List of Free code String
4th String Leagues
4th String Leagues is a sports video game community site.
A little JavaScript library for creating string ranges.
adaptive detection
This module allows you to detect iOS and Android devices using user agent string.
angular l10n
Support l10n (localization, i.e. string translation) for angular.js modules with directive `trans`. Support multi locale id and plurals.
Tiny JavaScript library for string manipulation.
atropa string
JavaScript utilities for manipulating strings.
balloon detector
Detects balloons from a png as string.
Bop is a very fast Boyer Moore parser/matcher for string or buffer patterns. It is optimized for using with pattern lengths <= 255 bytes.
Convert string with bracket notation to dot property notation for Node.js and the browser.
node byte string parser.
Match a string using named params, or regexes, and get something back.
String case utitility: convert, identify, flip, extend.
Terminal string styling done right Node.js module.
A default user interface and string API for Quail.
JavaScript comments library, help you to create a variety of comment String.Single line, block comments.HTML,CSS,Javascript comments.
closest match
Find the closest match for a string from an array of matches, using string distance.
Simple templating with coffee script string interpolation.
component html
A plugin to automatically convert HTML to Javascript strings for the component builder.
convert hex
Convert to/from hex string and array of bytes.
convert string
Convert to/from strings and array of bytes.
A conversion library to cast different types using adaption. Implementation has schemaish examples and most examples are for string conversion. Used in formish.
Generate a CSS selector string to target the given node.
A JavaScript library for escaping CSS strings and identifiers while generating the shortest possible ASCII only output.
JS Library to detect browser, os and device based on the UserAgent String.
Compare two strings to see what has changed, and perform some string manipulation.
ember. string .interpolate
Adds interpolated string computed properties to Ember (i.e. no more unreadable getter concatenation).
string transformation framework for javascript.
es6 template strings
Compile and resolve template strings notation as specified in ES6.
A Unicode aware string reverser written in JavaScript.
JavaScript library to generate a human readable String describing the file size.
Simple String Variable Replacement Formatter #node #browser.
approximate (fuzzy) string matching in JavaScript.
fuzzy string matching for use in autocompleters.
creates random string. (A Z, a z, 0 9).
get cal
Convert a string into a calendar item.
A quick way to read into a string.
Four string instrumentation for breaking down the classroom silos.
Find group of characters in a string.
grunt java properties
Copies files while performing string interpolation from Java properties files.
grunt replace
Replace text patterns with a given string.
grunt string replace
Replace strings on files by using string or regex patters.
grunt YHtmlToJs
a grunt tast for read the block area html to js string variable.
MVVM string template engine based on knockout.js and ember.js.
Simple hex string encoder/decoder.
HTML save string utilities.
identifier identification
A JavaScript prollyfill for the proposed ` String.isIdentifierStart` and ` String.isIdentifierPart` methods, based on the March 8, 2013 draft of the strawman.
indyscala string interpolation
Slides and sample code for 2013 01 07 String Interpolation talk at #IndyScala meetup.
Recognize food ingredient from raw Chinese string.
javascript string metrics
Javascript methods to compute String Metrics.
JavaScript Strings
JavaScript Strings Homework Tasks.
JS Backtracking String wordbreak and 8 queen problem
Iterative approach (stack based) to solve string wordbreak and 8 queen in JavaScript.
A JavaScript library for escaping JavaScript strings while generating the shortest possible valid ASCII only output.
jsonml stringify
Convert jsonml arrays to html strings.
String Calculator kata attempts.
keyword extractor
NPM package for creating a keyword array from a string and excluding stop words.
kite string
Node.js based web server and clients for remotely controlling active web browser sessions.
Knockout External Templates And ViewModels
Library to allow the dynamic loading of view models for templates. View models specified in the template binding string.
l33t Generator, base string cypher to text to l33t.
lexicographic integer
create lexicographic string keys for positive integers without zero padding.
a javascript library that parses and exposes links found in string data.
Minimalist API for string localization.
localized String
JavaScript string localization implementation.
Lotus Templating
JavaScript string templating experiment.
Left pad each line in a string or stdout/stderr Node.js module.
Steganography cheap trick hide string data in the least significant bits of an array.
matches selector
Check if an element matches a given selector string.
mimetype js
A mime type catalog for mapping file extensions to their mime type string.
