List of Free code CSS
1 css
1 CSS CSS dialect made for fun.
3 D demo
3 D CSS transform demo of the foldable avatar builder used in
404 animation
CSS keyframe animation for a 404 page.
Writing your CSS in JavaScript. That's it!.
abusing preprocessor asts
One of the coolest benefits of preprocessors is that they have easy to grok open source parsers that you can actually get into. By injecting yourself after the pre CSS code has been parsed, you can have a data centric view of your styles. You can use.
Adapt.js serves CSS based on screen width.
A collection of tools for making reasonable JavaScript and CSS work in IE8.
This is a versatile Ajax Tabs Content script that lets you display content pulled from external files inside a DIV and organized via CSS tabs.
AliceJS (A Lightweight Independent CSS Engine) is a micro JavaScript library. For a demo, click the link below.
alt checkbox
Style checkbox with CSS and Icon Fonts with help of alt checkbox jQuery plugin. It's a nice alternative for standard html checkbox.
A set of mini CSS design patterns.
android book example files
The example files for Building Android Apps with HTML , CSS, and JavaScript.
CSS animations with a soul.
animated slideshow
An example feature tour using CSS animations.
animation basics
CSS / JS Animation Basics.
animation studio
Compass extension for creating advanced animations in CSS.
animation workshop
Learn how to make a cartoon with newfangled CSS animations and web audio via traditional animation techniques.
Framework for CSS Based Animation.
Another responsive css framework.
argos gcrm
HTML/CSS/JavaScript mobile SData client views for the GCRM contract, based on argos sdk.
argos saleslogix
SalesLogix specific HTML /CSS/JavaScript mobile SData client based on argos sdk.
assemble less
Grunt task for compiling LESS to CSS.
assets pack
Clever packing of. css ,.less,.js files.
An atomic web development tool keep all your templates, css , and js for each node module together.
Baraja is a jQuery plugin that allows to move elements in a card like fashion and spread them like one would spread a deck of cards on a table. It uses CSS transforms for rotating and translating the items. There are several options available that will create various spreading possibilities of the items, for example, moving the items laterally or rotating them in a fan like way.
Beer Me
Mobile application that tells you where the closest beer is, based on your location. One native Android branch, and one PhoneGap (cross platform mobile development framework based on HTML , CSS and JavaScript) branch.
Behaviour Assertion Sheets
CSS like declarative DSL for web integration testing.
Bit Shadow Machine
Build particle animations with JavaScript and CSS box shadows.
Bits Editor is your personal playground to develop in HTML , CSS, and Javascript, all from your own server.
A utility to generate Cappuccino theme files from a CSS file.
blue board
BlueBoard html/ css /javascript project dashboard / statusboard.
Skeletal Rails app with all jQuery+devise+paperclip+blueprint. css +formtastic+pagination baked right in!.
BookJS is a Javascript library that can be included in HTML files to render the contents of the HTML to pages that can be printed to PDF using CSS Regions. it requires a browser wit support for CSS Regions.
Bootzilla is a suite of CSS components and JS features for developing apps in B2G.
borschik server
Dev HTTP server to process JS and CSS files with borschik.
An extensive list of CSS /JS browserhacks from all over the interwebs.
Bubble Bar
OSX inspired menu bar featuring rich CSS & jQuery animation.
A build tool for html/js/ css projects.
A stand alone, manifest driven JS/ CSS bundler.
BundleBuilder. Url Resolver
Converts relative resource references in CSS files to absolute paths so they resolve after bundling and minification.
fast CSS like map stylesheets.
Ceaser CSS Easing tmbundle
TextMate bundle for the Ceaser CSS Easing Equations.
Fluid css framwork using less.js.
Homepage Design for a Social Network with fluid CSS transitions and Cross Browser working.
Internet Explorer detection for JS and CSS sides.
Sublime Text plugin to minify, format, and lint CSS and Javascript.
CSS framework based on less.js and HTML5 Boilerplate, inspired by Flaw{LESS} and LESS Framework 2.
cm rotate.js
Rotate js using CSS transition.
compass 52 framework
A Compass plugin to use together with the 52 CSS framework.
compass css lightbox
a css only lightbox implementation for compass.
compass elastic plugin
Plugin to bring the Elastic CSS framework to Compass.
