List of Free code Database
Easy access Core Data SQLite databases via OS X top menu bar.
AJKSqlite Database
A clone of Gus Mueller's fmdb wrapper for sqlite using GCD dispatch queues for (very basic) thread safe access.
iOS interface to Amazon's Simple DB web service.
ARD Inspector
This tools allow you to decrypt the Apple Remote Desktop database (with the need of the Master Password) and access to the registered password.
GUI for the calldata.db database on the iPhone that displays the area code to location mapping.
Belyi Maps
MAGMA code for dealing with Belyi maps database.
Simple comprehensive live reporting of Billings' database.
OS X client for the BMD genealogy database.
BMX Movie Database iPhone App.
CBase Chess
iOS Chess Database app.
NSIncrementalStore implementation that uses CouchDB, TouchDB or CouchbaseLite database for storage, including replication.
Objective C library for chess positions and databases.
The utility contacts gives you access to view and search all your records in the AddressBook database.
couchbase lite ios
Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for iOS (and Mac!) apps.
Mac app for viewing/modifying Couchbase Lite databases.
CouchDBSyncer iOS
iOS library to perform a one way sync of documents and attachments from a couchdb database to a local core data store.
CrashKit catches uncaught exceptions, traps signals, and sends them to developers by email or straight to your bug database.
Automator action that converts a delimiter separated value (CSV) input to SQL suitable for application to a database. Basically the same as Apple's version but with more functions.
A library to import CSV data to the SQLite database on your iPhone.
CXDatabase is a Object Relational Mapping database wrapper on iOS and Mac OS based on FMDatabase.
Simple DAO with Ego Database.
Just a project for test.
Database Example
This is example project show usage of SQLite in iOS.
Database Kit
An Objective C database abstraction framework.
Database ShoppingList
iPhone SDK Development Dudney Adamson Ch10.
Database Skeleton
This code snippet contains basic 'Create','Fetch' and 'Delete' database operations in iPhone using Core Data.
Demon a distributed binary object database framework.
EasyCSV2SQLite makes it easy to convert comma delimited text files to sqlite databases. The primary use would be to include datasets inside development projects. To further enable this, EasyCSV2SQLite will generate objective c code necessary to read the created SQLite database.
Economic Dashboard iOS
A "dashboard" of economic figures, both stocks and key economic figures, which are pulled from Yahoo's stock API and an arbitrary PHP database. Also includes a Socialize ( discussion feature for each dashboard item.
A set of Obj C protocols to wrap the database access. It also provides categories on top of FMDatabase.
forcemodule testclient
Test client for Titanium Module to connect to
Scalable NoSQL database for mobile apps.
Database as a value.
Mac GPU Firmware Database and Editor.
iOS Application for querying AquaBase database at
Database of indian mp's.
A Polyglot Database Client for Mac OS X.
iOS 5.1 WebKitLocalStorage Database PathPreferenceKey Bug
iOS 5.1 introduced a bug that causes an exception when creating a UIWebView after clearing NSUserDefaults *after* having created UIWebView previously.
iOS Demo PhotoLocations
An iOS demo app for Couchbase Mobile: creates simple location tagged database of photos.
iOS OfflineMaps Example
Example of using Offline Maps with Route me and a SQLite database for iOS.
Generate iOS & Android DB CRUD Code for sqlite database. Generate fmdb wrapper for iOS, SQLiteAssetHelper wrapper for Android.
iPhone Calculator
iPhone Calculator with sin, cos, tan operations and ability to save and recall from a SQLite database.
iphone gwiki
Location Aware App for iPhone tied to Gwiki database.
iPhone Tracker
This iOS application uses iOS 4.x Significant Location Change API to log your location to an SQLite file which you can then export via email. There are no outbound network connections and your location is never sent anywhere, just stored in the DB.
How to sync up an iphone app with dropbox and a couchdb database in the cloud.
iOS Library support 5.1+, include data process, in mem cache, file cache, database , network, and UI animations.
KeePass Database loading, storing and manipulation framework.
A book management database for MacOSX.
LLAsset Database
LLAsset Database is a complete index of the ALAssetsLibrary designed to make it possible to search for ALAssets around points in spacetime.
Database tile source for route me and tool to generate the map database.
MapView Demo
Map and DB demo.
China Map Coordinate Fix / WGS84 to Mars Coordinate Conversion without database lookup.
An Objective C database library from mars.
Mathematica package and database of spacetimes.
MFSimple Database
A simple way to use fmdb.
An iPhone Movie Database.
A dynamic database explorer for any Core Data sqlite store, running on your iOS device or on your MAC (in the simulator).
Objective C interface to Google's LevelDB key/value embedded database.
A simple NoSQL database (key value pair) in Objective C. It runs on iOS and OS X.
Objective C GeoIP Library
Lookup countries for IP address using the MaxMind GeoLite Country database.
A library to retrieve data from a remote PLC and store it in a database.
osxgcdb is a Geocaching Database for Mac OS X (not ready for use).
Used to build databases for the Prayer Book app.
Perseus Word Search
A graphical interface for Mac OS X to browse the greek word database of Perseus (
A Mac OS X preference pane for PostgreSQL database.
Pharm App
iPhone app that ties into LexiComp database to aid with over the counter medication choices.
An educational / public engagement app for the RCSB PDB Database.
Quantum database project for CSE 544, graduate database quals class at UW.
QuoteBook is an iPhone application written in Objective C that stores and manages a database of quotes.
Database query IDE for Mac OS X.
RHSQLiteKit wraps an instance of an SQLite.db file and provides an object based wrapper around the db's tables.
A basic OS X utility for interacting with the Riak database.
RWPeople Database
RayWenderlich Obj C Tutorial.
A sample Core Data Model, with model objects and a sample sqlite database.
shift osx
Shift is a database management application for OS X.
shopping list app
A small app that has one shopping list and uses a sqlite database to save the list.
Simple Message Board App
A very basic app to post/get messages to/from a very basic php message board, using a myqsl database.
SimpleDB is a key value persistent database that makes it very easy to store and retrieve data for your application.
A mac app to export your sqlite database with sqlcipher encrypted.
Sqlite Database Builder
Build a sqlite database from json files and plist configuration.
SQLite Demo
sample demo explaining how to use SQLite database in iOS applications for offline/local data storage.
SQLite Demo For iPhone.
Add or Find a Contact using SQLite The focus of this tutorial is the creation of a some iPhone iOS application that is designed to store contact information (names, addresses and telephone numbers) in a SQLite database. In addition to data storage.
Tool to migrate Standard Sqlite Database to Core Data.
A simple Cocoa sqlite viewer and a QuickLook plugin to view sqlite database files.
using FMDB to query the sqlite database.
the tables in the database. The objects are completely self contained you do not need to write SQL or even create a SQLite file. You just subclass an existing class, and your model objects inherit the ability to load and save themselves from the database.
SQLite kit aims to ease working with SQLite databases in Cocoa.
An objective c framework for accessing PostgreSQL databases.
Table Demo
A Demonstration of using a table view with a sqlite3 database that is locally stored.
TiAdvanced Database
Simple module with implemented rs.fetchAllAsJSON() method for result set and DISTANCE function for SQL statements.
Active Record like JS library for Titanium Developer and SQL lite DB.
Simple app that uses a sqlite db to list data.
TouchDB iOS
CouchDB compatible mobile database ; Objective C version.
Ultralite A light weight ORM wrapping SQLite database for iOS.
Ultralite Names Sample ObjC
Sample application using the Sybase Ultralite database.
unity sqlite3
A Unity plugin to manipulate SQLite 3 database.
Web DB Example
iOS app to link to Web Service.