibernate 2nd Level caching doesnt seem to be working

Im currently trying to get hibernate working using the caching provider that comes with hibernate.

I have a default cache and a class specific cache enabled in the ecache.xml which is ...

9. Hibernate second level cache - print result

I defined a second level cache in my application using @Cache annotation I am using findById query, as the following:

  long id = 4;    

10. Which Classes are Cached in second level cache in hibernate

Is there a way for me to find out which Classes (i.e instance of which different types ) are cached in hibernate second level cache.

11. problem in determining whether second level cache is working in hibernate

hi I am trying to use ehcache in my project.. i have specified the following properties in hibernate config file -

config.setProperty("hibernate.cache.provider_class","org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider"); ...

12. Hibernate second level cache problems

I have many to one relation, let's say User has a Company. Company entity does not have any other relations. If I enable second level cache for findAll hibernate query of Company, ...

13. jpa hibernate and 2nd level cache

my configuration is as follows persitence.xml

<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" value="org.hibernate.cache.SingletonEhCacheProvider"/>
<property name="hibernate.ejb.classcache.demo.entities.UserID" value="read-only"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.sharedCache.mode" value="ALL"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ehcache xmlns:xsi=""
         xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" updateCheck="false">
    <diskStore path=""/>


14. Working example of Hibernate 3.6.2 2nd level caching with JPA2?

The title obviously states it : I can't make the second-level cache work for JPA2/Hibernate 3.6.3. I've been trying many a hack to make it work. But I'm only succeeding in having ...

15. Hibernate: Trouble enabling second level cache

I'm using Hibernate 3.3.4.GA. In our hibernate.cfg.xml file, we specify …

    <property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class">net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider</property>
    <property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache">true</property>
    <property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache">true</property>
    <property ...

16. Optimizing Web application showing a worklist via hibernate and 2nd level cache (ehcache, etc)

We have an application that is receiving constant queries for a 'worklist' which consists of frequently updated data which is populated in the db by a SOA background process. Thousands of ...

17. Should I be using hibernate 2nd level caching?

I have a domain object that has a particular state that upon a certain event handled by a service object, I need to examine all instances that match that state. This ...

18. When and how to use hibernate second level cache?

I have trouble understanding when hibernate hits the second level cache and when does it invalidate the cache. This is what I currently understand:

  • Second level cache stores entities between sessions, scope is ...

19. Infinispan as Hibernate 2LC: NamedCacheNotFoundException

I currently use JBossCache 3.2 as a Hibernate 2nd level cache for clustered caching of entities in a EJB3 environment (GlassFish 2) which runs fine. Now I'm evaluating using Infinispan 4.2.1 ...

20. EhCache + Hibernate Cache is not alive

After configuring EhCache v2.4.5 as the second level cache for hibernate v3.6.7 I get the following error while trying to load all objects of a particular entity using hibernate session. (There ...

21. Redis as Hibernate second level cache

I have a crazy idea : use Redis as hibernate second cache level. Redis is an in-memory datastore, it supports replication, pipeline, etc.. The goal is to share the hibernate cache ...

22. Hibernate Second-Level Cache: Does get use it?

I've seen it written that the Hibernate second-level cache is only used when invoking the load method. I can't find any conclusive answers about whether it's used when calling get, which ...


I am trying to make a hibernate application which uses the JBoss second level cache. it'll be very helpful if some one can explain me how to configure it in netbeans ...

25. Second Level Caching Problem in Hibernate

Hi All, I am having an Object of type "Event". One property in that class is "Event_Id". When I save an object "newEvent" using session in Hibernate, the "newEvent" object is adding to the Second level cache using, cache.put(); Here I am not calling the put(). But whenever an object is saved using Hibernate session, Hibernate SessionFactory takes care of SecondLevelCaching ...

26. Hibernate Second Level Cache

I'm using ehCache implementation for performing hibernate second level object caching. My Application needs more than one session factories, but all those factories works with the same database schema, it means that the db structure are the same but the datas stored inside are completely different. The problem is that Hibernate use the same cache for all sessionFactories, so if I ...

27. Hibernate and second level cache

If I am using a second level cache such as EHCache, and I have a class defined as read write, if I load a class by id from the cache, and then do an update, will hibernate get the latest from the DB, and then update the DB as well as the cache? Lets assume this class has no associations. And ...

