association 1 « Association « JPA Q&A

1. How can I go through a Set in JSP? (Hibernate Associations)

So I am pretty new to JSP. I have tried this a few ways. Ways that would make sense in PHP or automagicy frameworks... I am probably thinking too much in ...

2. Hibernate associations

what are the minimum tables I need for many to many associations in Hibernate?

3. In Hibernate, why Set is the recommended way to represent many-valued associations

Taken from here: I tend to use List since Criteria returns List, so it makes my code cleaner since I don't have to do conversion. I do something like so..

@OneToMany(cascade= ...

4. read-only association

I have a transactional entity associated to another entity whereby the associated should not be updated in an case. Eg. Case *-> User Where a Case is owned by a User and reversely ...

5. How to use many-to-one associations in CompositeUserTypes

does anybody have a sample on how to use a CompositeUserType that contains a many-to-one association? How to convert the foreign key received in the 'nullSaveGet' method into the corresponding associated entity? Thanks ...

6. Hibernate Multiple Association Issue

I have 3 entities. User,Project and Role. A user can be assigned to multiple projects with some roles. A user GEORGE can have ADMIN role on PROJECT-A and MANAGER role on PROJECT-B. How ...

7. Hibernate - How to make associations eager (globally)?

Is there some easy way to fetch all associations of a big object graph without having to 'left join fetch' all of them? Can't I just tell Hibernate to fetch associations ...

8. Behaviour of One to one association in Hibernate?

Below is the my complete code Here is cfg file

    <!-- Database connection settings -->
    <property     name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</property>
    <property  ...

9. How to implement this simple association in jpa/hibernate

I have 2 test classes:

Class A{
   B b;
   // some other properties

Class B{
   // some properties
every instance of A has only one instance of class ...

10. Associations in Hibernate

Hi, I am new to Hibernate and I am reading the Hibernate in Action book. I am unable to understand Associations. We make an association bidirectional by setting inverse=true in the mapping file. The book example says there is a bidirectional relationship between Item and Bid. But in the table relationship diagram there is a primary key BID_ID in the BID ...

11. Hibernate one-to-many association

12. Hibernate : Association

I have one master table lets say staff with staffID and 6 other tables are using the staffID along with their data.. Does that mean that my staff table mapping will have ( assuming theres one to many relation ) element for all 6 tables ...How do i decide whether it hsould be bi directional asociation or uni direction association ...

13. Hibernate Associations

So, if a Team has Players, and the team can tell you its players, but players can't tell you what team they are on, then we can say the relationship is uni-directional. If both the team could tell you it's players, and the players could also tell you the teams we're on, we'd call it a bi-directional relationship. In Java code, ...

14. Hibernate - how to compose MANAGER-EMPLOYEE association? (newbie)

Hi, Using Hibernate I wonder how can I solve this issue: I have a table of USER, some are employees some are managers. Managers have a NULL value in the MANAGER_ID (I over simplify this issue on purpose). Q: what should be the relationship in the POJO for USER so when I select a USER with NULL value - I will ...

15. Hibernate Association

Hi 1. In hibernate orm concepts are seems like similar to the database relational linking, where as what is the advantage of having orm because we have the database relational technique so why would i need to go for orm 2. in hibernat association for many to one like user_master table user id have lot of expense id in expense_master table ...

16. Hibernate Association

Hi 1. In hibernate orm concepts are seems like similar to the database relational linking, where as what is the advantage of having orm because we have the database relational technique so why would i need to go for orm 2. in hibernat association for many to one like user_master table user id have lot of expense id in expense_master table ...

17. Learning Hibernate Associations

Hi All, I am using Hibernate for quite some time and want to learn about Associations in Hibernate like one to one, one to many, many to one and many to many. I googled but could not get any good site with easy and practical samples. Can you please direct me to good websites/articles. Thanks, Vikash Anand.

18. Association in Hibernate

Hi All, I am using Hibernate for quite some time and want to learn about Associations in Hibernate like one to one, one to many, many to one and many to many. I googled but could not get any good site with easy and practical samples. Can you please direct me to good websites/articles. Thanks, Vikash Anand.

19. Hibernate One to One association documentation inconsistency

Okay, it looks like I need to put one-to-one tags in both classes. But then it complains that I don't have a getter in one of my classes. I don't need bidirectional functionality for this relationship. The only other thing I've seen is to do it with a many-to-one and the unique constraint, but that seems hokey.

