List of Free code Foursquare
DBSignup View Controller
Signup view for iPhone app (like Foursquare).
Initial workings of the foursquare API with DCTConnectionController + co.
Foursquare API v2
Foursquare API v2 For iOS and MacOS.
Foursquare Example
This sample iOS application consumes Foursquare API to show places to eat nearby.
foursquare ios api
Foursquare API v2 for iOS.
Foursquare Venues iOS
Basic iOS interface for no auth required APIs for Foursquare.
foursquare iOS networking library.
InstaCare iphone
This projects builds an iPhone native application to look up the closest hospitals (and other medical facilities) using the Foursquare API. Build during the hackathon in September 2012.
The KIImagePager is inspired by foursquare's Image Slideshow, the user may scroll through images loaded from the Web.
POI API Example
A project demonstrating Foursquare and Yelp API usage and displaying Points of Interest in a MapView.
Venue Finder
An open source application to locate venues on a map using the foursquare? API.
An Objective C wrapper on top of the Foursquare Venues API.