Haml, less css , coffee script and require js compiler for Java.
A collection of css modules.
cordova jquerymobile boilerplate
Very simple minimal cordova (phonegap) jquery mobile boilerplate, only html , js & css.
Counter component (countdown flippy CSS thing).
css 2json
Convert style sheets to json.
css animation
When certain HTML elements come into the web browser viewport, animate them in using CSS animations.
css animation emitter
CSS animation /transition events emitter.
css animation tutorial
css_ animation _tutorial (ver.Korean).
This will parse the CSS and tell you what versions of IE support it.
css bundle
This is a bundle of CSS tips that have been very helpful in my projects.
css condense
A CSS compressor that shows no mercy.
css controls
Cross browser stylesheet creation and css rule creation/deletion (includes IE6 support).
css gmail loading
Gmail iPhone App like loading animation implemented in pure CSS.
css modal
A modal build out of pure CSS.
css parser
Standards based CSS Parser.
CSS Patterns Workbench
CSS Background Composer (formally CSS Gradient Editor).
css prefix
insert a prefix into every class and identifier in a css document.
css presentation
Slides for W3C Conf presentation.
css ratiocinator
because your CSS is garbage.
CSS selector engine
Fast and lightweight querySelector[All]/getElementsByClassName/matchesSelector.
css slap chop
remove unused selectors from your css.
css smasher
Minify and compress your CSS , using JavaScript.
CSS SpritePad
A browser application to create CSS spritemaps with according stylesheets.
css stringify
CSS stringifier using the css parse AST.
css url edit
Collection of simple functions for CSS url manipulations.
css value
CSS property value parser.
css whitespace
Convert whitespace significant CSS to valid CSS.
CSS Transitions and Transforms with JavaScript.
Generate CSS tooltip arrows.
Reindent and reformat CSS.
CSS coding style formatter.
CSSDB: A curated collection of great CSS , Sass, LESS and Stylus libraries.
(WIP) A DevTools extension for multi page unused CSS auditing.
JS tool to scan websites for unused CSS selectors.
CSSHttpRequest is cross domain AJAX using CSS as a transport.
Ometa JS based CSS parser.
cssparser.js is a parser that generate json from css with matched orders & structures.
cssprettifier bookmarklet
A bookmarklet for prettifying your CSS.
a CSS selector compiler/engine.
A collection of CSS selectors with examples.
Javascript library to generate CSS styles similar to SASS.
CSS Tools is an experiment into how we can improve the CSS telemetry in a browser.
Unit Testing framework for CSS using JavaScript, jQuery and QUnit.
Rewrite of cujo's cssx library for extending css in older browsers (requires an AMD loader).
Html, scss/css, js component library by Kunstmaan.
cup riddle built in jquery, css, and html. it was featured in a diehard movie..
An interactive CSS playground.
Dateselect a time based job scheduler with CSS like selector syntax.
dbushell Origin
My HTML5 , CSS, and JavaScript starting point for front end development with automated build tasks.
A video.js player skin editor using a live CSS editor.
Developer Docs
Best practices for interactive development (HTML, CSS , JavaScript, etc).
div 3 d
div 3 d my take on transformed CSS.
Pure CSS drawing library for the browser.
dookie css
stylus driven css library.
Find unused css selector from your style sheet files, Support for dynamic scripting.
JS, HTML and CSS that show how a nested sitemap can be constructed and enhanced to allow dragging and dropping to reorder.
Automatically import CSS into your JavaScript files.
e CSSential
An experiment in optimized loading of mobile first responsive CSS.
e CSStender .js
eCSStender enables developers to patch CSS support in browsers and experiment with new features. It also enables designers to keep browser specific hacks out of their CSS files.
XULRunner application for scraping using JSON /CSS definitions.
HTML , CSS and JavaScript playground.
element finder
Find in Files with CSS selectors.
emile.js is a no frills stand alone CSS animation JavaScript framework, named after ?mile Cohl, early animator.
enterprise css
Provides proven high performance, enterprise level and scalable CSS tips and best practices.