29. Second Level Cache in Hibernate

30. Hibernate second level cache questions

I am trying to find out if enabling the second level cache provided by hibernate will help my performance and after reading through the documentation I am still a little confused and i have a couple of questions. 1. Do entities get stored in the second level cache even when you are asking for an entity by something other than its ...

31. Hibernate Second level Cache

33. Hibernate second level caching

Hi, I am trying to use second level caching. EHCache I have added the following in the config file true org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider ... ... To the hbm file of table ABC: .... I have also created an ehcache.xml file. Now I am trying to check if caching is working For that ...

34. what is second level hibernate cache?

Each hibernate session has an implicit cache associated with it and is valid as long as the session is open. This is called first level cache. Hibernate use this cache to store all operations and entity states so that, it will execute the sql queries as late as possible (at the flush time, by default). Similarly, at the session factory level, ...

35. 2nd-Level cache with an associative class

36. Second level cache question

Hello, i am working with hibernate second level cache. I have already configure and activate it.. But im not statisfied that it is fully working.Based on my research and what i've read on the sample in net. After the object is loaded to cache, it will cut 50-70 percent on its loading time..In my program i'm getting almost the same loading ...

37. 2nd level cache question

hi, I had 2 entity which is USER and ITEM . the relationship is USER can have many ITEM , but one ITEM only belong to one USER, and I make it bi-direction without join table. both user and item is 2nd level cache enabled. in my web app, i use spring's openSessionInView Interceptor and i have a page query single ...

38. ehcache + jgroups + hibernate 2nd level cache optimization

Hi there, I'm using ehcache 1.7.0 + jgroups 2.4.2 + hibernate 3.2.4.sp1.cp07 (as part of JBoss 4.3.0 GA EAP CP04) to do a clustered cache and I'm seeing some interesting behavior where there seems to be an optimization happening in the query/2nd level caches that is making the clustering act strangely. I have two servers, A and B. Each of the ...

39. Second Level Cache with DetachedCriteria

40. enabling 2nd level cache cause LazyInitializationException

Hi, I am trying to implement 2nd level cache in my application, but it throws me LazyInitializationException. When I disable 2nd level cache, everything is ok.. I read about caching in Hibernate and i understood that Hibernate creates new instance of entity on cache hit (it stores only state of that object). So there shouldn't be any difference between get() of ...

41. Preload second level cache

Hi, We are currently busy with architecting a solution using JPA/hibernate. We want to use JBossCache as second level cache because all data is rather static. Due to the fact that the data is static we would like to be able to preload the data in the cache. The documentation states however that it is a bad practice to use a ...

42. second level cache consistency

Hi all, I'm facing the following the problem. We are developing an app A1 which hits a ddbb making only read-only queries (selects). The ddbb data is updated, once a day, by other different app A2 which we can't modify. In order to improve performance of A1 app we are thinking in use a second level cache. I have several doubts: ...

43. Hibernate second level cache questions

I am trying to find out if enabling the second level cache provided by hibernate will help my performance and after reading through the documentation I am still a little confused and i have a couple of questions. 1. Do entities get stored in the second level cache even when you are asking for an entity by something other than its ...

44. How to Implement second level caching!!!!

Hi I am new to Hibernate.I have used Struts 2 and Hibernate 3.1.3 How can I Implement second level caching. I tried in following way but I could not achieved. Please guide me to solve my problem. Note :I did not mentioned anything about cache in my session factory class hibernate.cfg ------------- true org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider ehcache.xml ------------

45. JPA 2.0 2nd level cache

I'm trying to figure out how I can get the standardized JPA 2.0 2nd level cache to work. The code is working when I use the @org.hibernate.annotations.Cache annotation on my entity so ehcache configuration etc. is correct. Without this annotation the cache doesn't work at all. My configuration is as follows: Code: ...

47. Hibernate 2nd level cache ObjectNotFoundException

We have a Java application that uses MySQL, Hibernate (3.5.1-Final) and EHcache(1.2.3) for our 2nd level cache. Our isolation level is Read-committed isolation = 2 # 2-Read committed isolation hibernate.connection.isolation=2 Under a high number of concurrent transactions, we're seeing an issue where certain collections (DB associations) when loaded will throw an ObjectNotFoundException and it appears that the 2nd level cache ...