Produces a canonical string from a array of atoms representing a molecular structure.
moneytostr russian
The tool to convert currency to string in English/Russian/Ukrainian languages.
node buildbot github
A service which receives webhook events when a comment is added to a pull request and triggers a Buildbot build when a comment with trigger string defined in a config is found in a pull request.
node emoji random
Creates a random emoji string. This is as useless as it gets.
node exparser
A string scanner/parser for finding sequences of expressions.
node historian
Command line pasteboard string storage in node.js.
node icu wordsplit
`npm install icu wordsplit` Break string into words in many many languages. Simple icu boundary analysis module bindings for node.js.
node keysym
Convert among X11 keysyms, unicodes, and string names in node.js.
node linkscrape
A Node.js module to scrape and normalize links from an HTML string.
node ridict
Node module for doing Regressive Imagery Dictionary string finding.
node strsplit
split a string by a regular expression.
number string representation
Take a decimal number and convert it to its string representation in node.js.
paper cups
A small cozy web chat app, like paper cups and a string back in the days. Usually surrounded by lots of French chatter?.
A multi line string parsing utility.
Parser the Programming Language string to Syntax tree.
A Javascript micro library for string substitutions.
persistent hash trie
Pure string :val storage, using structural sharing.
Web interface to control a string of WS2801 LED Pixels from a Raspberry Pi.
HTML5 plucking string based on Paper.js.
Pomo is a JS implementation of GNU gettext in a compact module; it reads PO files, eventually MO files, and can load them from AJAX , special <link> tags and literal strings.
Parse immediate identifiers from a js expression string (useful for template engines).
String Util library for javascript.
Qap is a quick parser/matcher for string or buffer patterns ( optimized for pattern lengths <= 255 bytes ).
On the surface, Quo is a customizable ? some would say programmable ? social network status demultiplexer. What it really is, underneath, is a string processing pipeline. But not everyone has to know that.
range bucket
generate and parse string key ranges (for use with levelup).
Game. Create string for regexp.
Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression.
A simple string based router using parts of express.js' routing component.
An NSAttributed String backed syntax highlighter for iOS.
Ruby like simple string interpolation for Node.js.
generate the ordinal score of a string.
Selkirk String Quartet Home Page.
simple js hasher
Hash string into various.
sixarm ruby string to class ? Ruby ? String #to_class method to convert a String to a Class.
No frills string interpolation library.
String Quartet ? ?.
Chainable string manipulation library.
string calculator javascript
This is a string calculator in JavaScript. It also contains a script to run the jasmine tests from the command line using rhino. The script also runs jshint.
string calculator kata
Code for doing the string calculator kata.
String CalculatorSimple
String Calculator Kata done in Javascript with Jasmine.
string decoder browserify
string _decoder module for browserify.
string extended
String extensions that can be used standalone or integrated with extended.
String Iterator
Helper tool for iterating over a string.
String LitWrapper
Small tool for wrapping long string literals in source code.
string pants
How can such pants be so sexy?.
String Scanner.js
A library for scanning JavaScript strings.
string score
JavaScript string ranking 0 for no match upto 1 for perfect... " String ".score("str"); //=> 0.825.
string to jsify
A string to js transform for browserify.
String to Military Alphabet
Takes a string and converts it to the Military Phonetic Alphabet.
string toolkit
A JavaScript implementation/collection of my favorite ActiveSupport String methods and some of my own.
string update processor
A util for processing a string change to see if its valid or not.
String together links. Like a playlist for the Internet.
A string extensions library for node.js.
A simple app for storing string translations to help me learn Angular.
String Tools collection of utilities that involves strings.
text table
generate borderless text table strings suitable for printing to stdout.
A string manipulation library for JavaScript.
Generate a string for a process that can be used in logging.
title case minors
A list of the minor words that shouldn't be capitalized in a title case string.
to camel case
String to camel case.
to capital case
Convert a string to a capital case.
to constant case
Convert a string to a constant case.
to dot case
Convert a string to a dot case.
to no case
Remove an existing case from a string.
to pascal case
Convert a string to pascal case.
to sentence case
Convert a string to a sentence case.
to slug case
Convert a string to a slug case.
to snake case
Convert a string to a snake case.
to space case
Convert a string to a space case.
to title case
Convert a string to a title case.
type of is
Sensible / unsurprising JavaScript type detection and comparison using a combination of ({}).to String and constructors.
ua parser
user agent string parser in javascript.
ua parser js
UAParser.js Lightweight JavaScript based User Agent string parser. Supports browser & node.js environment. Also available as $.ua, Component package, Bower package, & AMD module.
uas parser
A user agent string parser for Node.js. Uses data from user agent
user agent.js
nodejs user agent string parser.
util marc
This NODE module enables you to read existing MARC records from a file, string , or from a Z39.50 source. You can also use this package to create new MARC records. The standard for machine readable cataloging (MARC) records is documented at
wave on a string
Watch a string vibrate in slow motion. Wiggle the end of the string and make waves, or adjust the frequency and amplitude of an oscillator. Adjust the damping and tension. The end can be fixed, loose, or open.
weibo mid
Convert [Weibo Open API]( mid to base62 hash string.