Twitter « Social Network « Java Open Source App

Java Open Source App
3.Algorithm Data Structure
5.Cloud Computing
6.Data Mining
10.Google API
34.Social Network
38.Web Framework
Java Open Source App » Social Network » Twitter 

1. Aidanie/Search-Suite

A suite of tools for searching various sources including Twitter,Google,Youtube & Bing.

2. twitter/twitter-text-java

A Java implementation of Twitter's text processing library

3. rjyo/twitter-2-weibo

An app runs in a stand java J2EE server that syncs tweets from Twitter to Weibo

4. kevinweil/elephant-bird

Twitter's collection of LZO and Protocol Buffer-related Hadoop, Pig, Hive, and HBase code .

5. twitter/cloudhopper-commons-gsm

Java utility classes for working with GSM mobile technologies such as SMS and MMS.

6. twitter/cloudhopper-commons-charset

Java utility classes for converting between charsets (mostly "mobile" in nature) such as Unicode to GSM-7/GSM-8 and vice versa.

7. twitter/cloudhopper-smpp

Efficient, scalable, and flexible Java implementation of the Short Messaging Peer to Peer Protocol (SMPP)

8. wesleyk/twitter-offers-crawler

Look for tweets that offer free stuff via retweets or DMs

9. itsnayeem/TwitterKevinBacon

Program to find the degree of separation between two Twitter users

10. mojavelinux/socialize-workshop

A simplistic twitter clone for Java EE 6 used in CDI training

11. kenshin03/camus

experimental project for crawling articles from a user's twitter feed and re-arranging them in terms of readability attributes

12. yusuke/twitter4j

Twitter4J is an open-sourced, mavenized and Google App Engine safe Java library for the Twitter API which is released under the Apache License 2.0.

13. med4creed/twitter_Like_server_jee

TwitterLike est un r?seau social d?velopp? avec les technos Java / JEE et selon l'architecture RESTful webservices.

14. erkobridee/Twitter-Analyzer

Projeto prova de conceito da palestra Pensando e Projetando : Dashboard #FlexMania 2011

15. dyrkin/rsstotwitter

Redirect RSS feed news to your twitter account

16. mashup-fm/play-elasticsearch-twitter-demo

Twitter Aggregation Demo with Play! and Elastic Search Module 0.0.6

17. winterstein/JTwitter

Java library for using Twitter (+ Identica & Wordpress). Open source under LGPL

18. taxomania/TwitterMining

Twitter Text Mining Project for University of Manchester

19. brendano/ark-tweet-nlp

CMU ARK Twitter Part-of-Speech Tagger

20. function1/twitter-portlet-maven-demo

Demonstration of how to use Git and Maven to manage code for a WCI IDK Portlet that lists a few of a user's latest tweets from Twitter.

21. linuxras/jtwitz

Java Twitter desktop application

22. ianso/scriptus

If Twitter is a 'command-line social network', then Scriptus is shell scripting.

23. wyattisimo/twitter-example-101

Basic example of interacting with the Twitter API using Java and the twitter4j library.

24. kutsurak/twitter-search

A library for interrogating repeatedly the twitter search API

25. albiere/tweearch

Twitter Search API in Java

26. xml3d/Socialmediaservice

An aggregator for Flickr/Twitter/Youtube...

27. tgrall/couchbase-twitter-injector

Tweet Injector for Couchbase

28. informaticslab/phtweet

Twitter monitoring for public health situational awareness.

29. nsavageJVM/ejtwitbeans

embedded jetty neo4j twitter app

30. afollestad/Boid-Twitter-API

My custom Twitter API library for Java , implemented in Boid for Twitter and Banter Beta.

31. trsvax/tapestry-bootstrap

Tapestry module for Twitter Bootstrap

32. natebuwalda/Java-Twitter

My entry for the Programing Language Royal Rumble at Code Camp 2010

33. Donnyh267/TwitterStreamJava

An example of using the twitter stream API in java using Twitter4J

34. jquadrin/Java-Twitter-Tree

GET requests a user's posts and puts them in a JTree according to date

35. biffbyrd/java_twitterStream

A school project in Java concurrency. It periodically prints the running character count of a Twitter stream. A thread pauses after each Tweet, thus requiring a concurrency solution.

36. GeekyTheory/Cliente-Twitter-Java

C?digo del cliente Twitter creado con Java

37. johncowie/nuotl-twitter-java

Twitter bit for nuotl

38. eventhough/TKTME-Twitter

Java backend for TKTME

39. LouiseNiu/Sina_Twitter

This is java lib for sina weibo and twitter

40. panoskrt/twitterFetcher

Java applications for fetching Twitter statuses.

41. loadedsith/twitterWall

My Java /Processing Twitter Wall

42. rashmi-raman/TwitterVoice

A Java -based spoken dialogue interface for Twitter

43. mtedone/jemos-twitter-services

Java API for Twitter Services

44. eminugurkenar/ANOAuthImplementationForTwitter

an oauth implementation for twitter with java

45. markkolich/kolich-twitter

Just another Twitter API 1.1 library written in Java . Uses GSON and oauth-signpost.

46. americos/twitter_OAuth

Class to consume Twitter for Mashups using oAuth

47. JeffreyMarvin/TwitterBots2

The second generation of my java twitter bots

48. vojtasvoboda/TwitterSnapshots

Implementace stahov?n? tweet? z popul?rn? soci?ln? s?t? Twitter na platform? Google App Engine v Jav?.

49. eliten00b/TwitterBot

Auto Answer on Twitter Mention tweets. It is a little work for my study.

