mechanism « Cache « JPA Q&A

1. Is hibernates caching mechanism implemented so that it can be (if configured properly) a short term 'replacement' for the db behind it?

Meaning that I would like to load a set of objects and have the cache used exclusively when different queries that operate on that data object or set of objects instead ...

2. What's the difference between L1 and L2 caches in web-applications with Hibernate as ORM mechanism?

I just want some general info about standard purpose of using L1 cache and L2 cache. I'm curious because I'm investigating the system with terracotta as 2nd level cache and I've found ...

3. Some clarifications about Hibernate caching mechanism?

I have questions on the statements I found while going through hibernate caching tutorial. Statement1:-First-level cache always Associates with the Session object. Hibernate uses this cache by default. Question1:-
As this cache is ...

4. Using JPA as a caching mechanism?

I'm new to JPA, so forgive this question if this is pretty standard functionality, but can you use JPA without having a database and basically use it as a cache to ...

5. Cache mechanism on the client side