List of Free code jQuery Calendar


  • Calendario
    A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars.
    a jQuery calendar plugin that uses HTML templates.
  • jMonthCalendar
    jMonthCalendar is a full month calendar that supports events written as a jQuery plugin, supports drag and drop and multi day events.
  • jMonthly
    jMonthly is a full month calendar that supports events written as a jQuery plugin, support for drag and drop and multi day events.
  • jquery hcal
    A jquery hcal parser to generate event calendars.
  • jQuery Verbose Calendar
    Another jQuery Calendar. Created as a design experiment. I like how it's turned out :).
  • jquery week calendar
    Now actively maintained in the following fork jquery week calendar.
  • jQuery.gcal
    A Jquery Plugin for getting a google calendar feed from url.
  • jQueryTimeAutocomplete
    jQuery autocomplete plugin that works with times. Works basically the same as Google Calendars time input when you add an event. Example : time drop downs jquery timeautocomplete/.
  • wdCalendar
    wdCalendar is a jquery based google calendar clone. Based on http://www.web plugins demo /wdCalendar/docs/index.htm.

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