21. Hibernate Association

Hello, I have two tables Table A and Table B Table A has following columns a_key - it is primary key a_id ac_id ac_name Table B has following columns b_key - it is primary key b_id bc_id ac_name_ref bc_lable now ac_name column of table A has same value in ac_name_ref in Table B. but physically its not foreign key in Table ...

22. Detecting changes in in one-to-many association

Hello, the last days i've been working on importing a tree structure using hibernate. The source is some CSV which will be imported periodically. The import works fine and what i need to do now is to log changes in the tree structure. Of course this could be done in the import code where the CSV gets transformed into a tree, ...

23. Can someone help with this association?

It's been about 4 years since I've done anything with Hibernate, so I'm very rusty. I have the following schema as an example: create table employee ( id integer primary key auto_increment, name varchar(64) not null, job_title integer not null ); create table job_title ( id integer primary key auto_increment, name varchar(64) ); create table employee_job_title ( id integer primary key ...

24. "transitive" associations

About 9 months ago, I had asked this question and got no feedback, so I thought I would try again. I've gotten away without having to do this, but if I could, it would be a huge help. I have 3 tables, A,B and C. A is one to many with B, and B is one to many with C. These ...

25. Why Associations?

Hi pb00067, Thanks for the reply. I am writing her from my understanding, but not to contradict what you said. The problem here is that I want pets belonging to one person if I haver person ID stored in Pets table as foreign key. I can query using HQL and get the pets "from Pets pets where pets.personid = " So ...

26. How to avoid initializing associations?

Hi, the object I want to persist into the database is something like a tree node. It has a parent (which is of the same type) and a list of children (also of the same type). I would like to define a hibernate mapping, which maps the parent as a one to one association and the children as an inverse many ...

27. association using creteria

28. Need help reg. one-to-one association

Hi, I have DB structure as below: Table Person: ID : Primary Key Age Table Name: ID : Primary Key : Foreign Key Person(ID) First_Name Last_Name I have my POJOs as below: class Env { private int id; private int age; private Name name; } class Name { private int id; private String firstName; private String lastName; } I'm new to ...

29. How to force reindexing of association

I have a class Space which has association to SpacePermission. The configuration is to re-build index of SpacePermission on change "updatedAt" or "spaceLastUpdatedDate". But when if I update space permission fields and updateAt fields it is not re-building the indices when both are in same transaction. If the two are in other transactions, it is re-building the indices properly. Am I ...

30. Association size limit

There are a lot of solutions for such problem. The easiest one is to only map "getProducts()" in Hibernate and implement "getTopTenProducts()" in such a way that it will return ten of them. If this is not OK to you, you can always have native SQL in mapping (see formula column for more details) or view that defines needed association properly. ...

31. Association

32. associations in hibernate

33. Defined Association for Get Only

How do I define an association between one object to another where I only want to use that relationship for getting the object graph, but when I do update/inserts, I only want to store the FK and not insert an instance of the associated class. class Person Long id; Set phones; class Phone Long id; String number; String ext; I want ...

34. Need to OneToAny association

I need association OneToMany from Country to superclass Place. It could be bidirectional. But Place is MappedSuperclass. I would need something like @OneToAny but this type of association doesn't exist. Superclass Place is ok, I think. Code: @MappedSuperclass public class Place { private String name; private Country country; ...

35. How to use many-to-one associations in CompositeUserTypes

Hi there, according to the JavaDoc in the class 'org.hibernate.usertype.CompositeUserType' it is possible to fetch 'many-to-one' associations in a CompositeUserType. Does anybody have a sample on how to use a CompositeUserType that contains a many-to-one association? How to convert the foreign key received in the 'nullSaveGet' method into the corresponding associated entity? Thanks in advance, Thomas

36. help with association

Hi, I'm starting with Hibernate and I manage to solve all my problems with associations but seems very confusing for me. I need help to use Hibernate with associations. I read in the Hibernate reference that the tables should share the same primary-key values, but they are required to have the same name(and the name must be the ...

