Facebook « Social Network « Java Open Source App

Java Open Source App
3.Algorithm Data Structure
5.Cloud Computing
6.Data Mining
10.Google API
34.Social Network
38.Web Framework
Java Open Source App » Social Network » Facebook 

1. mjromper/Facebook_Android    github.com

Facebook library mavenized

2. revetkn/restfb    github.com

RestFB is a simple and flexible Facebook Graph API and Old REST API client written in Java .

3. facebook/tsdash    github.com

a UI for OpenTSDB

4. franklinsxx/DiFChatClient    github.com

Dissent in Facebook Chat Client

5. dcrystalj/facebook    github.com

Social network in javaEE, to demonstrate differenet javaEE technologies

6. ManuelB/facebook-recommender-demo    github.com

This project is the basis for a BedCon talk and should make it possible for the listener to build an own recommender.

7. roundrop/facebook4j    github.com

A Java library for the Facebook Graph API. This library provides the ease of use like Twitter4J. Facebook4J is an unofficial library.

8. jayway/facebook-test-java-api    github.com

Java API for performing tests on Applications integrating with Facebook

9. benjaminsavoy/facebook_template    github.com

Facebook Template with Hibernate for CloudBees.

10. dleshem/facebook-java-client    github.com

Facebook web client, written in Java .

11. toulouse/facebook-hackercup-java    github.com

Java scaffolding for writing solutions to the qualifying round of Facebook's Hacker Cup

12. mnadeem/wicket-facebook    github.com

Facebook integration with wicket using scribe- java , google gjson and facebook graph Api

13. robz/JavaTetrisBot    github.com

a bot for playing tetris on facebook

14. trsvax/tapestry-facebook    github.com

Tapestry components that implement the Facebook XFBML async interface

15. Roonin-mx/FacebookMessageSender    github.com

Java Lib for sending messages with facebook

16. PocketsUnited/facebook-graph-api-wrapper    github.com

A simple java wrapper for the Facebook Graph API

17. ljb/freenet-facebook    github.com

Freenet plugin for exchanging darknet references with facebook friends

18. kross/ljc-facebook    github.com

Example Code of Facebook Integration prepared for the LJC

19. tkhduracell/Facebook-Notifier    github.com

Facebook Notifier

20. pausa/Facebook-Project    github.com

The goal is to develop a desktop application that gives to the end-user a full facebook experience without using a web browser.

21. gvanderploeg/facebook-oauth-client    github.com

Java webapp that uses Facebook's OAuth 2.0 to show some basic information

22. diogosantos/FacebookAuthApp    github.com

A simple Java example of Facebook authentication with Play Framework 2.0

23. renatomsoares/Facebook-Test    github.com

Teste da api restfb para um projeto de disciplina da universidade.

24. mohansrihari/struts-facebook-integration    github.com

Struts Facebook integration with the help of Facebook Graph API, Google gson and Scribe java

25. cricket007/CSSE230--Facebook    github.com

CSSE230 Winter Final Project - Design an application similar to Facebook , Google+, etc, using Java

26. nachoalonso/FirstFacebookApp    github.com

Simple Java Play 2 application that displays all the basic info about the current Facebook user.

27. emobtech/Facebook-API-ME    github.com

Facebook API ME defines a compelling and well defined API for Java developers who wish to access Facebook's services. This project provides support for the main and more popular services, e.g., status posting, friends list, etc. More services are added as new versions are released. Facebook API ME is defined in such a way that developers will learn how to use it quickly. In addition, the API is structured to work regardless of the underlying Java platform (e.g. Java ME, Android and RIM), in order to make easier and quicker for the developers to port their applications to other platforms.

28. fmaste/caralibro    github.com

A Facebook Java API

29. gund38/Javabook    github.com

Clone of Facebook in Java

30. gvaish/jfb    github.com

Facebook Java SDK

31. franklinsxx/Dissent-in-Facebook    github.com

Dissent in Facebook

32. saurabhjain/FacebookAndroidClient2    github.com

Facebook integration with Android Activity.

33. shakeelmohamed/Android-FacebookSDKConnect    github.com

A very basic implementation of the Facebook Android SDK.

34. stickfigure/batchfb    github.com

Experimental batching Java API for Facebook

35. avinashThummala/GFace    github.com

Java based XMPP client for Facebook

36. facebook/jcommon    github.com

concurrency, collections, zookeeper, stats/analytics, config, testing, etc

37. infinitegraph/IGFacebookSample    github.com

Facebook Sample

38. 2m/facelimiter    github.com

block facebook on your pc

39. franklinsxx/DiFChatServer    github.com

Dissent in Facebook Chat Server

40. CarmenD/tinyfbclient    github.com

Tiny Facebook Java Rest Client. Simple and direct way to call Facebook API

41. zavidovych/web-communicator    github.com

Java API to send emails, HTTP requests, Facebook updates, and tweets.

