List of Free code SDK
2.0.1.GA2 iOS Classes
Just somewhere to shove my mods of Titanium SDK changes. -
8digits iOS SDK
iOS SDK for 8digits. -
addlive ios sdk tutorials
Tutorials covering AddLive iOS SDK. -
AdFlake Client iOS
AdFlake Client SDK for iOS. -
adjust ios sdk
This is the iOS SDK of AdjustIo. -
adjust unity sdk
This is the Unity SDK of AdjustIo. -
Advertiser SDK
A collection of Vungle SDKs for download attribution. -
AirGuitar SDK
SDK for Air Guitar Move Appcessory. iOSDevCamp 2012 San Jose project. -
alfresco appcelerator sdk
Private repo for hybrid mobile project work. -
amazon login ios sdk
Amazon Login IOS SDK. -
apigee ios sdk
The iOS SDK for everything Apigee. -
aping ios sdk
iOS SDK for APING. -
Proof of Concept of APISENSE portability on iOS. -
Appacitive iOS SDK
iOS SDK for the Appacitive platform. -
Apple Cinnamon SDK
The Apple Cinnamon SDK allows for the rapid development of applications for Apple's IOS. It includes world class auto layout techniques. -
appurify sdk example
Example application using the Appurify SDK. -
Artisan SDK
Repository for the Artisan SDK Distribution Files, as specified by the Artisan CocoaPods deployment. -
auto screenshot ios
Auto screenshot SDK from OneSky. -
Aviary SDK
Aviary SDK with FULL cocoapod support. -
AviaryIos Sdk
Mirror of Aviary iOS SDK. -
Awesomium implementation for the CryEngine 3 free SDK. -
aws sdk ios
Official mirror of the AWS SDK for iOS. For more information on the AWS SDK for iOS, see our web site:. -
iOS SDK for -
beachfront io ios sdk
iOS SDK for Beachfront.iO. -
betable ios air sdk
An adobe native extension that interfaces with the Betable iOS SDK. -
betable ios sdk
The official Betable iOS SDK. -
Mirror of the Bing Maps iOS SDK. -
BitBucket iOS SDK
This is a iOS SDK for BitBucket to help developers build iOS Applications. -
bright bot sdk
New repo for SDK. -
bsl sdk
BSL SDK for Native Module Development. -
Mac SDK for -
Butterfly SDK
iOS SDK for ButterflyRadio. -
bv ios sdk
Bazaarvoice iOS SDK for Developers. -
User + Screen Recording iOS SDK. -
Cauly SDK
Cauly SDK 3 with helper. -
collector ios
Ios Collector SDK for -
countly sdk ios
Countly Mobile Analytics iOS SDK. -
CRAccessoryKit SDK
Cregle iPen2 iOS Software Development Kit. -
Crittercism SDK iOS
An *unofficial* git clone of the Crittercism SDK for iOS to use as a submodule. -
The official SDK for datownia. -
Simple Text Justify control for iOS SDK. -
Debug Controller
An iOS SDK singleton responsible of displaying a generic debug controller. -
DMOfferWall SDK
DMOfferWall SDK for iOS. -
douban sdk
an version of douban sdk which use DBSBJSON. -
EasyText SDK
SDK for EastText service integration. -
engage sdk ios
Silverpop Engage SDK for iOS. -
epsonPrint SDK
Epson iOS Print SDK. -
evernote sdk ios
Evernote SDK for iOS. -
everyplay ios sdk
Everyplay SDK for iOS. -
expanz iOS SDK
expanz ThinRIA SDK for iOS. -
FAADNetwork SDK Unity version. -
facepp ios sdk
Face++ SDK for iOS. -
Projeto do livro iOS SDK Development. -
Simple project using Redpark Serial SDK. -
Flurry iOS
Flurry SDK for iOS repository for Cocoapods podspec. -
Forza6 SDK
Sviluppo moduli per Forza6. -
FreshBooks iOS SDK
Everything you need to start using FreshBooks in your application. -
G6Pay Video SDK
With the G6Pay Video SDK you can earn money by displaying video ads inside your own appp. -
Gemini SDK
Gemini iOS Lua SDK. -
geni ios sdk
Geni SDK for iOS. -
GeoAds iOS SDK
Geo Ads is a third party platform for geolocalised deals. -
Quick example of using UTFGrid interactivity with the MapBox iOS SDK callouts. -
gnustep gui sony
GNUstep GUI v. 0.17.1 w/ modifications by Sony for SNAP SDK 1.2.2. -
greystripe ios sdk
Greystripe SDK for iOS. -
Hatena Bookmark iOS SDK
Integrate Hatena Bookmark into your application. -
helpshift ios sdk examples
Examples for integrating the Helpshift iOS SDK. -
Hockey SDK iOS
The official iOS SDK for the HockeyApp service (Releases are in the master branch, current development in the default develop branch). -
