populate « Cache « JPA Q&A

1. How to implement ehcache self populating cache as hibernate second level cache    stackoverflow.com

I am just exploring on Ehcache self populating cache as hibernate second level cache. Is hibernate support self populating cache?
Can anybody help me find few sample implementations/docs related to this ...

2. Session.get(...) does not populate the second level cache    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate: select cpfields0_.FIELDID as FIELDID6_0_, cpfields0_.KONSTANTENFIRST as KONSTANT2_6_0_, cpfields0_.ERPFIELD as ERPFIELD6_0_, cpfields0_.ERPFIELDLEN as ERPFIELD4_6_0_, cpfields0_.ERPFORMAT as ERPFORMAT6_0_, ...

4. possible to populate Collection cache node but not Entitites    forum.hibernate.org

Let's say we have Parent, Child cached entities and parent.children cached collection: Code: @OneToMany(mappedBy="parent") @LazyCollection(LazyCollectionOption.TRUE) @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL) Set getChildren() Let's suppose the collection is really big, and it's important to be able to quickly ascertain whether a given childID is part of it. ...

5. Does Hibernate.initialize() populate the 2nd level cache?    forum.hibernate.org

I've got a tree structure made up of the entity TreeNode. The TreeNodes maps a a parent TreeNode and a collection of child TreeNode objects. All properties are set to lazy. What i do is that i'll load the TreeNode for which the parent property is null (this is the topmost node). Then i recursively iterate the children of this TreeNode ...