50. weriKK/Twitter2IRC

A small java bot that relays twitter posts to an IRC channel

51. proales/Twitter-Weather

Village Weather

52. luisramalho/soap-twitter

SOAP-based interface to Twitter

53. 3RiverDevelopment/TwitterReporter

TwitterReporter: Breaking News Detection and Visualization through the Geo-Tagged Twitter Network

54. arun-gupta/twitter-api

Twitter API

55. tobrien/twitter-example

This is an example of using the Streaming Twitter4J API

56. jskvara/TwitterHashtagAnalyzer

Analyzer of twitter hashtags, which generates gexf files for visualisation ( Java , Google App Engine)

57. wieden-kennedy/twitter-streaming-daemon

A Java implementation of a Twitter Streaming API daemon. Given users or terms to track, starts a filtered streaming API connection and places the Status message data in Redis set you specify.

58. mariotaku/jtapi

GAE Twitter API based on Java

59. phanghos/twittava

Java lib for the Twitter API

60. daveharris/jitter

A Twitter implementation in Java

61. gavingray/jglitter

Java -based Twitter clone.

62. seejohnrun/tweetStream4J

Java bindings for the Twitter Streaming API

63. odessa2/TwitterToWord

This Tool parses an exported Twitter Archive and generates a Word 2007/2010 docx file with all Tweets and Timestamps in chronological order.

64. aoboturov/tp-twitter-hadoop

TELECOM PT twitter data analysis project

65. mbmccormick/twitter-dm-server

POP and SMTP email servers for Twitter Direct Messages.

66. mojabitsuji/slim3-twitter-template

twitter oauth application template with slim3

67. freakent/Twitter2MQTT

Publishes a customisable real time feed from Twitter onto an MQTT topic

68. rosslazer/IST-256-Java-Final-Project

Uses the NYTimes Congress API to pull Data based on the selected state. After creating a bio for each senator it will then pull up their twitter feed.

69. jradakov/formic

Open source Twitter Java API

70. twitter/cloudhopper-commons-util

The ch-commons-util package contains common utility classes for Cloudhopper-based Java projects.

71. vicould/FlightTweets

Twitter fetcher, topic oriented

72. p/twitalker

TwiTalker is a powerful twitter robot based on Google Talk developed by Kavin. You can send tweets and receive friends' updates directly in Gtalk without login in your Twitter.This project is ...

73. p/xtraupload

We have moved the project hosting away from Google code to GitHub. Follow us on twitter for the latest updates.

74. p/songbird-livetweeter

This extension allow you to post what you are listening on Twitter,, Skype and Text-fileLook at Issues Tab for todo list, bug and features request

75. p/twitter-trackbacks-widget

Highly customizable Twitter trackbacks widget to integrate tweets that mention your post into your blog. each tweet comes with reply & retweet links to get more readers engaged in your story conversat...

76. p/twitter-melayang

tiwitter melayang di blog/web

77. p/pithycomment

Twitter provides authenticated feeds through its API that allow accessing various parts of your account as Atom feeds: mentions, direct messages, etc. This can be useful if you want to monitor Twitt...

78. p/phloc-css

This library lets you read and write CSS2 and CSS3 files using Java 1.6.Depends on phloc-commons.Api documentation to be found at Read about the Maven setup and the FirstSteps.Twitter: Foll...

79. p/google-twitter

Twitter gadget allows you to receive the latest Twitters from your friends and post what you're doing, right from your desktop.

80. p/embr

Evolved from rabr embr is the abbreviation of embrace.It means:1. unfinished embrace, to everything you get from twitter.2. ephemeral embrace, to the time flying with twitter. ...

81. p/twitty-clone

Rails-based Twitter clone application

82. p/zen-coding

Follow us on Twitter @zencodingZen Coding is an editor plugin for high-speed HTML, XML, XSL (or any other structured code format) coding and editing. The core of this plugin is a powerful...

83. p/com-twitter

This Project enables any Joomla powered site to integrate with Twitter's OAuth. comtwitter modtwitter pluginauthtwitter jmathais's jmathai's twitter-async

84. p/maven-twitter-plugin

Tweet your buildsMaven Twitter Plugin lets you send Twitter status updates from Maven, without writing any Java code. It increases communication between Project owners and Project users by autom...

85. p/supybot-twitter-relay

This supybot plugin allows you to create a Twitter-IRC relay channel. (Joined users Tweets will appear in the channel, and users can update their Twitter status by chatting in the channel)It also ha...

86. p/cryphous

This project will present a particle-based physics and rendering engine for real-time applications.NicoNico (in Japanese)YouTube Twitter

87. p/twitter-debate

The goal of Twitter Debate is to present the current conversation on political topics. Users can select political candidates and topics (such as environment or health care), and view tweets by these c...

88. p/oauth-csharp-dotnet

This library makes it extremely simple to start using oAuth with .NET for Authenticating users using oAuth providers such as Google, Yahoo, Twitter etc.In order to make it simple to understand and...

89. p/googlevoice-gae

Want to join this project? Just send email to me. or twitter meGoogle voice unoffical api for Google App Engine.|| || ||This project is base on [h?

90. p/koreantrends

To find Korean trends on Twitter How many Korean people use or with Twitter connected. Data is fetched by Twitter Search API and the graph is drawn by Google C...

91. p/zfdatagrid

Use this package to simplify the process of data displaying.Check this page for Upgrade Info If you are using code from SVN please follow this twitter account zfdatagrid . New methods a...

92. p/twitter-actionscript-api

=Project is moved to

93. p/realtime-related-tweets-bar

Highly customizable jQuery plugin to create a realtime Twitter search-driven bar of tweets related to your post.Features:Show r?  | Contact Us | Privacy Policy
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