thread « Batch « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate: Does a thread block while waiting for the database to insert a batch?

I'm trying to find the optimal batch size for some operations we perform in bulk (persisting collections). If insert is going to block a thread, I think I'm going to ...

2. Multi threading issue in batch inserts

Hi i was able to put my session in threadlocal when i tried to run a batch insert i got this error in the session.flush - possible nonthreadsafe access to session how can i solve this?? If i dont put use the session.flush and clear the data i am inserting is not complete.. a lot of records are missing... please need ...

3. Batch insert or update in multiple threads

Author Message mgrmek Post subject: Batch insert or update in multiple threads Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:41 am Newbie Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:14 am Posts: 1 I build application which import data into database. I do this job in multiple threads. After few record Hibernate throws exception Quote: unique constraint (XXX.UQ_TESTA) violated or Quote: unique constraint ...