A <3kb JavaScript file providing three simple methods to organize code into CSS namespaces which magically restrict code to the current context, allowing for dramatic reductions to code size and development time.
A drag and drop CSS compressor.
Experimental CSS
Experimental CSS (Ex CSS ).
express minify
An express middleware that automatically minify and cache your javascript and css files.
fancy upload
With only HTML, CSS and simple JavaScript, create a stylized file upload facility.
FireLess is a Firebug extension that makes Firebug display the Less filenames and line numbers of LessPHP generated CSS styles rather than those of the generated CSS.
FireSass allows Firebug to display the original Sass filename and line number of Sass generated CSS styles.
FireStylus allows Firebug to display the original Stylus filename and line number of the Stylus generated CSS styles.
A JavaScript animation library using CSS transforms and transitions.
flash cards
Simple, animated, and imageless flash cards using HTML/ CSS /jQuery.
flex combo
The Flex combo is a javascript and css file combo server. It support various kinds of combo format by modify configuration(eg. yahoo combo). Default, it's a taobao format combo.
Double sided flip box using css transformations.
foundation sphinx theme
Sphinx theme based on the Foundation 4 css framework.
FTScroller is a cross browser Javascript/ CSS library to allow touch, mouse or scrollwheel scrolling within specified elements, with pagination, snapping and bouncing support.
G set CSS Reset Boilerplate
A super light weight CSS Reset and HTML Boilerplate.
geany for front end dev
Additional filetype definition & global tags to enhance HTML /CSS/JS/AS development of Geany. To download Geany and install these files, see README below.
Generate CSS styles from JS.
gonzales pe
Gonzales Preprocessor Edition (fast CSS parser ).
Google Plus like CSS +HTML.
gradient scanner
CSS gradient generation tool.
gradle css plugin
Gradle plugin for working with CSS.
grunt contrib compass
Compile Compass to CSS.
grunt contrib less
Compile LESS files to CSS.
grunt contrib sass
Compile Sass to CSS.
grunt contrib stylus
Compile Stylus files to CSS.
grunt css
This grunt plugin is deprecated!.
grunt css combo
Grunt plugin for CSS Combo, a css module combo tool.
grunt css metrics
Grunt task to analyse css files and log simple metrics.
grunt css url replace
Grunt task to replace css urls with absolute path.
grunt cssc
grunt plugin for css condense support.
grunt csscomb
The grunt plugin for sorting CSS properties in specific order.
grunt csso
Minify CSS files with CSSO.
grunt fontsmith
Grunt plugin for composing SVGs into multiple fonts, a character mapping, and CSS variables.
grunt frontend
CSS and JS minifier that respects source modification.
grunt html smoosher
A grunt task which takes a html file, finds all the css and js links, and outputs a version with all the css and js written inline for ease of pasting into a cms.
grunt inline css
Grunt task for turning an html file with linked css to inline css. Great for emails.
grunt jsbeautifier
Beautify js, css, html and json files using Grunt.
grunt recess
Lint and minify CSS and LESS.
grunt rework
use gruntjs to rework your css files.
grunt sample
Basic grunt sample code to join.js or.css files.
grunt sass
Grunt task to compile Sass SCSS to CSS.
grunt static inline
A grunt plugin to replace url from static files such as img,js,css an put inline in a template.
grunt styl
Grunt task to preprocess CSS with Styl.
grunt style injector
Live CSS injecting with NO page refresh.
grunt styleguide
Universal CSS styleguide generator for grunt.
A mystical CSS icon solution.
A Tetris clone, written in Javascript and CSS , with a little jQuery magic.
head start
Get a head start. A small tree of folders and files to start a new HTML project, including CSS reset, jQuery, pngFix, Cufon and SWFObject2.
helium cli
A tool to detect unused CSS across multiple web pages.
holo web
CSS that imitates the Android 4 Holo themes.
html, javascript and css optimization.
