instance « Cache « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate serverside or on each instance of a Swing application?

I would like to know what is the best desing for an existing heavy swing application. This application need a database access (new) and I am using hibernate for that. This application is ...

2. Caching only some instances

Is it possible to cache only some instances of an entity? For example if I have a CMS (Content management system) with a dynamic menu. Then I would have a MenuItem entity, which I would like to cache, because the menu items don't change much and are needed for every page. A MenuItem would have a property to the Page entity ...

3. Cached Instances

I have an application where I am caching all objects represeneed by tables what are small and rarely changed. When I map a foreigh key to these objects hibernate seems to create a new instance rather than using an existing value. Short of a custom accessor which reads the cached value how do I tell hibernate to reuse existing instances

4. Multiple Instances of Cached Objects (JVM Out of Memory)

Newbie Joined: Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:52 am Posts: 10 I have a cache question using the configuration below. At the start of the application, I went ahead and load all the Loans, Items, Users and here are some of the numbers that I have questions about: Loan in DB: 1289 ==> 4609 Loan objects were created Item in DB: 5079 ...

5. Get all the instances of class in cache

6. Why hibernate cache does not store object instances?

I was reading an article about Hibernate Caching and one thing jumps to my notice: "One thing you should know is that the Hibernate cache does not store object instances. Instead, it stores objects in their "dehydrated" form (to use Hibernate terminology), that is, as a set of property values." My question is why Hibernate cache does not store object instances. ...

7. Get the EhCache instance

I want to see all the objects stored in the cache, but how can I do it? There's no getCache()-method in the session class. The class EhCache has this method: /** * Get an item from the cache */ Object read(Object key){} If I could somehow get the instance of EhCache I could call this method, but I cant find it. ...

8. Mutiple Hibernate Instances - EHCache

Hi, We are currently re-implementing out persistence layer using Hibernate. One part of our system, which was implemented a while ago uses Hibernate 2.x. The work we are doing now uses Hibernate 3.x. For one reason or another, we cannot change the stuff that has already been implemented in Hibernate 2.x. A problem has occured now we have implemented EHCache. The ...

9. object instances and caching

I'm wondering how multiple Java instances of the same db object affect Hibernate caching. For example, suppose I retrieve an object A with the PK, but then make a copy B of it, update B (but don't touch the PK) and save B. Then I make another copy C of it, do some other update and save C. Will this affect ...

10. Getting same instance from 2nd level cache?