37. Trouble making one-to-one associations

Hello, I'm having trouble deploying objects containing one-to-one associations. I've used one-to-many(collection) types of assocation with no fuss, this is a first time i'm playing with one-to-one ones. Having the following xdoclet in my object works just fine. Not he use of class = "fi.jab.poc.Role" which causes no problem. Code: /** * @hibernate.set order-by = "role_id" cascade ...

38. Associations

39. one-to-one association removal

Reason why I posted is to find out if it's possible to have cascading delete on one-to-one association. And dear Jeff I know that in order to delete object I need to call session.delete(). I looked at Hibernate 2.1 beta 4 source code and cascading style delete is not supprted in Hibernate 2.1 code from Code: if (child != null) ...

40. Infinite loop with many-to-one association

*** MAPPING **** *** QUERY ***

41. many-to-many association

.... ...

42. Association reference to interfaces

Hi, I have a 1 to N association with a class Photo at the 1-side and an interface Selection at the N-side. The Selection-interface is implemented by the two classes RectangleSelection and PolygonSelection which are the classes I want actually to be persistent. Each of these two classes has its own table in the database. Selection does not exist in the ...

43. zero to one association

44. Help on associations

45. many-to-one association

Hi there, I am a newbie to hibernate and was wondering if anyone could help.. I have a SQL statement that goes across a number of views SELECT ci.CONDITIONITEMID, c.description, ci.DESCRIPTION FROM REFCONDITIONITEM ci, refcondition c, tradeconditionitem tc WHERE tc.tradeid = ? and ci.conditionid = c.conditionid and ci.conditionitemid = tc.conditionitemid order by c.entryOrder, ci.entryorder The result from the query is then ...

46. Silly little one-to-one association question

How does Hibernate keep track of which objects are involved in a one to one association. I have a one to one association with an Instance object and a CategoryTree object. The mapping is pretty straightforward: Right now there are about 6 CategoryTree objects persisted. When I get the categoryTreeRoot from the Instance, how does Hibernate know which ...

47. Association (Gavin can you help me with this)

Hi. i've follow the instructions in this link . I have 3 tables, Contact, Industry and ContactIndustry(holds the association of contact and industry).Using the example from the said link it works fine. But my ContactIndustry has only two fields, contact_id and industry_id so i think creating a contactindustry class is redundant. Here's what i did. { long id = ...

48. Implementing a CompositeUserType that can do associations

Apologies, if I have cross-posted this. I thought I posted it yesterday, but now I can't find it. I think Firebird is playing games. Anyway, I'm trying to reimplement the AuditInfo Custom Type pattern to be a bit more useful in our application. The problem is that even when the AuditInfo is a CompositeUserType, Hibernate doesn't know about the relationship ...

49. simple question regarding many-to-many association

You're suggesting that I should add a string column to the mapping table, and manually set the value when I add a new Field to the Section? I don't like that solution very much - it duplicates data that's already in the Field table. I'd rather manually maintain a map in the Section object than do that. But I'd much rather ...

50. Suggestions on how to solve a particular association

I've had good success with Hibernate and my current model. I have a particular situation which actually occurs in a few places. I think i can figure out a way to "get it to work", but i would appreciate some suggestions of a solution that may make most sense. Since i have the flexibility to change either the java class structure ...

51. Association modeling question...

Semi-newbie here with a question on how to model something using Hibernate. I have a Person object, which relates to several email addresses, ore of which can be the primary email address. I'd like to have the following API: Code: class Person { EmailAddress getPrimaryEmail(); Set getEmails(); } Can anyone suggest how to model this in Hibernate? ...

52. "Unmanaged" Associations -- purely declarative ass

Regular Joined: Fri Dec 12, 2003 2:09 pm Posts: 84 Location: San Francisco, USA I would like to use Hibernate associations in a way that appears to differ from the intended usage pattern. After reading the Hibernate docs and forums, and a good deal of experimenting, I have concluded that Hibernate aims to "fully manage" associations. In particular, if you load ...

53. Associations many to many with informations

Hi all, I need some help, in my application I have some tables with many to many relationship. Afetr many hours of work and research all works well, hibernate run as a mbean service in JBoss, I generate all xml and java files for my POJO's. But now I have another problem... I have a table CANDIDATES, another LANGUAGES and a ...