48. Hibernate 2nd level cache

Im currently trying to get hibernate working using the caching provider that comes with hibernate. net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider I have a default cache and a class specific cache enabled in the ecache.xml which is referenced in my hibernate.cfg.xml file. The class/mapping file specific cache is defined to handle upto 20000 objects. However, I'm seeing no perfrormance gains since I turned on the cache ...

49. setCacheable, @Cache without 2nd Level Cache

Hi, i am developing a project using hibernate. In deployed state i want to use 2nd level cache but i don't in "developing mode". I thought that it would be enought to disable the cache in the hibernate.cfg.xml but this seems not to be true. If i just remove the cache from the xml-files but not from the beans (@Cacheable, @Cache) ...

50. Second level cache doubt

Iam planning to use second-level cache in my application, but i have few queries before i can actually use it Suppose I have two classes 'PersonData' and 'BasicPersonData' mapping to same table 'Person' in my application. And i have second level cache enabled Iam updating the Person details like ID,First Name, Address using PersonData from the application. Now When i query ...

51. First Level and Second Level Cache

52. Cache statistics on second level cache

I use OSCache as second level cache. I see the objects cached but I never see hits, miss and stale info. They are all zero. If I enable the query cache I do see hits/misses against the org.hibernate.cache.StandardQueryCache, org.hibernate.cache.UpdateTimestampsCache and various queries. Is the second level cache using a different interface when it comes to cache so the hits and misses ...

53. second-level cache in AS 7 Beta 3?

I was trying to test my application on AS 7 Beta 3, and enable the second-level cache, since Beta 3 integrated Infinispan. I followed the configuration directions here: ... heprovider After building the ear again, I deployed to a clustered configuration on AS 7 Beta 3, and during deployment I received the following exception: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.JndiInfinispanRegionFactory from [Module ...

54. Hibernate second level caching

Hi, I am trying to use second level caching. EHCache I have added the following in the config file true org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider ... ... To the hbm file of table ABC: .... I have also created an ehcache.xml file. Now I am trying to check if caching is working For that ...

55. How to tell if my second level cache is working

Hi, I have a spring JPA hibernate app and I am trying to switch on second level caching but I am unsure if it is actually working as I can still see the SQL on the console (I am pretty sure that means it is not working). ANy help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Here is my config & code... Object... ...

56. lifetime of second level cache?

57. Second Level Cache Question

Hi all, I'm somewhat new to Hibernate, so I appologize if this is a dumb question... I'm using Hibernate 2.1 and I am trying to get the Second Level Cache working. I use the default cache provider, which leads to the following being output to System.out when the hibernate configuration is loaded: - cache provider: net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Provider - instantiating and configuring caches ...

58. Dirty detection and second level cache

Hi, does hibernate check for dirty objects against the copy in the session's cache only? or does it use the second level cache (if enabled) ? Ex: // ========= First session ======== Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); MaintenanceObject mo = new MaintenanceObject("name","handling instructions");; tx.commit(); session.close(); // ========= Second session ======= session = sessionFactory.openSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.update(mo); ...

59. Getting the second level cache to work

Author Message drj Post subject: Getting the second level cache to work Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:37 am Expert Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2003 4:24 am Posts: 315 Location: Cape Town, South Africa Hi, I'm trying to assert whether the second level cache is working. I understand (or at least I think I do) the theory behind the ...

60. Second-level cache problem

Can someone tell me what is wrong with my second-level cache configuration. I have a class called Cat. The class has a collection called kittens. Everything is ok when I don't use the second-level cache. But when I enable it (I'm using OsCache) the kittens collection always contains the same kittens. Even if the Cat is not the same. Looking at ...

61. 2nd level cache diffs

For these two caches their usage in hibernate is equivalent so its a matter of choice. If you use OSCache in your application maybe its a better choice. Maybe production experiences shows a more mature or reliable cache implementation so you choose it. The recent changes in this area allow greater choice (and in some case different functionality [such as clustering ...

62. Second Level Cache

I would appreciate a confirmation of the following: If no cache-provider is specified, the EHCache-provider will be "setup" by default. Nevertheless, (jvm-level) caching will ONLY take place for class objects specified in elements (within a class or collection element), or in elements (hibernate.cfg.xml), or in elements (hibernate.cfg.xml). That is, an abscence of any such specifications effectively "disables" ...

