List of Free code Authentication
angular client side auth
One way to implement authentication/authorization in Angular applications.
angular devise
An example Rails app that uses a Angular.js UI for user signup, authentication, and password retrieval.
auth server
Node application acting as an authentication and portable contacts provider (using OAuth2).
Authentication tools for node.js signing, tokens, password hashes.
authentication part 1
Source code for Embercast: " Client side Authentication Part 1".
authentication part 2
Source code for Embercast: " Client side Authentication Part 2".
blog awesome sauce
A demo application to demonstrate angularjs authentication pattern using the angular http auth interceptor pattern.
nodejs/expressjs authentication and security library.
cas server extension duo
Duo Security Two Factor Authentication for CAS.
connect security
Authentication and authorisation middleware for Connect.
Basic Rails framework files and assets for layout and authentication.
CouchApp User Authentication Demo
Working demo of user authentication in a CouchApp. Requires CouchDB 0.11 UPDATE Please check out jchris/taskr, it supersedes this project.
drupanium authentication
This titanium mobile app is a work in progress. This titanium mobile project includes the drupanium_framework which is being developed. The purpose of this mobile app is to use the drupanium framework components for application, authentication and user.
DWD User Authentication
User auth example with NodeJS, Express, Passport and Mongo.
Generates elixir money transfer import files. As for now it doesn;t have any authentication solution implemented but it is not needen in my case. Also in controllers paths to files need to be changed etc. and a few minor things. Stylesheet and layout _helper is copied from Ryan Bates project...
ember auth
Authentication framework for ember.js.
ember simple auth
A lightweight and unobtrusive library for implementing token based authentication in Ember.js applications.
express auth
The beginnings of an authentication framework for Largely a port (at least in terms of intent) of
facebook invitations demo
A quick demonstration of how to use OmniAuth for authentication and the Javascript SDK for sending invitation requests to Facebook friends.
Google Url Shortener
Google Url Shortener Lite with OAuth authentication ^ ^.
An example of authentication using Ember.js and Firebase.
Authentication Proxy Server, instead of dealing with providers now you can authenticate against any service with a simple json data structure and plugin architecture.
html5 google authenticator
A simple application for multi factor authentication, written in HTML using jQuery Mobile (and PhoneGap), jsSHA and LocalStorage.
Digest Authentication using Spring Security and JavaScript.
matterhorn user minnow
user creation, storage, and authentication using the minnow database.
A memcache client for node using the binary protocol and SASL authentication.
meteor chat tutorial
Example Meteor chat application supporting GitHub authentication.
meteor user sessions
MOSTLY DEAD, SEE README A smart package for authentication and tracking users across requests (based on client sessions).
meteor userauth
User authentication example for Meteor JS.
Mvc4.OpenId. Sample
A sample MVC4 project with OpenID authentication.
Nancy.Demo.No Password
Demo showing how you can implement No Password authentication using Nancy.
node auth
Demonstrate Client Side SSL Certificate Authentication in Node.js and Express.js.
Node Express Example Products
This is a sample app using Node, Connect, Express, Jade, Stylus, file upload, sessions, encryption and authentication.
node flickr
A simple node wrapper for the Flickr API that supports oAuth authentication.
node ldapauth
Simple node.js module to authenticate against an LDAP server.
nodejs auth example
An example of authentication with MongoDB.
AngularJS component for Parse authentication.
passport auth example
The most widely used way for websites to authenticate users is via a username and password. Support for this mechanism is provided by the passport local module.
passport local
Username and password authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js.
passport mongoose
MongoDB username and password authentication strategy for Passport using Mongoose.
passport oauth2 client password
OAuth 2.0 client password authentication strategy for Passport.
passport oauth2 jwt bearer
JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0 client authentication strategy for Passport.
password hashing
Secure authentication using JavaScript password hashing.
pattern.js provides you an easy authentication at login pages and secure password storing.
photon.custom authentication
Sample Client Authentication Services For Exit Games Photon Server.
play20 rememberme
Example Play authentication with remember me cookies.
sails starterapp
A starter Sails app that supports local disk db (dev only) and MongoDb. Also support multiple Authentication methods (Username Password , Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn).
sequelize authentication
A connect module for authentication against a database.
Simple Form
Contact form with client side validation and support for SMTP authentication.
SPA Authentication
Samples of authentication from a SPA.
Easy two factor authentication for node.js. Calculate time based or counter based one time passwords. Supports the Google Authenticator mobile app.
spine login example
quick example of authentication in a spine app. Node.js / express.js backend.
spring security test
Spring MVC with LDAP authentication.
srobo external auth
Student Robotics Network Authentication Client & Server.
twitter titanium
The easiest way to handle Twitter authentication in your Titanium Mobile app.