Hockey SDK Mac
The official Mac SDK for the HockeyApp service. It contains a crash reporter that checks at startup whether your application crashed last time it was launched, then offers to send that information to the HockeyApp service. It supports Mac OS X >= 10.5, Intel architectures and also the Mac Sandbox. -
IBApi member
IBistu ios SDK member(inlcude X509 RSA). - Verify SDK iOS
A native iOS SDK for interfacing with the platform. -
The Instant Lab SDK for iOS. -
ionicons iOS
Easily use ionicons in your native SDK iOS projects. -
ios client sdk
iOS Client SDK for OAuthX. -
ios cloudfiles
Rackspace Cloud Files SDK for iOS. -
ios dev
my first dev on ios sdk. -
ios example
ios payment sdk
Appota Payment SDK for iOS. -
ios practice
iOS SDK Practice Repository. -
Estimote SDK for iOS devices. -
iOS SDK RegularExpressionValidation
Working example of Regular Expression Validation in Objective C and iOS SDK. -
ios sdk tests
Simple tests for various parts of Apple's iOS SDK. -
Using the examples from Lynda iOS SDK Essential Training. -
Experimental development on Titanium Mobile SDK for iOS. -
itsbeta sdk
Repository for itsbeta SDK projects. -
JotTouch SDK
Adonit iOS SDK for the Jot stylus family. -
js ios sdk
Jaspersoft Mobile SDK for iOS. -
klout ios starter
Starter kit for KloutPass iOS SDK. -
An *unofficial* git clone of the Korg WIST SDK to use as a submodule. -
kroll lua
An extension module for the kroll microkernel (used in Titanium and Tide SDK ) which adds support for lua. -
Everlapse SDK for iOS. -
Block based SDK for iOS and Mac OS X. -
leapCinder objc
leap motion's sdk (obj c) + CocoaCinderGL wrapper (obj c++) + libLeap.dylib script, starting point. -
lemon ios sdk example
Lemon iOS SDK Example (Lemon Store). -
LineaPro TiModule
Titanium Linea Pro / Infinea Tab Module Open Source Used SDK : 1.77 (27. Februar 2013). -
Live SDK for iOS
Live SDK for iOS. -
Lockitron SDK
[In Progress] iOS SDK for Lockitron. -
maas alerts ios sdk
iOS MaaS Alerts & Notifications SDK. -
maas analytics ios sdk
MaaS Analytics iOS SDK. -
maas cms ios sdk
MaaS CMS SDK for iOS. -
mAdserve iOS SDK
iOS SDK for mAdserve mobile adserver. -
MapBox iOS SDK benchmarking tool. -
mixpanel monotouch
MonoTouch bindings for Mixpanel SDK. -
mixpanel objc
Mixpanel ObjC SDK for iOS 5 and up. -
mobile sdk ios
AppNexus iOS Mobile Advertising SDK. -
Titanium Module for Mobilogics SDK. -
Mobli iOS SDK
Mobli connectivity SDK for iOS. -
mocean ios 303
Mocean iOS SDK 3.0.3. -
MokiManage SDK iOS
_((deprecated))_ repo, please go to:. -
monotouch localytics
MonoTouch bindings for Localytics iOS SDK. -
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS binding to MonoTouch. -
Shoutem modifications to MoPub SDK. -
Source Code and Downloads for More iOS6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK (Apress, 2013). -
mqttIO objC
MQTT Client SDK for objective c. -
With MYZazzleStore iOS SDK it's really simple to add a gift shop to your application for your users. -
netease sdk
an version of netease sdk which is writen by someone else but i fix many problems of it. -
Client SDK for NextDay. -
nme testflight
TestFlight SDK for NME. -
Open Source Habrahabr iOS Client SDK. -
objc mailgun
Objective C SDK for Mailgun. -
Some missing, but useful stuff for iOS SDK. -
Odnoklassniki iOS SDK 2
Original OK iOS SDK. -
PayPal SDK Integration into openFrameworks on iOS. -
Addon for openFrameworks which allows using KORG WIST SDK. -
opentok ios sdk
OpenTok iOS video SDK. -
opentok titanium mobile
Titanium module for using Opentok iOS SDK. -
OpenXMSDK CocoaPod
OpenX iOS Mobile SDK CocoaPod. -
OrbBASIC Editor for Mac OSX 10.8+ written on the Sphero Mac SDK. -
Software Development Kit for the Innovate Motorsports OT 1b/OT 2 OBD II Adapter. -
Parse SDK iOS
An *unofficial* git clone of the Parse SDK for iOS to use as a submodule. -
ParseModel iOS
Hassel free data models for the Parse iOS SDK. -
