CollectionId « Annotation « JPA Q&A

1. Duplicate results despite using CollectionId annotation

Newbie Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:23 am Posts: 7 Hi, I have a simple model where a Parent has a unidirectional ManyToMany relation with a Child and the child has a unidirectional OneToMany relation with a Toy. The ManyToMany relation is (obviously) via a join table, which has a surrogate PK that is used for the CollectionID, and the OneToMany ...

2. CollectionId annotation problem. Help!!

Hello All I am trying to create a idbag using annotation. Here is the code: @org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionOfElements @org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionId( columns = @Column(name = "collId"), type = @org.hibernate.annotations.Type(type = "int"), generator = "int" ) @JoinTable( name="OwnerCollection", joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="FK_ownerId")} ) @Column(name="collStr") public Collection getColl() { return coll; } public void setColl(Collection coll) { this.coll = coll; } The above code fails while executing following sql: /* ...