List of Free code WebSocket


  • 3 dfoo
    A web based multiplayer 3D game prototype (WebGL, WebSocket).
  • 3D multi shmup prototype
    A prototype multiplayer shmup using WebGL, node.js, and websockets.
  • 5 in a row
    playing with canvas and websockets.
  • Aaaaa space ships combat multiplayer game
    Light weight PHP server + HTML5 Canvas + Websockets, powered by js Game Soup framework for world generation and colisions.
  • ajaxblogging
    Ajax based blogging engine in Node.js and Websockets.
  • android browser websocket
    Enable WebView to support WebSocket client connection.
  • anyevent websocket demo
    AnyEvent based WebSocket chat demo.
  • atmosphere ws pubsub
    Atmosphere WebSockets Publisher Subscriber with Spring mvc 3.
  • AudioStreamer
    Audio streaming demo using node.js, web audio api and WebSocket binary messaging.
    online game like pack man based on HTML5 and websocket.
  • Cast Off
    A multiplayer first person shooter using a Raycasting engine. Client written in HTML5 & JS, Server using node.js. Networking via WebSockets. Probably.
  • Checkers
    Implementation of Checkers IA with Minmax Technic and a Simple WebSocket multiplayer Game.
  • clair
    Clair is an HTML5 + JavaScript + WebSocket VNC viewer/client, which makes use of a server written in node.js.
  • clj wamp example
    Example Clojure WebSockets project using clj wamp and HTTP Kit.
  • DataChannel polyfill
    Web browser polyfill that implement the WebRTC DataChannel API over a websocket.
  • dcpu16 networkhub
    A network hub for DCPU 16 machines based on WebSockets.
  • designo
    Realtime Twitter client exploiting Node.js+Websockets+ HTML5.
  • EasyWebsocket
    like Websocket but no server setup and available in any browser.
  • ejabberd websockets
    An ejabberd component to handle XMPP over Websockets.
  • elb websocket test
    sample for websocket and balancing with ELB.
  • em websocket chat demo
    Basic app for peer to peer chat demo using html5 websocket and event machine.
  • emergence demo
    A GA demo using Websockets, Erlang and HTML5 Canvas.
  • erws
    Erlang Websockets example using Cowboy.
  • faye websocket node
    Standards compliant WebSocket client and server.
  • gamebase gameserver
    A easy to use, basic lobby and game server using WebSockets.
  • grid react connector
    Websocket server for grid react.
  • Growl Chrome Notification
    Notifications Growl pour Google Chrome :: Proof of concept :: HTML5 Web Notification API + WebSocket + NodeJS.
  • GT WebSocket Server
    a nodejs websokcet server.
  • iOS HTML5 Tethering
    A websocket based tethering solution for iOS devices.
  • iphone node gyro
    It's a small tech demo showing an iPhone sending it's gyroscope data to an node.js server (via websocket), the server sends the data via a websocket to a browser and the browser renders via CSS3 3D transformation the orientation of the device on the screen.
  • jQuery.WebSocket
    jQuery plugin for comfortable WebSocket access, built in AJAX long polling fallback and multi logical pipe support.
  • Json Messaging
    A standalone pub/sub messaging server which supports TCP, UDP and latest WebSocket protocol.
  • jsonrpctest
    json rpc over websockets app.
  • juggernaut
    [DEPRECATED] Realtime server push with node.js, WebSockets and Comet.
  • knockout websocket example
    An example of real time collaborative web app using WebSockets and Knockout.
  • lalo
    Lalo, Node.js based IRC server with WebSockets interface.
  • leapmotion nodejs simulator
    A NodeJS simulator for playing back recorded JSON data from a Leap Motion device. The goal of this project is to create a simulation of the devices Websocket for developing Javascript applications without requiring the hardware.
  • live stats.js
    Visualization Tools for live data over WebSockets.
  • loadtest
    Runs a load test on the selected URL or websocket. Easy to extend minimally for your own ends.
  • map crowd reduce
    Massively Distributed Browser based Javascript Map Reduce Framework. node.js + (websockets) + webworkers + fun = global warming.