PARWorks iOS
The PAR Works iOS Core SDK. -
pdf417 ios
PDF417 and QR code scanning SDK for iOS. -
pe SDK iOS
SCAi Prize SDK for iOS. -
phonegap example
A PhoneGap example using the evernote js sdk. -
piwik sdk ios
Piwik iOs SDK : a Piwik tracker written in Objective C. -
platform ios clientsdk
Objective C Client SDK for Platform gem. -
player sdk native ios
kaltura player sdk for andorid and ios. -
plus1 conversion ios sdk
Plus1 WapStart Conversion SDK for iOS. -
plus1 ios sdk
WapStart Plus1 iOS SDK. -
Pocket ObjC SDK
Headless iOS/Mac SDK for saving stuff to Pocket. -
pocketchange ios sdk
Pocket Change's iOS SDK. -
Postcard On The Run's iOS and Android SDKs. -
First project in iOS SDK Development book. -
iOS SDK Development Cap?tulo 1. -
publisher sdk ios
publisher sdk for ios. -
Qiniu iOS SDK
Qiniu cloud iOS SDK , cocoapods supported. -
QuickBase SDK
An incomplete SDK for -
Reactive Evernote SDK iOS
Evernote SDK iOS with ReactiveCocoa. -
iOS SDK Development project. -
revenue engine
iOS SDK for revenue optimization. -
RoboMe iOS SDK
iOS SDK for controlling WowWee's RoboMe robot. -
SalesforceMobile SDK iOS mobile SDK for iOS applications. -
SalesforceMobile SDK iOS Package
Contains various installation packages associated with the Salesforce Mobile SDK. -
Scentee SDK iOS
This SDK is for iOS application to emit a fragrant spray via Scentee device. -
The SDK for AppBlade; iOS and Android. -
sdk ios cocoapods
RevMob iOS SDK repository for CocoaPods. -
SDK Network Adaptors
Adaptor classes for Android and iOS for other ad networks and platforms. -
SDKLauncher iOS
A small iOS application to serve as a launcher/testbed for the Readium SDK. -
An objective c wrapper over Sencha Touch Charts SDK. -
An Objective C wrapper for the official SkypeKit SDK. -
SlidePay iOS
Core SDK for SlidePay. -
Snapper SDK in Objective C. -
iOS wrapper for SnowShoe SDK v2. -
spayd sdk ios
An iOS implementation of SPD Smart Payment Descriptor. -
Sphero AR SDK
Sphero's augmented reality SDK. -
Sphero Mac SDK
Sphero SDK for the Mac platform. -
StackMob iOS
StackMob's SDK for accessing the StackMob Services on iOS. -
stackmob ios push sdk
StackMob's SDK for accessing the StackMob Push Service on iOS. -
stackmob ios sdk
The official repository for the StackMob iOS SDK. -
stackmob ios starter
Starter Project for the iOS SDK. -
From iOS SDK Development Beta 2 book from Pragmatic Programmers. -
OS X offline documentation browser for Ruby, Rails and the iOS/Mac OS X SDK. -
taobao's TOP iOS SDK. -
TapForTap SDK
Tap for Tap SDK. -
tapjoy ios sdk
Tap joy SDK for iOS. -
Fork from the official SDK. -
Air Native Extension for the TestFlight SDK (iOS). -
A basic implementation of the Estimote SDK for Titanium/iOS. -
TimelapsePlus iOS SDK
iOS SDK for the Timelapse+ intervalometer. -
Titanium SDK Module. -
titanium ios sdk
Mobeelizer SDK for Titanium. -
titanium singly module
Implements the Singly iOS SDK as a Titanium module. -
A TestFlight SDK implementation for Titanium. -
Ultrasonix .NET SDK
Simple.NET Wrappers for select projects in the Ultrasonix Ultrasound SDK. -
Fuse SDK Unity Wrapper. -
upcloo ios sdk
The base iOS UpCloo SDK. -
UrbanAirship iOS
An *unofficial* UrbanAirship iOS SDK to use as a submodule. -
verve ad ios sdk example
Verve Ad SDK for iOS Example Project. -
Viximo SDK iOS
Viximo SDK for iOS devices. -
Simple VK iOS SDK. -
Vkontakte iOS SDK LV
[iOS] Powerful & flexible Vkontakte iOS SDK Latest Version. -
Vkontakte iOS SDK v1.0
[iOS] Powerful & flexible Vkontakte iOS SDK v1.0. -
vmob ios sdk
iOS SDK and demonstration project. -
WeUnite iOS SDK
The WeUnite iOS SDK. -
WhirlyGlobe SDK
a precompiled version of WhirlyGlobe suitable for use when you don't want to keep compiling the whole thing. -
xad ios sdk
xAd's iOS Publisher SDK. -
Xing SDK
XING SDK for iOS. -
git clone of zbar sdk. -
ZBar SDKTutorial
A tutorial for the ZBar SDK.
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