63. Not able to use Second level cache

Hi. Considering the following example, I'm not sure second level cache is working : ... Session session1 = sessionFactory.openSession(); Session session2 = sessionFactory.openSession(); Long id = new Long(1); MyObject obj1 = (MyObject) session1.get(MyObject.class, id); MyObject obj2 = (MyObject) session2.get(MyObject.class, id); ... each session returns an object. But using hibernate.cache.use_query_cache=true I can see 2 sql request. I hoppend that second level cache ...

64. Second Level Cache explanation

hibernate session is a unit bsiness cache, only to be used by ONE thread. Second level cache as EHCache can be used by multiple hibernate session for example. Hibernate sessions will hit the cache before hitting the database (all is done implicitly). Second level cache is a good way to improve performance if you app has exclusive access to the db. ...

65. Second level cache question

Hi, I found out that my caching worked! One primitive way of keeping an eye on if the caching really works is to enable DEBUG level logging on the ReadWriteCache class. If your using log4j: Then you will get a bunch of usefull information if your objects are fetched from the cache or not.... // Torben

66. How does the 2nd level cache work ?

I would like to load the structure at once ! core_usergroup(id:int, name:varchar) core_usermembership(usergroup_child:int, usergroup_parent:int) core_userpassword(usergroup_id:int,data:datetime,value:varchar) how can I do ?? ok fetch join I was answered... but how ? session.find("From CoreUsergroup as user left join fetch user.children left join fetch user.parents left join fetch user.coreUserPasswords") ? once in cache, I would like to have the list of all usergroups to handle ...

67. Second-level cache

Hi, I have a goal to minimize network and database overhead. In order to do so, I load all often-used objects into second-level cache (EHCache) at system startup. Although EHCache log says all requests hit cache, I still see in the output a lot of SQL , loading those "cached" objects, and see high traffic on the net. What's wrong and ...

68. Second-Level Cache

I'm using Hibernate 2.1.2 Spring 1.0.1 OsCache 2.0.2 In my use case I'm using both JDBC and Hibernate to update data. I'm using the second-level cache to cache the data. And when I update the data I also want the second-level cache to be updated. The problem is that when I use JDBC to update the data the second-level cache is ...

69. Accessing Second-Level Cache

net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Caching: 294 // LOADING NODE net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cached: 294 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Caching: 192 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cached: 192 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cache lookup: 13936 // Parent node net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cache miss: 13936 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Caching: 13936 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cached: 13936 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cache lookup: 13936 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cache miss: 13936 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Caching: 14040 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cached: 14040 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Caching: 13936 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cached: 13936 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cache lookup: 14040 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: Cache miss: 14040 net.sf.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: ...

70. Second level cache Strange beaviour

Hi everybody ! I must do a test for the 2d level cache. But I've stange results : I'm doing an object with read-write strategie cache. In my code : Open session 1. Open session 2. Session 1 read the object by his id. Session 2 read the object by his id. My session1 update the object (and flush it). My ...

71. 1st Level Cache Eviction by 2nd Level Cache (Swarmcache)

I'm using swarmcache as my 2nd level cache. I've got a whole lot of distributed processes that only ever read from a session. These use JMS for bulk processing and only ever perform writes on stuff that isnt cached. What I want is to have swarmcache 2nd level cache invalidation cause 1st level session cache invalidation. Any ideas how to do ...

72. indices on second-level cache

73. second level cache

74. Second-level caching speed

Hi, I have a question about hibernte second-level caching. I am using OsCache as he cache provider. I am using Tomcat as application server, MySQL as DB server and they are on the same computer. I turn on the general log for MySQL and I can see that the db hits number is decreased at least 6 times for the same ...

75. Can I configure Hibernate NOT to use any second level cache?

The net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment doc reads that JCS is assumed for 2nd level caching (though the readme in the distribution says "deprecated"). So I am questioning myself if I can configure hibernate not to use any 2nd level cache or if I have to call "evict()" on all objects that are not served by a cascading "evict()"? Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

76. Second-level cache and custom UserTypes


77. Second-level Cache Behavior Clarification

I'm just writing to clarify the basic behavior of the second-level cache. If I understand the second-level cache correctly, I should get the same *exact* object back from the cache, not just an object that satisfies an equality test with .equals(). Thus in the following example, if DomesticCat is configured for caching, this test case should succeed, right? // Save cat ...