  • MediaStream
    HTML5 getUserMedia, Video, Canvas and WebSockets Experiment.
  • mediengewitter
    Mediengewitter (= german for media thunderstorm) is a node.js framework to push images to all connected clients via websockets.
  • mojomber
    Bomberman clone using HTML5 Canvas , WebSockets and... Mojolicious!.
  • muddy
    A MUD client in your browser usin' node.js & websockets.
  • Nettosphere Sample
    This application uses Nettoshpere ( and Atmosphere ( framework to create a simple 'server to client' websocket based streaming application.
  • node arenaqueue
    MMO Arena Queue System for Competitive Match Play on NodeJS with WebSockets. Primarily focused on iPad/ iPhone /Chrome/Safari Web MMOs.
  • Node Game Tactics
    Massive (*cough*) RTS with Node and WebSocket.
  • node websocket client
    A Web Socket client for NodeJS.
  • node websocket server
    [DEPRECATED] A WebSocket server written in low level node.js, should be 90 100% spec compatible.
  • node webstream
    Stream api for node.js websockets.
  • node xmpp bosh
    An XMPP BOSH & WebSocket server (connection manager) written on node.js using Javascript.
  • node.websocket.js
    WebSocket compatible realtime HTTP server implemented with Node.JS.
  • nodejs http websocket
    [OUTDATED] node.js WebSocket implementation on top of the stdlib HTTP server.
  • NodeMonitor
    A distributed server monitoring system written in Javascript for Node.JS that uses WebSockets to show server info in near real time from the browser.
  • nodestalgia
    A Logstalgia port with Node.js, Canvas and WebSockets.
  • ofMarSongBrowser
    HTML5 (WebSockets, Database , Audio, SVG) based Song Similarity Browser.
  • onlytcp
    node.js pure tcp socket server , no websocket!.
  • orchid
    Websocket based distributed event network.
  • php websockets demos
    This repo contains both web viewable presentations slides in addition to three PHP websocket demos that you may setup and run locally. All of these demos utilize Ratchet and React PHP.
  • playpainter
    A simple Play 2 framework , Canvas and WebSocket experiment where many users can paint their draws simultaneously on a Canvas.
  • PlayWebsocketProgressBar Sample
    A sample of use of WebSocket with Play Framework 2 using Scala to make a progress bar. The sample also makes use of AngularJS and Akka.
  • pomelo robot
    the client test framework for websocket.
  • prowler
    canvas and websockets demo.
  • pubbage undecimal
    A websocket based controller for a remote game.
  • rawkets
    Massively multiplayer space game utilising HTML5 canvas and WebSockets.
  • rcl
    A websocket bridge for debug logging from browser to server.
  • realtimetraffic
    Realtime Traffic is a Linux realtime trafic monitoring tool, graphing rx and tx of a Linux network interface in realtime to any modern web browser supporting WebSockets and SVG. If you ever need to know what is going on on your Linux Server right now and ASCII charts are not enough this tool tool gives you the traffic statistics you ever wanted.
  • rev websocket
    WebSocket server implementation based on Rev.
  • Rumpetroll
    Rumpetroll is a massive multiplayer experiment. It's purpose was to try out new open web technologies like WebSockets and Canvas.
  • scenejs node ws examples
    Experiments with SceneJS and HTML5 WebSockets.
  • SendGrid Markdown Demo
    This is a demo using Node.js and websockets to send markdown formatted emails powered by SendGrid.
  • shareDesk
    ShareDesk is a web based file sharing tool build on node.js, websockets(, HTML5 /CSS3, jQuery. It is compatible with newest version of chrome, firefox, safari.
  • showmetheslides
    WebSocket slideshow presentation and chat server !.
  • sinatra websocket rack example
    Clean example of using websocket rack with Sinatra.
  • sketchpad
    A multi user 3D sketchpad made using blur.js, Canvas , Javascript and Websockets.
  • SkillHunter
    A MMORPG developed using OOP Javascript, HTML5`s Canvas and Node.js with websocket communication.
  • smog
    HTML5 /Node/WebSocket MongoDB panel.
