A proxy service to retrieve POIs from several public services (Nominatim, Mapquest, Cloudmade, Geonames, Panoramio, Ovi, Flickr, Twitter, LastFM, Wikipedia, Youtube, Minube, Buzz, Foursquare, Gowalla, ...)
[Outdated since Foursquare doesn't support OAuth 1 anymore] Play Framework Module to do OAuth Authentication with Foursquare. LinkedIn (Foursquare will be similar) Sample App: http://yabe.felipera.cloudbees.net/.
PlainSquare is a lightweight Foursquare client for mobile web browsers. It is intended as a full-featured substitute for Foursquare Mobile. PlainSquare supports both geolocation (using device GPS or c...
it's a simple Foursquare client to check in via Google Latitude for people who does not have uber cool phones :) $clientId = ""; // CLIENT ID of your application on foursquare$cli...