The zippered hoodie of HTML /CSS frameworks.
hq Widgets
hq Widgets is a ?high quality? home automation HTML, JS, CSS widgets library.
html Animation
IOS: html + css or javascript animations in IOS.
HTML Sketch
Boiler plate Javascript and CSS to quickly sketch out a page, animation or interface.
HTML5 Boilerplate WordPress Theme
Default WordPress theme build on top of HTML5 Boilerplate in conjunction with Compass CSS. Using the build script of HTML5 Boilerplate to optimize and minify your custom WordPress theme!.
A browser based editor for real time HTML /CSS/JS prototyping.
infiniwall box 2 dweb
HTML5 CSS transform empowered by Box 2d Web.
Inline CSS Extractor
This web app allows users to paste an HTML file onto the page. A new version of that HTML without inline styles, and an external style sheet that is generated from the original HTML's inline CSS will be returned.
A fast browser based CSS Sprite Generator.
iphone kit module
A set of html, css, js code packed to work in a wordpress environment to send shopping cart information to lightspeed ecommerce solution.
A tutorial on how to create a simple category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations and jQuery. The idea is to slide the items sequentially depending on the slide direction.
JavaScript and CSS presentations.
- css animation with css animation.
A light, semantic, responsive, CSS framework built from the best parts.
jekyll 960
Jekyll blog template using css framework.
Create powerful mobile apps with just HTML , CSS, and Zepto.js (or jQuery).
jQuery Animate Enhanced
Extend $.animate() to detect CSS transitions for Webkit, Mozilla, IE>=10 and Opera and convert animations automatically.
jquery blackCalculator
blackCalculator is a jQuery plugin for create a calculator. It supports CSS customization, easy translation, two options of calculators, cross browser, allow and disallow keyboard!.
jquery css Hooks
Collection of css Hooks that work with jQuery 1.4.3+.
jQuery Custom File Input
CSS Friendly File Input.
jQuery Custom Input
Accessible, custom designed checkbox and radio button inputs styled with CSS (and a dash of jQuery).
jquery goodies
A collection of useful jquery extensions that change the behavior of HTML elements simply by applying a CSS class.
jquery ie6hover
Add support for the :hover CSS pseudo selector to Internet Explorer 6.
jquery scroll
a jquery plugin rendering a custom, CSS styleable vertical scrollbar for overflowed elements.
jquery scroll animator
Animate CSS properties of elements by using the scroll position of the page.
jquery super selectors
A jQuery plugin enabling better CSS selector support for older browsers by leveraging jQuery's excellent selectors.
An animation framework based on a CSS animations like syntax.
A jQuery plugin for lightboxes made to work seamlessly with CSS transitions and animations.
This is pjax behave most naturally. You can automatically load the CSS and JavaScript. It is already resolved a bug in pjax specific. The server configuration is not required. This plugin works from jQuery 1.4.2.
JQuery & CSS search widget implementation.
HTML Select inputs stylable via CSS.
For those rare instances when you wish that CSS offered a :first words() psuedo class.
jQuery css Hooks adding a cross browser transform property to $.fn. css () and $.fn.animate().
jQuery CoreUISelect is a cross browser easy to stylize select element with jQuery and CSS.
json2 css
Convert JSON into pre processor ready CSS.
jsonmu? is a simple HTML/ CSS /JS application that allows you to store your resum?'s contents in a json file and display it as a nicely formatted webpage.
CSS like selectors for JSON.
Juice inlines CSS stylesheets into your HTML source.
Demo iphone application with HTML, CSS & Javascript.
kinda player
KindaPlayer is a simple HTML/ CSS based music player.
MinimalSlideTool made by HTML/ CSS /JS.
A Stylus powered frontend CSS toolkit for building rich and beautiful web apps.
less precompiler
Kanso package with build steps for precompiling.less css templates.
less preview
Browser based LESS to CSS converter built on Express.
Server Side Java Execution of LESS the CSS Preprocessor.
lesscss java
LESS CSS Compiler for Java.
lesscss maven plugin
LESS CSS Maven Plugin.
compile your project's LESS into CSS and update <links>.
live css editor
jquery online css editor, themeroller like tool for customizing your web page.
logo loading animation
CSS logo animation for a logo.