  • snucode
    A realtime collaborative text editor with syntax highlighting using websockets via the Socketstream (Node.js) library.
    Realtime application framework for Node.JS, with HTML5 WebSockets and cross browser fallbacks support.
  • sockjs client
    WebSocket emulation Javascript client.
  • sockshootout
    Comparing WebSockets vs. jQuery AJAX using Tornado.
  • socky client js
    Socky is a WebSocket server and client for Ruby.
  • springMVC atmosphere comet websockets
    Integrating Atmosphere Framework into a SprinMVC web application. Example uses the Spring Twitter API's within this example.
    XMPP over Websocket, without the need to touch any XML by using JSON like stanza objects.
  • stomp websocket
    Stomp client for Web browsers and node.js apps.
  • TeamPoker
    A realtime agile planning web app powered by HTML5 WebSocket and nodejs/Socket.IO.
  • tiws
    a very simple Titanium module (iOS / Android ) for creating native websockets.
  • tuppari
    The client library for Tuppari (= experimental implimentation of unbreakable message broadcasting system using WebSocket and Amazon Web Services).
  • tweamer
    Twitter Streaming API + Node.js + WebSocket Demo.
  • ubuntu server api
    HTTP friendly API for managing Ubuntu Servers. Speaks HATEOS and Websockets.
  • videostream pusher pipe
    Sending a stream of images over websockets using pusher pipe and node.
  • wander
    Making a 2D multiplayer sandbox game with HTML5 Canvas + Node.js + WebSockets + JQuery.
  • waterunderice
    Resumable, asynchronous file uploads using WebSockets in HTML 5 compliant browsers.
  • wave node
    An implementation of the Google Wave Gadget API using Node and websockets.
  • Web RTC
    Real time communication with PeerConnection API , websockets and node.js.
  • web3 celluloid
    Notifications with websockets using Celluloid::IO and em websockets code for parsing the protocol.
  • webinos pzp
    Webinos PZP A TLS client to a Personal Zone, A TLS Server to allow other PZPs to connect and a WebSocket Server to server widgets and browser.
  • WebOpt
    Websocket push animation and canvas animation.
  • websocket activemq camel
    Example showing How to use HTML5 WebSocket with Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Camel.
  • websocket bench
    nodejs tool to benchmark and faye websocket server.
  • websocket flash js
    Lightweight HTML5 WebSocket via Flash.
  • websocket kinect
    Streams Kinect data over binary WebSockets to web clients , which visualise using Three.js/WebGL (currently Chrome and Firefox 11+ only).
  • websocket multiplex
    A thin library for doing multiplexing on top of SockJS.
  • websocket rack
    WebSocket server basing on Rack.
  • websocket server node.js
    A Web Socket server for local use written in JavaScript, using node.js.
  • websocket spring examproject
    an example of websocket servlet with spring ioc.
  • websocket stream
    websockets with the node stream api.
  • WebSocketBook
    A comprehensive guide to HTML5 WebSocket (see the book: Guide HTML5 WebSocket Apress/dp/1430247401).
  • WebsocketPaint
    Based on the HTML5 websocket& canvas paint.
  • websockets chess
    Experimenting with the HTML5 canvas tag to create a representation of a chess game.
  • websockets demo
    HTML5 WebSockets demo and framework for creating WebSockets demos.
  • websockets examples
    WebSocket examples for varied talks.
  • WebSockets Pong
    **On hold due to security concerns about the WebSocket protocol** Chatroulette style Pong using WebSockets, Sinatra and jQuery.
  • websockets talk
    Samples from the WebSockets talk.
  • websockify
    Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/ server /service. Implementations in Python, C, Node.js and Ruby.
  • webspec
    Spectate a TF2 server from a browser via WebSockets & Canvas.
  • webtrek
    Wherein I try learning node.js + websockets + canvas for gaming fun.
  • ws rpc
    Lightweight RPC support for the ws WebSocket server.
    Example websocket server. Uses URLs for rooms.
  • Yapper
    HTML5 WebSockets and SSE demo with Node.

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