54. Many To Many Association..Unable to meet my req??

Hello, Pls let me know about the following requirement : Example : My system contains Collector , Account , Document, Dispute Entities. Collector manages diff accounts and Accounts is a collection of documents. Now a dispute can be raised against a document/account. There is a junction table DISPUTE_RELATION for this association. DISPUTE_RELATION contains dispute_relation_id, dispute_id, logical_type, logical_key. logical_type is either COLLECTOR, ...

55. Getting the any-to-many side of a many-to-any association?

Is there any way to get the "any-to-many" side of a many-to-any association? I've got a case where there is a natural many-to-many relationship between two classes, one of which is mapped by the table-per-concrete class strategy. I can get the many-to-any side to work just fine, but how do I get a set on the table-per-concrete class side? I'm aware ...

56. many to one association

I'm beginner with hibernate (Hibernate 2.1.4 ) and i have a mapping problem (perhaps more a conception problem). This is a simple example: I have 2 beans : Boat and Port public class Boat{ private String ID; private Port portofdeparture; ...setters and getters } public class Port{ private String ID; ...setter and getter } my hibernate mapping is :

57. one-to many association with an enum

How I persist an enum with a many to one association with another class. For Example let suppose that you have a class colled Dvd that has one to many associations with an enum colled ScreenFormat. Dvd has a Set of ScreenFormat(s) like WildScreen and FullScrean... How is the best way to implement that?


Hello. I have an inheritance hierarchy like the following: [code] WGWContent_sequence ...

59. Many to One Association

I have two persistent classes Employee and EmployeeType with the two related as EmployeeType = Employee.getEmployeeType() with emp_type_id as the foriegn key. Currently I do the following Employee emp = new Employee() ; emp.setName ( "xyz") ; EmployeeType empType = session.get( ......) emp.setEmployeeType( empType) emp); Can I have the employeeTypeId as an attribute as well as a many to one ...

60. Help with many to many association

I have spent the last two hours going through the forum and I have yet to find a solution to my problem. I have a many to many relation between auditapp_user and technology tables which is resolved by a table user_technology. I retrieve a user in an earlier session and then what I need to do is associate a technology to ...

61. Hibernate silently omits many2many associations created.BUG?

Regular Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 8:01 am Posts: 53 Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Data model: Code: very shortened : public class Contractor extends Persistent { /** * @hibernate.set lazy="true" inverse="true" cascade="all" * @hibernate.collection-key column="contractor" * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="" */ public ...

62. associations many - to - many?

63. guarding the cardinality of an association

I've been going thru the docs and I can't seem to find an answer to this, supose you have a book entity and it can hold a maximum of 3 chapter entities, How would you prevent that race conditions happen where more than 3 are added in concurrent sessions? eg: Say you'd load the parent book enity in both sessions, they ...

64. Single element returned for one-to-many association

Description: We have 3 entites with the following associations. A Work Order has a one-to-many association with both Materials and Operations. When a given work order is retrieved via Hibernate we have a valid collection of Operations however only a single Material is returned versus a collection(if in fact more than one should exist within the database). Does anyone see something ...

65. How to represent a one-to-zero-or-one association ?

public class Program { public long id; public String title; public DescA descA; public DescB descB; } public class DescA { public Program prog; /* optional */ public String propA1; public int propA2; // ... }

66. How to represent a one-to-zero-or-one association ?

public class Program { public long id; public String title; public DescA descA; public DescB descB; } public class DescA { public Program prog; /* optional */ public String propA1; public int propA2; // ... }

67. Do I need to use association?

This is a usage pattern problem rather than a hibernate problem. I have a user class and a log class, each mapped to a table. Every user action will generate a log record. Thus a user object might associate with many log records. While the number of records might be huge, every time I only need the most recent 100 rows. ...

68. strange many-to-many association

I have a table ITEMS and a table CATEGORY with a many-to-may association. The problem is that the linking table have some entry with category_id null: ITEM_ID | CATEGORY_ID | ID 1 1 1 1 2 2 .... 10 null 100 And using usual mapping, between ITEMS and CATEGORIES, hibernate throws exception and I think it is because of the ...

69. Quaternary Associations

Hello Hibernator-folk, I'd like your collective opinion on how to deal with a quaternary association. This is the ERD. Code: +-----------------------------+------------------------+ |TABLE |ENTITY ...

