cascade « Batch « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Batch Cascade Delete a Collection

Unfortunately, Oracle (at least the version I am using) does not support automatic cascade deletes. Child records must be deleted separately before deleting parent records to avoid constraint violations? When deleting ...

2. Cascade delete gives batch update error

Author Message hariyamini Post subject: Cascade delete gives batch update error Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:59 pm Newbie Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:46 pm Posts: 7 Getting this excpetion when i try to delete the entities Code: error HibernateException in deleting the records Could not execute JDBC batch update org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not execute JDBC batch update ...

3. Fast Batch Insert Patch For Complex Cascading Objects

Hibernate is clearly a great ORM. However its speed in inserting complex cascading object graphs leaves something to be desired because each object is persisted serially in the order that the cascade is called. When inserting a large number of identical objects batching cannot be used since inserts cannot be grouped by the JDBC batching mechanism. e.g. A has two children ...

4. hibernate batch-updates in case of cascade to children.

I give you more explanation. As far as I know Hibernate caches modified objects in a queue and save them when it is appropriate (if flushmode is auto). Therefore, when you have a parent and modified objects then hibernate will definitely look into batch updating if that property is set. however, something I missed from your original post was that there ...

5. hibernate cascade batch insertion

Hi all, I'm inserting two objects in database. Person and his calldetails. At a given time , i insert one person and multiple call details(in hundreds/thousands) for him. I use cascade = "save-update" in person.hbm.xml. as i fire only one .save i.e is for person, i can't flush or clear session. Can i optimize performance by some batch insertion setting in ...