1. Create a custom JPA temporal annotation stackoverflow.comI want some of mycoulmns in the JPA entity to take values from database during inserts/updates, i.e from Oracle sys_context, I believe JPA temporal annotation includes database generated timestamps during insert/updates, ... |
2. How do I get Hibernate to call my custom typedef? stackoverflow.comI'm trying to define a CompositeUserType to handle a specific type in my JPA/Hibernate app. I have a CompositeUserType called ApplicationMessageType that is designed to handle my mapping. According to what ... |
3. Custom methods don't EVER get callled, even when annotations are on the method? stackoverflow.comIn my Entity objects I put all JPA annotations on fields. They work well with Project Lombok which generates all getters and setters for me, greatly simplifying my code. EDIT: This seems to ... |
4. Problem whne used custom squence name in JPA (hibernate) annotations coderanch.comHi Ranchers, I am facing one problem while using my predefined squence in the generator. Below are the details. I have created a table student with column id, `sname` 'sroll`,`scourse` and PRIMARY KEY (`id`) The persistence xml have below data |
5. Problem definining custom PropertyAccessor using annotation forum.hibernate.orgHi We are migrating from Hibernate 3.2.0.GA to 3.6.0.Final. We use annotations to define mapping of persistence objects and encountered a problem with our use of @AccessType. Regular fields are accessed using Hibernate's default accessor, but collection fields we want to access using our own implementation of PropertyAccessor. Here is a snapshot of how we use annotations to define such a ... |
6. Custom Annotation forum.hibernate.org |
7. Custom Annotation on Custom Persister forum.hibernate.orgHow do you deploy a class with custom annotations on JBoss? We have annotated a POJO with the following annotations: @Entity @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(persister=custom-persister) @Table(name=TEST) @CustomAnnotation(value=test) We can retrieve the custom annotation on the class when we test outside the container. However, when the class is passed to our custom-persister, the only annotation on the class is org.hibernate.annotations.Entity. We placed the jar file ... |
8. Custom Types with Annotations forum.hibernate.orgHi, I read a little bit about customs types in Hibernate and implemented a class for my use. But my problem is, that I do not find any example, how I add my UserType implementation to my class to be mapped by Hibernate using Annotations. All examples, that I found, are using the xml configuration file, which I do not want ... |
9. Using a custom collection with Hibernate annotations forum.hibernate.orgHi, I have browsed this forum and the annotations documentation but couldn't find any answer. I am trying to persist a bean which holds a customized implementation of java.util.map but I can not have it working with Hibernate annotations... The error message is : Illegal attempt to map a non collection as a @OneToMany, @ManyToMany or @CollectionOfElements How can I specify ... |