| | 3. JTreeCombo | By: | JGraph, Ltd | License: | Commercial | URL: | http://www.jgraph.com/swing.html | Description: | JTreeComboBox is a compact Java Swing combo edit box that provides JTree-like functionality in a pull-down combo style. It is ideal for file system selection without creating FileChoosers by simplifying the user space available. JTreeComboBox makes finding the appropriate entry in a long list easier by enabling grouping. An ideal application is finding a particular name in a huge list of world cities. Imagine the user enable to find the continent they are looking for, then the country and finally selecting the city in far more manageable list. It is these little details that make up good user experience great.
4. Feature-rich tree for hierarchical representation of data. | By: | Elegant MicroWeb Technologies Pvt. Ltd. | License: | Commercial | URL: | http://www.elegantjbeans.com/tree | Description: | ElegantJ Tree Bean has all the features that you need to create a dynamically created data driven tree. It provides the best performance to suit your need of large number of nodes and levels in a tree. This JAVABean can handle large volume of data at unmatched speeds - let the data be in local computer or on server.
5. AWT Tree | By: | Infragistics | License: | Commercial | URL: | http://www.infragistics.com/products/navigation_java.asp | Description: | Create eye-appealing, feature-rich treeviews for web site navigation and Java applications. The Infragistics AWT tree is fully customizable with advanced sorting, searching, multi-selection and node images. Our tree extends JTree to add advanced drag and drop capabilities, check boxes and complete customization of colors, fonts and images.
6. JFC Explorer UI | By: | Infragistics | License: | Commercial | URL: | http://www.infragistics.com/products/explorerui_java.asp | Description: | Winner of both JDJ Editor's Choice and Java Pro Reader's Choice awards. Our JFC explorer component delivers a familiar explorer interface that allows users to drill-down through hierarchical data structures and display corresponding tables or custom Java panels in the right-hand pane. The Infragistics explorer allows you to maintain the look and feel your users are familiar with, as you convert legacy applications to the Java environment.
7. VisualSoft JBTree | By: | VisualSoft Technologies | License: | Commercial | URL: | http://www.visualmart.com/java/jbtree.asp | Description: | VisualSoft JBTree is an easy-to-use tree component that helps you to customize the contents in a hierarchical manner or the tree style.
8. RTree Visual Designer | By: | J4L | License: | Commercial | URL: | http://www.java4less.com/applet_tree_menu_e.htm | Description: | You can use RTree and RMenu to include dynamic menus in your website. The tree/menu is an extension of Panel and therefore you can use it also in your Java[TM] applications.