Create, publish, and remix love bombs using HTML and CSS.
Magento Minify
Simply enables js and css minification.
The Magic Framework for native iphone imitation using html /javascript/css.
Realistic preprocessors based CSS framework for mobile.
maven minify sample
Example maven setup for minifying js/css and changing references to the newly created minified files.
maxmertkit old
Css and javascript framework.
writing modular css witch mcss.
A decent CSS parser.
Minifier of js, css, html and img.
Simple HTML/ CSS rendering engine.
Mixd CSS Framework
Mixd's framework for beginning any front end web build, containing HTML5 , Sass & CSS files, jQuery and a pattern / module library.
Mixr, is a compiler and pre processor for your Javascript and CSS in Node.
Mobile Ready Html /CSS/JS Framework.
A set of experimental modal window appearance effects with CSS transitions and animations.
An experimental morphing device slideshow with CSS Transitions for showcasing responsive web design screenshots.
A responsive CSS framework.
The Tages Anzeiger iPas App done in Niwea aka HTML5/ CSS /JS.
node combo
combo for js and css requests.
node term css
style terminal output using CSS.
npm css
Require css from npm.
Sizzle powered CSS selectors for libxmljs.
The concise CSS selector engine.
Fast Javascript CSS Selector Engine and Matcher.
Office Ribbon 2010
Office 2010 Style Ribbon Toolbar in HTML/ CSS /JS.
omeka foundation
An Omeka theme using the Foundation CSS framework.
one by one slider
Responsive one by one slider supporting touch events. Animations are driven by Animate.css. See demo at
Object Oriented CSS Framework.
Oscailte ? An Octopress theme built on top of the powerful inuit. css.
An open source BoxJS/ CSS /Etc clone, suitable for hosting at Heroku.
padrino static
Padrino Framework Static Filles (js, ujs, css ).
Pandoc Quick Start With HTML Template
Simple html template, css , js and build script I use for generating documentation using Pandoc.
Parallax JS
Parallax page generator from simple HTML & CSS.
- experiments
CSS, HTML and JS experiments from
periodic table typefaces
CSS version of Squidspot's Periodic Table of Typefaces.
picssel art
An app to create pixel art using only CSS.
play greenscript
A play framework plugin to help to manage javascript/ css file dependencies and do minimizing.
A library to make creating CSS polyfills much easier.
An enjoyable css framework use less.
Presentation files and demos for the presentation "HTML5 and CSS Let's enhance the web today".
Watch file changes and run multiple css /js pre processors from one watcher.
A CSS Based Templating and Ajax Performance Framework.
Protoboxen is a Javascript library designed to generate linkable, labelable and draggable CSS boxes.
Proffessional and Valid hand coding service for HTML, xHTML, CSS, Table less Design, Ruby on Rails Web Development, Web design and Web Hosting Solutions. Convert PSD to HTML PSD to
blazing fast jit compile javascript css selector!.
a compact, blazing fast CSS selector engine.
A super lightweight HTML , CSS, and JavaScript framework for building responsive websites.
Responsive Tabs
jQuery script for creating responsive tabs. The controls behave like regular tabs above a specified screen width (defined by an editable media query in the associated css file), and behave like an accordion on screens below that width.
reveal shaders
Reveal.js presentation using CSS Shaders for transitions.
rework macro
Macro CSS transform for rework/xcss.
rework mixins
CSS mixins for rework.
rework suit
CSS preprocessor for SUIT.
rework vars
CSS spec style variables for Rework.
A language that compiles to CSS.
A jQuery Masonry alternative with CSS driven configuration.
Use SASS in JavaScript instead of CSS.
Satisfy is a stand alone JavaScript module for generating HTML from CSS selectors. Please read the readme for examples.
Sauce is a simple javascript framework for building complex transitions as CSS Animations.
sbt plugins
SBT plugins for: Less CSS / JS compilation, Lift run modes, and more.
Approach for writing and organizing your CSS for large scale projects.
CSS selector specificity utility. Calculate specificity scores with ease.
scriptless slides
Scriptless slideshow, no Javascript, only HTML and CSS.
