memory « Cache « JPA Q&A

1. EhCache DiskStore is in memory

I use EhCache with a memory cache loaded from a disk cache. When dumping the JVM of my process, I noticed that EhCache stored in memory the cache and the diskstore object ...

2. Hibernate Caching Problem

I have been dealing with memory issues in my application and believe that I have finally nailed it down by profiling with Yourkit - I cache the User in the session, ...

3. Second level cache - Out of Memory

I have a contrived use case to understand second level cache behaviour. I'm making a query on a table that has ~million rows ( "Select * from table Service") . I have enabled the second level cache (EHCache) for the class that maps to this table. Per the EHCache configuration I expect that after 1000 objects are read to memory, the ...

4. EhCache Memory Consumption / Statistics

I'm using ehcache as my second level cache for hibernate. I would like to obtain statistics as to the size of each cache I have configured in my ehcache.xml. I thought I could obtain access to such information via the CacheManager, but when I try to get an instance of CacheManager by: CacheManager.getInstance() This generates the following stack trace: Exception in ...

5. Second-level cache memory use

Hibernate version: 3.2.5.GA Cache provider : ehcache (read-write) I recently have been trying to go from managing the caching of objects myself to let Hibernate's second-level cache take care of it, and I've noticed that the memory use goes up a lot. I'm clearing the session cache, as recommended in "Java Persistence with Hibernate", 13.4.5, so I don't think that's the ...