78. 2nd level cache & classloaders

Hello, using ehcache with hibernate 2.1.8, I have the following question: We use multiple webapps in a single container, and obviously want to share the 2nd level cache between each webapp. Hibernate lives in the webapp classloader. Is it safe to put ehcache in the global classloader which is shared by each webapp? Could it lead to transactional problems? TIA, Peter ...

80. Manipulating 2nd level cache

I am using Hibernate 2.1 with TreeCache & Spring. I have no problem using the 2nd level cache for the persistent objects (TreeCache) but right now I want to make use of the same cache "runtime" for caching of some non-persistent objects. There are several reasons for this, the primary ones being that I want a central place for configuring the ...

81. Problem introspecting second level cache

I tried submitting this as a bug but it was rejected with an explanation that I was doing something wrong, so now I'm turning to the forums in the hope that someone can help me figure out a little bit more about what I might be doing wrong. The issue is this: I'm trying to get the contents of a second ...

82. Please explain expected behavior for second-level caching

I am trying to implement 2nd level caching and posted my problem earlier, but I was hoping someone might be able to give me a short description of a scenerio where if I had a second-level cache set up properly it would actually be activated. I am thinking that I actually may have this configured properly and its working, only that ...

83. Hibernate Second Level Caching.

Thanks Gavin and Christine, I got it right after reading the documentation about QueryCache. I also would like to share my reading with all the members of this forum. "Hibernate queries always ignore cache by default" So you got to set the following whenever you want enable caching qry.setCacheable(true); qry.setCacheRegion("UserQry"); Hope it helps somebody. Regards

84. accessing second level cache through hibernate

85. Second Level Cache (EhCache) not working for me

Author Message gopeshdesai Post subject: Second Level Cache (EhCache) not working for me Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:54 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:44 pm Posts: 3 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp 1) I have configured cache on simple POJO with following attributes id name value 2) Implemented one test case ...

86. Second Level Cache (Please somebody Help me)

I have enabled second level cache using EHCache in Hibernate. I have a class Address (with a composite primary key consisiting of three columns) and other fields (four other fields). This class is mapped to db using Hibernate. Now I want to put all the rows in database into the cache so that I can use them afterwards. 1. When I ...

87. Second level cache

88. Using 2nd level cache

I'm using Hibernate 3.0.5 and Spring. I'm using the org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager which is not a JTA transaction manager. I'm trying to use the EhCacheProvider. When Hibernate starts up it says the 2nd-level cache is enabled. But after I do a load() on my user object I log some 2nd-level cache statistics and it shows that the hit and miss count are still ...

89. Problem with user type and 2nd level cache

Oops, sorry, you are right. I am using 3.0.5 and I *do* have assemble/disassemble methods in my subclass. They were filled in by my IDE to satisfy the UserType interface contract and I forgot about them. They also return null, which is probably not correct. Now, since the javadocs say "At the very least this method should perform a deep copy ...

90. Newbie Question : Second Level Cache and One-To-One Associat

Hi, I am trying to get the second level cache working for the following class on Hibernate v2.18. If I remove the one-to-one relationship I can see that the second level cache works correctly but if the one-to-one relationship is added it retrieves the objects on every call. Can anybody shed some light on this? Regards David Snowsill Hibernate version: v2.18 ...

91. Identity preserving second level cache?

Is it possible to implement a cache that applies to the whole application (independent of sessions) and avoids disassembling/assembling objects? There's one specific class in our application that is read-only and for which an internal registry with all objects is always kept in memory anyway. (This is to enable complicated business specific queries and searching. Maybe this could have been done ...

93. Second Level Caching Problem

94. basic second level cache questions

Hi, I need some basic informations on the way hibernate is interacting with the second level cache. I'm using hibernate 3.1.2 with oscache from the distribution. Example: I have 3 persistent classes A,B and C. Class A has a collection of B and a 1:1 relation to class C. The 2nd level cache settings for all classes and relations are read-write. ...

95. Result getting cached; second level cache is off

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version:3.0 Mapping documents: