EHCache « Cache « JPA Q&A

1. EHCache doesn't seem to work

I've set up ehcache on our Java application, which uses Spring and Hibernate. However, when I run Junit tests and print the stats, it seems there is nothing in cache: OUTPUT OF CACHE ...

2. using ehcache blocking decorator with hibernate

I'm using ehcache with hibernate and I'd like to use the blocking or SelfPopulating cache to avoid the issues presented in

An expensive operation is required, say ...

3. hibernate and ehcache replication

I am working on a cache replication solution between nodes Node A - master node => Hibernate + Database + Ehcache as secondary cache
Node B - regional node=> Ehcache as prmiary ...

4. HIbernate 3.5.1 - can I just drop in EHCache 2.0.1?

I'm using Hibernate 3.5.1, which comes with EHCache 1.5 bundled. If I want to use the latest EHCache release (2.0.1), is it just a matter of removing the ehcache-1.5.jar from my project, ...

5. Can you use ehcache 2.1.0 with Hibernate 3.3.x

ehcache-core-2.1.0.jar seems to have the following dependency, does it imply I cannot use this with hibernnate-core-3.3.x.jars


6. How can I force Maven to use Ehcache 2.2.0 with Hibernate 3.3.2GA?

Assuming that the two are compatible, how can I force Maven 2 to use Ehcache 2.2.0 instead of Ehcache 1.2.3 with Hibernate 3.3.2.GA? Essentially, I wish ...

7. Hibernate & EhCache: net.sf.ehcache.Statistics not populated?

I think my Hibernate (3.5.3) Second Level Cache is well configured with EhCache (2.2). At least, I observe following log entries:

20:15:28 DEBUG [net.sf.ehcache.Cache#searchInStoreWithStats] persistence.unit:unitName=#pu-pay.c.u.p.model.ActionCache: persistence.unit:unitName=#pu-pay.c.u.p.model.Action store hit for c.u.p.model.Action#TRT    ...

8. Not able to configure JPA with ehcache

I have been trying to configure JPA with ehcache but no success till now. The configurations which i am doing are :

  • persistence.xml
    <persistence-unit name="customDatabase">

9. Using Ehcache API in Hibernate

Using Ehcache API How can we write our own data cache in Hibernate?

10. Caching with Echache + hibernate

Hi in my application i have few small tables and i cache them All at the server startup in a Map. I want to implement same functionality by Ecache + ...

11. SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory vs EhCacheRegionFactory

What is the use case for SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory? From what I can gather, you use SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory when you only have one Hibernate SessionFactory, and EhCacheRegionFactory when you have multiple. But wouldn't EhCacheRegionFactory ...

12. Ehcache - why are the entries so big?

I have a fairly simple data model like:

class MyParent {
     // 7 fields here, some numeric, some String, not longer than 50 chars total

13. Hibernate ehCache null pointer exception on put

Here is my config.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


14. Ehcache and Hibernate

I have a scenario where I am displaying the data in the database which changes frequently (changed by outside application) on a webpage using Spring MVC, somewhat similar to a stock ...

15. good idea to use cache for username and password rest api authentication?

I wanted to somehow reduce latency by using hibernates second level cache to cache user objects so that each api request call (with a username and password) would not have to ...

16. stackOverFlowError with ehcache+hibernate3.0

I am using ehcache-terracotta-2.4.6 and hibernate3.0 + java and web server is jboss 4.0 and in my ehcache.xml I am just using ehcache.xml --------> ============================================ ============================================ and in my hibernate.cfg.xml i just put below lines hibernate.cfg.xml---------> =============================== true true ...

17. using ehcache with hibernate please answer this

Hi i have a very few basic but important question about hibernate. i have a POJO defined as category and i have set the cache as read-only and i integrated Ehcache with my project on second level. Here is a snippet from my application-context file, i have sepcified the ehcahce provider com/hyderabad/model/hibernate/User.hbm.xml ...

18. EHCache and Hibernate

19. Hibernate Caching Ehcache

Hello, I'm trying to implement the Hibernate Caching Ehcache, and I have a few problem/questions. In my test, I have two tables Country & Airports, while the relation between them is one-to-many. In both hbm file (for Country & Airports) I set And also for the relation from country to airports I ...

20. Use of ehcache BlockingCache with hibernate

Hello I have a high traffic site and I use hibernate with ehcache to cache some entities and queries. The problem is that when a cache region invalidates I'm getting that cache region repopulated many-many times by different threads (because the site is being hit by many users at the same time). This scenario is described at ... ocId937608 but ...

21. Looking for details/src code for hibernate + ehcache config

So obviously when you enable 2nd level caching with ehcache, Hibernate will go through all your entity classes and create a bunch of ehcache instances based on the annotations / metadata defined for those classes. I'm looking for insight into the low level details of how Hibernate does that. For example, if I have a class like this: Code: import javax.persistence.Entity; ...

22. EhCache integration

We are creating a web application utilizing a tree-based datastructure. We want this datastructure to be cached by EhCahce to reduce load to our database. Each node object contains a list of children as well as a parent. We have been struggling to get the integration between Hibernate and EhCache working with this setup. It seems as though the entity has ...

23. Hibernarte + EHcache

Author Message pavouk Post subject: Hibernarte + EHcache Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:03 am Newbie Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:06 am Posts: 6 Hi, i am trying to use second level cache, everything seems to work perfectly, but the second level cache is never activated (according to logs)...I think, that I have something somewhere missconfigured, but I ...

24. hibernate ehcache

Newbie Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:24 pm Posts: 12 hi, i am trying to add a column to a table while using EhCahe as a second level caching for hibernate but it does now work. how can i add/delete a column in the database when i am using the ehCache i am using hibernate 3.5.6 and ehCache 2.2.0 Code: ...

25. ehcache.CacheManager - Configuring ehcache from classpath

Newbie Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:40 pm Posts: 7 Location: Tennessee I have tried many different setting and none work. When I name the xml file ehcache.xml it works fine no matter what I specify as a resource name. I have looked at the ehcache configuration code online and it seems to always pick this option (below)and does not find ...

27. Hibernate and Ehcache

28. How to integrate Hibernate with Ehcache?

29. Hibernate and EhCache compatybility

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/cache/TimestampsRegion at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors( at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0( at java.lang.Class.getConstructor( at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.createRegionFactory( at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.buildSettings( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettingsInternal( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettings( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory( at org.hibernate.envers.test.AbstractSessionTest.init( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.hibernate.testing.junit4.TestClassMetadata.invokeCallback( ... 42 more Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.cache.TimestampsRegion at$ at Method) at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( ... 57 more ...

30. Hibernate+EhCache not working

Hello, I am trying to enable second-level cache (Ehcache) in Hibernate but without success. My Spring configuration is as follows: true true net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider ehcache.xml My ehcache.xml file is: In my entity classes i use @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE) public class A ...

31. Hibernate ehcache dirty checking

32. Hibernate + Ehcache using too much RAM for caching?

Hi, I have a Hibernate application that has an Entity with 3 properties (two strings, one integer) and an Id. When I persist and cache an object of this entity and call cache.calculateInMemorySize(), I'm told by Ehcache that this object is using more than 1kbs in Ram. Caching 100k (100,000) objects uses up more than 100mbs according to cache.calculateInMemorySize(). Is this ...

33. Using EhCache for both Hibernate and another application

We are using EhCache both for Hibernate and within our applications and we were having some issues relating to multipleCacheManager threads as some of the code was using : new CacheManager () rather than say CacheManager.getInstance (which if used everywhere only uses the one CacheManager instance which sounds prefereable). In order to resolve this I changed all the new CacheManager() code ...

34. Hibernate 2.1 b6 & EHCache

11.2.4. Nonstrict Read / Write Cache If the application only occasionally needs to update data (ie. if it is extremely unlikely that two transactions would try to update the same item simultaneously) and strict transaction isolation is not required, a nonstrictread- write cache might be appropriate. If the cache is used in a JTA environment, you must specify hibernate. transaction.manager_lookup_class. In ...

35. experience using ehcache


36. How to define cache for set in ehcache.xml

37. Moving ehcache.xml when using for Hibernate

Hi, well I am trying to organise my webapp and trying to move all config files to a config subfolder. I succeeded.... almost - ehcache seems to ignore classpath and is looking just in rootDir of my webapp (WEB-INF/classes). I tried already changing setclasspath.bat of tomcat4 but it woun't work! I see no possibility to do it programatically too without writing ...

38. ehcache / cglib

Hi I am trying to use ehcache 0.7 with the latest hibernate 2.1.1 After much fiddling, I have managed to make things work by including cglib-2.0.jar and an old version of cglib-asm.jar (without the cglib-asm, I get: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/cglib/KeyFactory) Why this confusion, and why are the correct files not shipped with hibernate? (the cglib jar that ships with hibernate fails to ...

39. specifying ehcache.xml

40. Getting cache statistics from EHCache

I'm using the EHCache for a read-only caches on my classes. The EHCache object contains some simple statistics (hitCount, missCountExpired, missCountNotFound) that I would like to use to tune my cache settings. How do I access the net.sf.ehcache.Cache object? It looks like I need to change hibernate code to do this (specifically, by adding "getCache()" to the various cache objects (like ...

41. NullPointerException when trying to integrate EHCache

I'm trying to use integrate EHCache into my application as documented at: I get a NPE when trying to run my JUnit test. If I remove the from my mapping file, the test works (but I don't know if caching is working). My ehcache.xml file is as follows: Code:

42. ehcache.xml configuration file?

43. Help with ehcache

Beginner Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2004 9:17 am Posts: 21 Hi, more problems with the application (using hibernate and the spring framework) I am working on... I have a hierarchy (parent/child) consisting of three concrete types. I want to add caching to improve database retrieval performance, and am trying to integrate with ehcache. But when I start Tomcat, I get an ...

44. EHcache not caching anything ....

Author Message sameet Post subject: EHcache not caching anything .... Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:32 pm Beginner Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:07 pm Posts: 43 I don't know why I am not able to cache anything across two sessions using ehcache. Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Mapping documents: Code: ...

45. URGENT Hibernate and EHCache

Maybe you should try change the setter of table id as follows public void setTableID( String ID ){ this._ID = (ID != null )? ID.toLowerCase() : ID; } Doing this will make it impossible for your IDs to have different cases and thus EH Cache won't have the same trouble. Good Luck!

46. EhCache configuration...

Dear all, Can anyone please tell me what is the recommended number of elements one should allocate when configuring EHCACHE? I Have a web app with probably no more than 20 persistent objects and my settings are as follows: Is 100 for memory elements too low. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

47. ehcache not caching

Hi, I have a simple table with about 450 rows. I am trying to cache this data. But evertime I do a q.lis() (list() on a query) an sql is generated. Why is the sql genrated every time I do list ? should it not get the data from the cache instead ? I am have enable the cache in the ...

48. Setting up maxElementsInMemory for ehcache

Hi am setting up EhCache and I was wondering what would be a good way to calculate maxElementsInMemory for my classes. Is each instace of a pojo cached when returned from a query and if so is it good enough to assume that, the maximum amount returned in alist from a query to be about the maximumElementsInMemory? Thanks!

50. Looking into the EHCache

Hibernate version:2.1.8 EHCache version: 1.1 We are using ehcache with hibernate for 2nd level cache. It is working fine. How can I look inside the cache to see what exactly is in there. Is there any way to get the instance of net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager as once I have that I can look into the cache.

51. EHCache

Hi I am using Hibernate 2.1 with cache option turned on. The Hibernate book says to use second level cache for read-mostly data, however I am using in almost all tables. Has anyone experienced problems with it ? Is there an extra overhead in using cache ? If I redeploy an ear file without restarting the application server, is it problematic ...

52. Caching using ehcache.xml

53. Caching using ehcache.xml

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:3.0[/b] [b]Mapping documents:[/b] [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():[/b] [b]Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:[/b] [b]Name and version of the database you are using:[/b] [b]The generated SQL (show_sql=true):[/b] [b]Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:[/b] Hi, am actually developing an application 'A' where am using hibernate and ehcache for caching of ...

54. ehcache and WrongClassException

This seems like an age old topic, but I am experiencing the same problem with ehcache and hibernate I have a table per hierachy mapping: Code: AbstractClass ^ ^ ...

55. ehcache-failsafe.xml

Hi, I have seen many times this pb on forums. But I can't get a response. Please, what's the hell ??? 2005-07-08 13:26:25,641 WARN [net.sf.ehcache.config.Configurator] No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp20459archive.ear-contents/archive-exp.war/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml - I use JBoss4 & Hibernate3. - The ehcache-failsafe.xml file is present in ehcache-1.1.jar. Thank you. TalkinJive.

56. using EhCache with Hibenate?

I am trying to use EHcache as second level cache with Hibernate. But I am getting into some questions, which are affecting my decision to use it. I have already enabled second level cache by including hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider property in Hibernate.prperties file. I have also included ehcache.xml and element in my mapping file. I am giving snippet of code below ...

57. No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-fai

We are using the echache with hibernate and spring. We were able to run the application tests successfull but we are getting the following warnings. Due to this the perfrmance of the application is low. [exec] 15:59:06,421 WARN [Configurator] No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file://jboss/server/default/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml We are deplyoying the application in jboss server. We ...

59. Where to put ehcache.xml and are there any other config ?

Newbie Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:48 am Posts: 19 I have use ehcache... but i dont find any improvement... with compare to normal ejb application which is doing same procedure which i have implemented in Hibernate application.. my log is as follow.. Oct 31 11:38:06 2005: [Thread-36] [ALL] Initiate SessionFactory Oct 31 11:38:06 2005: [Thread-36] [ALL] - Mapping resource: customercontroller/dto/CustomerTO.hbm.xml ...

60. how many files requiered for EHCache?

Newbie Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:48 am Posts: 19 hi i have done all the things .... but it not help to improve speed .... i get more speed without using hibernate, by simply EJB.... are ther any way to improve speed.... my file is as below... ###################### ### Query Language ### ###################### ## define query language constants / ...

61. configuring ehcache

Author Message claudiosala80 Post subject: configuring ehcache Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:54 pm Newbie Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:31 am Posts: 6 I'm read the tutorial (day 2). Now i have this error when i run on my project Code: Buildfile: build.xml clean: [delete] Deleting directory C:\Programmi\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\assistenza\WEB-INF\classes [mkdir] Created ...

62. About ehcache speed...

Newbie Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:48 am Posts: 19 hi i have done all the things .... but it not help to improve speed .... i get more speed without using hibernate, by simply EJB.... are ther any way to improve speed.... my file is as below... ###################### ### Query Language ### ###################### ## define query language constants / ...

63. About Speed after using ehcache..

Hi friends, I have use ehcache and set all the properties in, but i do not get any extra ordinary improvement. It hardly get difference of 100 to 150 microseconds. so If i can get near about 50 % difference then it can be used. so If any body have solution please tell me.. my file's properties are set ...

64. about ehcache...

