Foreign Key « Association « JPA Q&A

1. JPA : many-to-many - only one foreign key in the association table

I mapped two classes in a ManyToMany association with these annotations :

public abstract class TechnicalItem extends GenericBusinessObject implements Resumable{

    @SequenceGenerator(name="TECHNICAL_ITEM_ID_GEN", sequenceName="TECHNICAL_ITEM_ID_SEQ")

2. Hibernate- one-to-many association on a foreign key

Check the Hibernate documenatation once again. In the many-to-one and one-to-many chapters carefully compare the mapping scheme with the create statements. Do you see? Intuitively (and in real world) an address belongs to a person and not the reversed way. The same story goes on for many other cases. If you want to link the address with one or more persons ...

4. Foreign key is missing by one-to-one association

Hi, i have a problem by saving a one-to-one association I have two tables/classes: One and Two One has the columns id and two_id (foreign key) Two has the columns id and value I want to save a object from One and the Two-object should be saved automaticly. It works, but the two_id in the table One is missing, after entrying. ...

5. Association with Foreign Key

Hi all, I'm hitting a problem when trying to create a one-to-many association on a column that is not the primary key. I have database 2 tables, Issuer and EquityRatio with the one-to-many from Issuer to EquityRatio. The column in Issuer is R1_TICKER and the column in EquityRatio is TICKER. The problem we seem to be having is that when Hibernate ...

6. one-to-many associations of foreign keys to existing tables

I am having trouble creating a one-to-many relationship between two existing classes that each have their own DB tables with their own primary keys. If I was not using Hibernate, I would simply creating another, associating table with 2 columns, 'aId' and 'bId' for classes A and B. However, everything I have tried based upon the existing sample files and the ...

8. foreign key contraint used for 'any' association

Hi, Just the document stated, it is impossible to specify a foreign key constraint for 'any' association. But I find the ddl generated by schema export tool still generates foreign key constraint. My hbm and generated ddl are as follows:

10. Hibernate association via foreign key

I am trying to create a one-to-many association between two tables (no join table), where the column used to link the two tables is not primary key for the first table, and is only part of the primary key for the second table. I always get exception (refer below for details). Could someone please help me with the Hibernate mapping file? ...

11. Hibernate association via foreign key

12. Foreign key not populated for one-to-many association

Newbie Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:03 pm Posts: 9 This is my first post to the hibernate forum and I hope that this is not a stupid question. I am trying to write a simple one-many association between a Customer and Account. I am trying to insert Account and Customer into the database. What I am seeing is that foreign ...

13. [HELP] One-To-One association and Foreign Key

Hi all, I have a quite newbie question for you. I have my app with a simple One-To-One association and I have a problem managing the foreign key between the two associated class. Domain objects: Code: public class Fonte { private int idFonte; private String nome; ...