70. Many-to-Many Association - !!!!!!!Help!!!!!!!!!

Dear All I have problems in Many-to-Many association. Basically i have table "A" and table "B" and an association table "A-B". I have mapped both the Tables and mapped Many-to-Many association from A->B specifying the association table "A-B". When i insert records into table "A" with collection of "B" set in A, i want the table "A" and the association table ...

71. NonUniqueObjectException in One-to-Many-Association

Hi, I have a bidirectional One-to-Many-Association between Question and Answer- the mapping works fine for existing Questions/Answers, e.g.: Question q = (Question)session.load(Question.class, 9); Answer a = (Answer)session.load(Answer.class, 3); question.addAnswer(a1); question.addAnswer(a2); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();; tx.commit(); works as expected and properly save the whole tree. However, when I do the same with freshly created questions/answers: Question q = new Question(); Answer ...

72. Reflexive many-to-many association

Hi, I'm quite new to Hibernate, so I might be posing a stupid question. I found something like this one on the forum already, but it had no replies yet. Therefore, I'll try to make it as clear as possible to what I'm trying to accomplish. Version of Hibernate: 2.1.8, with MySQL 4.0.18 I'm working on a project and everything is ...

73. Associations question urgently

Why cascade when your not able to update or save the object? It's true but if i don't put update"false" inserte="false" Hibernate throws me "duplicate stagpf" and "duplicate modepf". Then Hibernate write correctly into ModeVO with cascade="save-update" What is wrong in my mappging? Devis [code]

74. Triple circual associations

Probably this is a 'Hibernate usage questions and discussions' post: Hibernate version: 3.0.1 Name and version of the database you are using: MSSQL 2000 I have three classes: User, Account, Location. Each user has some accounts, each account has some locations, but each user can only see defined locations. So I have 6 many-to-many associations. But when I wan't to show ...

75. one-to-many association

Hi, I have a mapping for Class A, with properties id, lifecycleId and processingStatus and Class B with properties id and lifecycleId. Class A has a collection of Class B and hence i have a set with one-to-many association on lifecycleId and lazy=false in my mapping for A. Is it possible to configure the mapping, so that hibernate tries to load ...

76. Association Issue

77. Association guidelines

78. One-To-One associations

Hi, i am new to hibernate and want to config the following ont-to-one relation (it's an extract, not the real model): Code: ----------------- ---------------- | TASK | ...

79. Help to complete my one-to-many association

Hi Friends, I have been struggling to get through one-to-many association for my simple case of associating User with Qualification(s). I have overridden hashCode and equals methods and my mapping looks as below. . . . . . . . ...

80. Automatic dirty checking and many-to-many associations

Newbie Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:19 pm Posts: 11 I am trying to work with many-to-many association, and I try to adapt Item, Category and CategorizedItem that you can find in CaveatEmptor to my tables. I have two tables: INTERNADOS and FAMILIARES, with a many-to-many association. That association (table INTERNADOS_FAMILIARES) has an attribute: acargo, that is a boolean. Familiares is ...

81. Hibernate one-to-many association

Hi, Can anyone help me on this simple example that I found in web? When I try to insert a House object after having set Students collection, it hangs for the release of lock and stops. Mapping files ===========

82. bidi association: bug or my mistake

[code] ... .... .... ... ...

83. Help with imbedded one-to-many associations

This is driving me crazy. I have three tables: User, Tab, Tile. I also have three associated classes with the same names. The primary key of User is userID, the primary key of Tab is userID and tabName, the primary key of Tile is userID, tabName, and tileName. Tab has a foreign key of userID pointing to the parent User record, ...

84. Hibernate Association - How deep it should be for entr appln

Or is it good design to implement association for every foreign-key relatioships???? For ex, teacher and examination relational tables, in whch examination has a field say Supervisor which refers the teacher tables ID. For this schenario, do I need to implement association using Teacher object in Examination or just go with having declaring a Long variable for teacher's ID in Examination ...

85. Easy question - Trying to understand better associations

Hello everyone, This is a very easy question, but I must ask it. I have read hibernate's first steps, but i still didn't really understand the associations. Let's say I have 2 classes: Order and Items. Each class Order has many class Items. So it's a one to many association, right? So, to implement it... I must create a property like ...