65. Ehcache.xml not found

We have an application that includes a har file. The har file has the following file structure: META-INF ->jboss-service.xml hib.jar ehcache.xml the hib.jar includes the mappings and their classes. jboss-service.xml file includes the following: jboss.jca:service=RARDeployer jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=MySqlDS java:/MySqlDS org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect java:/hibernate/HibernateFactory true org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider false org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup true true

66. Unrecognized EHCache.xml

67. EHCache.xml not found!

68. ehcache as MBean

Hi, I am wondering if and how I can deploy ehcache as an MBean. I would like to use hibernate for a Tomcat based app. and register the cache as an MBean for trigggering manual updates. Also, I would like a version of cache that updates itself at frequent intervels. Any advice would be very much appreciated. thanks SH

69. EHcache in Hibernate

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to use the query cache for Hibernate when there are different user, with different sessions, that should get different results depending on user. My application retrieves a list from the database, and this result is hardly ever changed during the user's session. So it should be nice to cache the result of the ...

70. EHCache configured but not used?

I'm using the generic daofactory from the documentation. Imagine I want a certain user. Also imagine I would want to do this: Code: User user = daofactory.getUser(userName); User theSameUser = daofactory.getUser(userName); Then I get this output. Code: Hibernate: select this_.userID as userID8_0_, ...

71. Ehcache says it caches but it doesn't look it's the case...

This is interesting... all the info are below. Briefly here's what's happening. I'm looking up a SystemConstant object by name. All that works file. I decided to put ehcache to work. Configuring ehcache was very smooth and I was happy to see that the cache was hit but then I paid more attention when I changed the value for systemConstant object ...

72. Working of Hibernate with EHcache

73. ehcache can't work with websphere?

Newbie Joined: Tue May 09, 2006 12:40 am Posts: 2 I'm developing an application which running hibernate inside websphere, for the performance concern, ehcache is used to cache some data from db. I have configured exactly the same way as user reference told us to do, however, Ehcache failed to cache any data from db. So, I wirte a simple unit ...

74. ehcache can't work with websphere?

Newbie Joined: Tue May 09, 2006 12:40 am Posts: 2 I'm developing an application which running hibernate inside websphere, for the performance concern, ehcache is used to cache some data from db. I have configured exactly the same way as user reference told us to do, however, Ehcache failed to cache any data from db. So, I wirte a simple unit ...

75. Crash when using ehcache and hibernate 3.2 rc2

Hibernate version: hibernate-3.2-rc2.jar hibernate-annotations-3.1beta10.jar hibernate-entitymanager-3.1beta8.jar ehcache-1.2.jar Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' defined in class path resource [appCtxDal.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.cache.CacheException: Attempt to restart an already started EhCacheProvider. Use sessionFactory.close() between repeated calls to buildSessionFactory. Consider using net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider. Error from ehcache was: Cannot parseConfiguration CacheManager. Attempt ...

76. Ehcache Internal Working

Hi all, I am using EhCache 1.2 with Hibernate 3.1. When an Object is persisted, the Object is also getting added to the Second Level Cache. Can any one tell how it is internally working? Why I am asking this is, after adding an Object to the Second Level Cache, I wants to Index that Object. I'm thinking using the CacheEventListener's, ...

78. EHCache dies out overnight

Hi All I need help its urgent I use EhCache as a secondry cache and the problem is that objects do resides in Cache and there is a significant performance achived. The first time when we hit the application the response time is 30 sec which was expected. The whole day users keep hitting the application and response time comes to ...

79. Multiple Cache managers with EHCache

80. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml

81. Hibernate and Ehcache

Hi there, I have recently just started out using Hibernate with Ehcache. I was just wondering how I can tell if Hibernate is actually fetching objects from Ehcache or from the database? I have enabled the ehcache (at least I believe I have), but I am still seeing a lot of Hibernate SELECT statements in my log. Does that mean that ...

84. (ehcache.xml) under a different file name

85. not able to detect ehcache.xml

Not able to find ehcache.xml file by classloader. I have put my ehcache.xml file in build/WEB-INF/classes. So its in my top level classpath, but still it is finding the ehcache-failsafe.xml file which is the default one. Could anyone please help me. If anyone can help me, then i can help more people whom i know and most of them are stuck ...

