List of Free code MooTools
Ajax Push Engine : APE JavaScript Framework. Based on Mootools, it handles the basics of the APE Server.
art widgets
Widgets for MooTools ART.
This plugin MooTools will analyse the text of a form field, run it through the Yahoo Term Extraction Web Service and provides a list of signifiant words or phrases as tags.
browserID MooTools
This is a MooTools client library for the BrowserID Protocol.
MooTools Class for pure css speech bubble tooltips, showing content from inline elements, images or HTML from AJAX requests.
A Javascript class for Mootools that adds accessible and unobtrusive date pickers to your form elements.
A collection of widgets I've found useful. Powered by MooTools.
Color Roller MooTools Color Picker
Mootools Color Chooser, supporting many color spaces and color picker styles.
colorpicker for MooTools
Photoshop style color picker plugin for Mootools.
Mediated Component System for MooTools.
JS components built on top of Mootools to make GestionAIR (or your own web projects) faster and efficient to use.
serverside JSON API. Written in Plain Old JavaScript without any framework dependencies, you can use this with Mootools, Jquery, Zepto, Ember, or whatever your drug of choice is.
CSSFx MooTools
A series of MooTools classes that replicate the MooTools Fx API but use CSS Transitions and Animations instead.
digitarald fancyupload
Swiff meets Ajax for powerful and elegant uploads (MooTools Plugin).
Dynamic drag and drop support for MooTools.
Mootools, Menu, Animation , Accessiblity.
Epitome is a MVC* (MVP) framework for MooTools.
facebook like photo ordering mootools
Facebook like photo order sorting using javascript mootools framework (drag and drop).
Filter Table
MooTools Plugin for filtering table rows.
Floom ? Image slideshow with a visible timer/progressbar and a funky blinds like animation for MooTools.
Flower is a JavaScript library designed to give musicians easy access to UI tools like image/video lightboxes and sound players. Built with MooTools and SoundManager 2. And computers.
Form Check
MooTools Clientside Form Validation Class.
fublo parent theme
Parent theme containing the 960 Grid System, MooTools, normalize.css and more.
Fx. css
css 3 transform rule and css animations with mootools, no change required in your script!.
Fx. CSS3
A patch designed to make MooTools run all Fx. CSS animations using CSS3 transitions.
MooTools Plugin to handle a Tabbed layout.
github repo widgets
MooTools plugin to fetch repo info from github and create a widget or hovercards.
grid nav
Grid navigation for mootools.
An AJAX esque hash navigation class written in JavaScript using the MooTools Framework version 1.3.x and up.
A data driven template system for MooTools.
Wrapper for Instagram iPhone in MooTools 1.3.2.
js Table
A fast and easy to use javascript table control for mootools.
JxLib is a JavaScript UI framework built on MooTools. It allows web developers and designers to quickly build user interfaces for their applications. JxLib is based on some sweet HMTL markup and strives to be fully CSS compliant.
Korx.Cycler is a versatile MooTools plugin which can be used to easily create a user interface control which cycles through elements, for example a slider, carousel or slideshow. It uses CSS 3 transitions with a fallback to Fx.Morph for older browsers, and there's plenty of options to configure it how you want and events to hook in to.
LSD Lovely Scalable Drawings. Interface library that uses SVG, CSS and mootools to provide never before customizable widgets and layouts.
javascript grid control, mootools based.
Javascript MVC framework using MooTools as the Core.
Moo 3D
A basic 3D rendering engine for MooTools.
Moo Date Picker
A simple datepicker plugin for Mootools.
moo model
A Javascript framework built on top of mootools.
moo nojs mvc
MVC mootools libs that do not suppose you're writing obstrusive code.
moobile core
A mobile application framework based on Mootools.
MooDialog is a MooTools plugin to replace the native alert(), confirm() and promt() javascript functions by more stylish ones. You can use it also for other DOM elements, create an IFrame dialog or even create an Ajax Dialog.
Mootools widget to grab and display flickr feed images.
This is a mootools plugin which allows to generate an interactive gallery of images. Given the thumbs and full images paths it creates a table structure gallery (autosized) inside a given container with tips and lightbox effect when clicking over an image.
Mooml is a javascript templating engine for HTML generation, based in Jaml and powered by Mootools.
Set of widgets and utilities for mootools.
Color Picker for MooTools 1.3 and higher original by Djamil Legato (w00fz).
A mootools based iPhone like accessible toggle button.
Mootools extensions for HTML table.
mootools autocompleter
This AutoCompleter script for MooTools (by Harald Kirschner provides the functionality for text suggestion and completion. It features different data sources (local, JSON or XML), a variety of user interactions, custom formatting, multiple selection, animations and much more.
mootools data binding
Data Binding Plugins for MooTools 1.2.x.
mootools date format translations
Allows date formatting in mootools to translate a foreign language to mootools format.
mootools datepicker
Smoothly animating, very configurable and easy to install. No Ajax , pure Javascript.
mootools depender
A server side dependency builder for MooTools scirpts.
mootools form replacements
Creates styleable elements that function like standard form elements.
mootools form upload
Upload your multiple files with HTML5 Drag and Drop, XMLHttpRequest with graceful degradation.
MooTools Formular
Form Check + Form.Validator form validation.
mootools fx tween css 3
Mimics the Mootools Fx.Tween behavior but tries to use native CSS 3 transition if possible.
mootools mobile
Makes your web applications more touching.
mootools mvc
attempt to create a mootools mvc layer.
mootools mvc controller
MVC Style Controller extension for MooTools. Data binding is your friend!.
mootools mvc transformer
MVC Style Data Transformer plugin for MooTools.
MooTools Responsive Table
Port of Filament Groups jQuery plugin that allows columns to be shown/hidden with checkboxes based on media queries
mootools subtle templates
subtleTemplates is a MooTools Plugin which allows you to define a template in html itself and reuse it to populate dynamic data easily.
mootools thingies
Various mootools widgets packed altogether.
mootools tree
MooTools powered Tree Components : Sortable Tree + Expand/Collapse Functionality.
mootools unittester
A JavaScript Unit Test / User Test Framework.
MooTools.Html Table .Paginate
Adds a pagination control to a MooTools Html Table.
A small framework for doing cool things with MooTools on touch enabled devices.
A few lightweight MooTools classes to ease the development of complex UI components.
MooUpload is a MooTools class that help you to create a file uploader using some new features of HTML5 like multiple file selection, AJAX file upload, upload progress, etc.
MooTools Driven HTML5 Audio Player w/ Templates and Skins.
Neuro is an MVC framework that leverages MooTools.
Advanced Data Grid for Mootools.
iPhone style password masking using MooTools.
ProgressBar is a highly customizable MooTools progress bar class that animates to the desired percentage and can be styled in any manner by CSS.
quickForm is a free plugin that allow you to skin your HTML forms using Mootools , inpired from iPhone & a clone to jqtransform.
MooTools Forge version of AJAX ratings script. NOT RECOMMENDED TO USE OVER MAIN SITE.
An assortment of MooTools widgets.
scrolls images with mootools.
A MooTools plugin that add rollover effect on an image map using canvas or vml.
A concentric ring layout widget in MooTools + Raphael.
timeframe mootools
Click draggable. Range makeable. A better calendar. In MooTools.
moolego ui is a minimal and extensible, object oriented javascript ui based on mootools framework.
A form validation script for MooTools 1.3.
Lean mootools based framework for hashbang routing and JSON based DOM definitions.
A page wrapper for page to page AJAX requests written in MooTools.
YQL utilities
YQL utilities and programs for working with YQL, coupling YUI, jQuery, MooTools to Build Dynamic Widgets.