Client library in JavaScript for consuming SData web services. Also, an HTML/ CSS /JavaScript Mobile application framework.
Selectik is jQuery plugin, easy use, cross browser selects which can be customised with CSS.
selectors L4 link prollyfills
CSS Selectors Level 4 link Prollyfills.
allows you to define the tree of your css selectors and then enables you to move from element(s) to element(s) with ease.
JavaScript and CSS Sugar Middleware.
The CSS backdoor API.
Awesome presentations in HTML + JS + CSS.
Simplest possible examples of HTML , CSS and JavaScript.
Tooltip was made with HTML , CSS and JavaScript.
site template
Starting point for markup, CSS , JavaScript, and folder structure.
slidr. css
Slidr. css is a pure CSS slider switch. With Firfox you even get the slide transition.
A responsive slideshow with a twist: the idea is to slice open the current slide when navigating to the next or previous one. Using jQuery and CSS animations we can create unique slide transitions for the content elements.
JavaScript and CSS build tool.
Programming language similar to JS HTML CSS for Android.
Sofresh CSS bookmarklet.
Combines and minifies JavaScript and CSS at runtime and build time.
Solrstrap is a Query Result interface for Solr written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
soundcloud soundmanager player
A custom, evented SoundCloud player that uses SoundManager2 to handle audio. Completely decoupled from your HTML /CSS to just handle audio/playlists/tracks, but has events that are easy to hook into. Also includes a waveform module that is loosely coupled to your HTML.
Beautify your javascript, html ,css source code inside Vim.
SpiderOak HTML5 / Javascript / CSS mobile client application, rebooted.
split css
split css files into arrays that you can use to set prefixes.
sprite cow
Sprite Cow helps you get the background position, width and height of sprites within a spritesheet as a nice bit of copyable css.
Sprite Packer
A sprite packer for CSS or CAAT project made with HTML5 d'n'd, Filesystem API and some javascript magic.
CSS sprite sheet generator.
javascript util for css sprite animation.
Rijksoverheid Starterskit?HTML/ CSS starting point and (hopefully) ?good? code example for building websites in the Rijksoverheid brand identity (see also: pb).
Strange Loop 2012
My Strange Loop 2012 slideshow (reveal.js based HTML /JS/CSS).
Flexible and fast modular CSS preprocessor built on top of Rework.
Tiny but useful JS utility that dynamically generates CSS from JS object notation.
simple css assets manager.
Turns CSS stylesheets into inline style="" attributes for HTML emails.
A tutorial about how to create a swatch book like component that let's you open and rotate the single swatches revealing some details. We will be using CSS transforms and transitions and create a simple jQuery plugin.
A fork of CSS Globe's Tablecloth to target tables less aggressively.
Test your CSS , because life's too short to click around.
A light weight framework for structured HTML /CSS development.
Timelapse is a web browser extension which allows you to slow down and speed up CSS animations and transitions.
A simple CSS and JS resource loader.
Tongue is a very simple jQuery plugin which allows you to add animated dropdown child element to any elements without using any CSS styles for that.
TouchScroll is a JavaScript and CSS ?3 based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic ?native? scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible.
A CSS transform animation tool.
transition events
jQuery plugin to set listeners to CSS Transition animation end or specific part.
Tuild A easy and advanced build/minifier for JS, CSS and HTML.
Find unused and duplicate CSS.
UI7 is iOS7 like css component.
Remove unused styles from CSS.
An intelligent/CSS aware HTML Minifier and Optimizer.
unused CSS
Find unused CSS selector on your web application. Work across multiple page.
User CSS extension for Safari 5.
Save a CSS file, watch your web browser automatically reload it!.
vui library, include js , css ,tools...
webOS written with HTML, CSS , and Javascript.
weibo packager
batch compressor for js and css , from
Using HTML, CSS , JQuery, Strophe.js, XMPP and PubSub to share a presentation.
Yet Another Aria2 Web Frontend in pure HTML /CSS/Javascirpt.
knit together html , css, and javascript into reusable bundles.
An absurdly fast CSS selector engine.