86. ehcache: only populates cache, never reads from cache...

I'm trying to make use of ehcache with hibernate. According to SecondLevelCacheStatistics the cache is only populated and hibernate never tries to read anything from the cache. According to my novice eyes, the configuration and usage of hibernate/ehcache looks correct, so I need some more experienced eyes to tell me what may be wrong. Edit: I'm using hibernate 3.2.0.cr4 and ehcache ...

88. Hibernate3, ehcache statistics are empty and shutdown warn..

Hibernate version: 3.2.x (ehcache 1.2.3) In my hibernate-configuration I use: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider In my application I provide information about the 2nd level cache directly from ehcache. But since hibernate3 I get only zero values. My code to get the caches is: String[] cacheNames = CacheManager.getInstance().getCacheNames(); for (String cn : cacheNames) { print(cn); register(CacheManager.getInstance().getCache(cn)); } The cachenames are correct, but it seems, that ...

89. EHCache and FindbyExample

Have an object class Foo { Long id; (the id) String name; } that i get from the DB. I get it from the db using findByExample where i set the name as the example criteria and then get back the object with the id field populated. I need to cache this for a period of time for performance but i ...

90. hibernate & ehcache statistics inconsistency

Hello, I probably noticed incostistency between statistics shown by Hibernate and Ehcache JMX services. After some operation (opening jsp page which involves entities load): 1. hibernate shows that in cache occurred 2 hits [CacheHits prop], 2. ehcache shows that it counted 434 hits [SecondLevelCacheHitCount prop]. IMHO both properties should show the same values as Hibernate uses EHCache in background. From my ...

91. EhCache not working

92. EHCache - how does it work?

93. Cache Timeout Messages in Hibernate and ehcache.

Hi, we are using Hibernate in Version with ehcache as second level cache in version 1.2.4 and we see the following message in the log of our application: WARN [hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache: 214] An item was expired by the cache while it was locked (increase your cache timeout): user.dto.SessionDto#144594 (RMI TCP Connection(2048)- And this is logged endlessly... Any idea what might causing ...

94. New to Hibernate + EHCache

Hi, I am trying to get EH cache to work with my application, and it seems to do a good job most of the time. However, for one particular class i get the error below. The interesting part is that this error only occurs when i activate EHCache. Without it, everything works just fine (with both Hibernate 3.2.5 and Hibernate 3.3.1) ...

95. Ehcache implemented in Hibernate

Hi All, I have used hibernate 3.2ga and i tries to implement to Ehcache I done following things Hibernate.cfg.xml true net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider /ehcache.xml at Eache.xml at Messageconfig DAo file Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE) @Table(name = "MessageConfig") public class MessageConfig { ...

96. hibernate 3.2.5/3.3.2 with ehcache 1.6

We use EHCache as the cache provider for hibernate in our enterprise application. We're on the Hibernate 3.2.5 GA and EHCache 1.2.4 release. Besides EHCache as a cache provider for hibernate, we are also thinking of using the RMI Distributed Caching feature of EHCache for synching hibernate's second level cache accross a cluster. EHCache 1.6 was recently released with huge performance ...

97. Does hibernate support EHcache clusterable

Hi, EHcache is a clusterable cache for a while. If I use EHcache as second level cache, and use read-write access strategy, but not in JTA environment, (means using tomcat server, not some application servers), will any operation unpredictable. I've done some initial testing to verify the cache item does replicate to another cache instance in cluster (under the same multicast ...

98. Using EHCache

I followed this great article But I have some problem when trying to add the entity to the cache by adding the line Code: @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE) I get an error; Type mismatch: cannot convert from Cache to Annotation Any idea what I missed? Thanks My code looks like that Code: package com.test.hibernate; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import ...