86. one-to-one associations - need help

Hi, I would like to map a one to one association between the Tickler and Demographic table tickler -------- tickler_no PK demographic_no .... demographic --------------- demographic_no All the examples i found don't allow you to use the (demographic_no) as the column which maps the relation as apposed to the PK. I've only been able to map this relation as a one ...

87. Filtered Association

88. many-to-many AND many-to-one for same association?

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Name and version of the database you are using: mySQL 4.1.14 I've got my application working fine apart from one issue. I have a many to many association between A and B. In the mapping files these are explicitly called many to many. However, I need to store some extra information about the association. There is an extra ...

90. Two associations with nodes (EntityMode.DOM4J)

Hello- I know the EntityMode.DOM4J stuff is experimental, but I'm curious if I've found a limitation or something that I'm doing wrong. I've used the test/org/hibernate/test/dom4j/AB.xml mapping file (modified below) and the test/org/hibernate/test/dom4j/ (unmodified) to demonstrate what I"m trying to do. I want to have two sets (B,C) referenced from a parent class (A). So I added a new entity (C) ...

91. A simple many-to-one association stumps me!

92. Dirty Read on associations

Hi: For some reason I am getting the following error "Dirty Key" error when doing a simple select on the database for this object. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong or give me any similar experiences that may point me in the right direction of resolving this? Thanks, Alex. [com.t.ccs.adminRouting.model.po.SkillsetAdmin.skillsetSiteAssociations#com.t.ccs.adminRouting.model.po.SkillsetAdminKey@9de5b[skillsetName=ab_adsl_service,configID=1]], was: [com.t.ccs.adminRouting.model.po.SkillsetAdmin.skillsetSiteAssociations#com.t.ccs.adminRouting.model.po.SkillsetAdminKey@9de5b[skillsetName=ab_adsl_service,configID=1]] ##PEM com.t.ccs.adminRouting.model.po.SkillsetSiteAssociationAdmin.configID is dirty Hibernate version: 2.1.6 ...

93. Many-to-Many Association with one-to-many

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: %%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%% org.hibernate.MappingException: Foreign key (FK657EFC4EA1D5846:pages [page_id])) must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key (explainers_books [explainer_id,book_id]) at org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey.alignColumns( at org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey.setReferencedTable( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.secondPassCompileForeignKeys( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.secondPassCompile( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory( at com.zaid.model.hibernate.SessionFactory.currentSession( at com.zaid.struts.action.GetAddressesAction.execute( at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform( at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process( at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process( at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( ...

94. Creating Java Associations vs. Using finders methods.

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp I have question. First, I have two objects A and B that have a one-to-many association from A to B and many-to-one from B to A. Is it appropriate to have a physical Java Object association on only object B. For example B.setA(A) and not have A.getBs().add(B). This is similar to ...

95. Many-To-One association throwing ObjectNotFoundException

Hibernate version: 3.1.1 Hello there! I have three entities: Subscriber Product Package Subscriber has a one-to-many relationship to Product (mapped as a Set) and Product has a many-to-one relation ship to packate Package What's happening (Ok I'm affraid it might be an constraint violation of the DB, but please read on...) Subscriber has 3 products 2 of them have a corresponding ...

96. one to many association

Newbie Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:47 am Posts: 9 Location: India While inserting the data in section master i am facing the Exception as 13:20:25,906 ERROR [BasicPropertyAccessor] IllegalArgumentException in class: beans.master.CatalogueMaster, getter method of property: catalogueId While fetching the data(which is manually inserted by insert query through DB) from section master i got this exception 15:19:51,187 INFO [STDOUT] Exception in ...

97. New Association Question

Newbie Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:53 pm Posts: 5 Location: Boston, MA Hi, This is a newbie question, any help would be appreciated. I've read over the quickstart guide, FAQ, chapter 2 of the book, etc, and I must be missing something simple because I just can't get this association to work. The complete details are below: basically the classes ...

98. Navigating association creatCriteria() 15.4

99. Amazing association

Dear Friens, i work with Hibernate for two years,but i never found something that i wasn't capable to fix it. But this time, i have problemns. I have the follow legacy model: Table1: (Search) PK: searchid. Table2: (Questions) PK: searchid, questionNumber(questionnumber is not a sequence, is only a number to identify the question in the Search. The value is always 1, ...

100. nullable many-to-one association