column « Association « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Association table - extra column

Hello, I'm new to hibernate and am stuck on this issue for sometime now and would really appreciate some help. I have two tables - GROUP and PRODUCT Its a many to many association between them. A group can have many products A product can belong to many groups So I have a join table - GROUP_PRODUCT which has groupID and ...

2. Many-To-Many Association with extra Column

Hi, i am pretty new to Hibernate and i encountered my first problem. I have a class Booking and a class Service with a many-to-many association. But, for every row in the join table, i need to save an extra column with an amount. So for every booking, the number of extra services can be saved. Is there a build-in Hibernate ...

3. Many to Many Association with additional column

@Entity @Table(name="employee") public class Employee implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name="emp_id") private Integer employeeId; private String firstName; private String lastName; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "pk.project",fetch=FetchType.LAZY,cascade=CascadeType.ALL) private List projects = new ArrayList(); ...

5. Association with different foreign key column name

I have an existing database that has two tables Company and Claim. Company company_id .... Claim claim_id tier_company_id - foreign key to Company .... There are no examples in the docs that show any mappings that have different column names (it is assumed Claim would have company_id instead of tier_company_id). This causes confusion on when and where you should put company_id ...

6. one-to-many association: foreign key that has > 2 column

Here's something that might work. Off course these are the mapping XMLs. Not sure how the translate into Java annotations: Code:

8. Hibernate Association table - extra column

9. one to one association and atributte "column"

If have one table with two columns: Customer Name, Customer ID(Primary key. Other table "parking Space" with two columns: "Parking Space Name" and "Id Customer(Foreign key)". The relations between them are one to one. A customer only has one parking space and it only owns to one customer. class Customer{ private name; private id; //getters an setters } class ParkingSpace{ private ...