generate « Annotation « JPA Q&A

1. @Generated annotaion

I have an entity which has a non key column that I've set it as auto generated in my DB. I cannot use @GeneratedValue because it works only for key fields as ...

2. Hibernate annotation generation IDE support

Hi All, We are moving towards using Hibernate annotations so wanted to understand which IDE supports generation of annotation based POJO files. I saw NetBeans but it has reverse engineering for the hbm xml file generation but not annotation based (correct me if I'm wrong). Eclipse based myEclipse plugin seems to have annotation based POJO support but its a paid product ...

3. Hibernate Doesnot generate Annotation

4. JDK 5 annotations in generated Java code?

I'm trying to find out if it is possible to put something in my mapping files (.hbm.xml) to get hbm2java to include some JDK 5 annotations on the classes/fields/methods it produces. For example, is there a way to get Hibernate to put @SomeAnno(somevalue) above each field or each method? I'm fairly new to Hibernate and code generation technologies, so very clear, ...

6. XML and generate ORM vs. annotate Java and generate XML

For maintaing the ORM layer, what are the pros and cons / best practices with these two approaches: 1. Maintain XML files for the DB mapping. From these you can auto-generate Java ORM objects and the SQL needed to create the database schema. 2. Maintain Java ORM objects, and annotate them with the DB column information. Use this to generate XML ...