42. jorgefer00/Facebin    github.com

Simulacion de red Social igual a Facebook en Java

43. joynes/Massive-Photo-Uploader    github.com

Facebook Application in Java /Swing for uploading a huge amount of albums with one click.

44. CavemanCraig/FBTutorialDemo    github.com

How To Create a Facebook App with Java - Full Tutorial Blog on ocpsoft.org

45. dwursteisen/image-api    github.com

an easy-to-use java library for imgur, flickr and facebook . And all of this with OAuth support !

46. jankronquist/imagesync    github.com

Picasa to Facebook image synchronizer

47. yorn42/facepalm    github.com

Facebook stalking tool

48. facebook/linkbench    github.com

Facebook Graph Benchmark

49. cloudwalking/Graffiti-Robot    github.com

Robot for drawing any given image to the Graffiti app on Facebook

50. nagota/fb-hacker-cup-2013    github.com

Solution to problems posted on Facebook Hacker Cup 2013

51. franklinsxx/DiFSocialPostServer    github.com

Dissent in Facebook Message Social Post Server

52. davidvc/TinyFBGraphClient    github.com

A very small but useful Java client for the new Facebook Graph API based on TinyFBClient from Carmen Delessio

53. fwermus/rest-fb    github.com

librer?a rest para comunicaci?n con facebook

54. Angel007/randomfriendfacebookapp    github.com

JSP Example to show a Random Friend on Facebook - illustrate authentication, profile update, tab view, Facebook Connect site

55. ppsirker/dsalgo    github.com

www.dsalgo.com Data structure and algorithms interview questions and answers with complete java code for top level companies like google, microsoft, amazon and Facebook .

56. asaafan/FBPwn    github.com

A cross-platform Java based Facebook social engineering framework, sends friend requests to a list of Facebook profiles, and polls for the acceptance notification. Once the victim accepts the invitation, it dumps all their information,photos and friend list to a local folder. Extensible module interfaces and built-in modules for advanced social engineering tricks.

57. JulianMayorga/UMBook    github.com

Aplicaci?n web estilo facebook para presentar en la materia Programacion II

58. p/gfeedline    code.google.com

GFeedLine is a social networking client. It supports Twitter & Facebook. Fixed a bug to fail launching. Thanks @yyyjajp Fixed a bug that disabled creating an account. A...

59. p/gphotoframe    code.google.com

GPhotoFrame is a photo frame gadget. Local folders F-Spot database Shotwell database Facebook API Flickr API Picasa Web Album API Tumblr API Haikyo Clock RSS...

60. p/facebooklike    code.google.com

facebook like

61. p/facedesk    code.google.com

Use Facebook as a stand-alone application, instead of having to open it in a web browser.

62. p/mosbsno    code.google.com

auto subscribe facebook acces token

63. p/facepolls    code.google.com

Project for voting through Facebook

64. p/smart-rate    code.google.com

SemRate allows you to rate anything using tags, scores and facebook comments. Rateable things are obtained from Semantic Resources like Freebase. We provide RDF resources about any rateable item.

65. p/google-summer-of-code-2010-facebook    code.google.com

A project for Google Summer of Code students working on Facebook.

66. p/rest-client    code.google.com

|| WizTools.org in: Facebook | G+ ||RESTClient is a Java application to test RESTful webservices. It can be used to test variety of HTTP communications. There are two executables: GUI ...

67. p/roboguice    code.google.com

Facebook Messenger<a title"ht?

68. p/addi    code.google.com

Facebook Like Please consider supporting this project:[

69. p/facebook-blogv4    code.google.com

Facebook Blogger

70. p/jquery-elastic    code.google.com

This Jquery plugin makes your textareas grow and shrink to fit it's content. It was inspired by the auto growing textareas on Facebook. The major difference between Elastic and it's competitors is it'...

71. p/tandolin    code.google.com

Tandolin is a company that develops and supports innovative Joomla extensions.Find Tandolin to discuss ideas and exchange knowledge on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN or Joomla People.To learn more,...

72. p/facebookphotos-xbmc    code.google.com

XBMC plugin addon to browse facebook photos. Browse albums, photos of you, your friends albums, and photos of your friends.

73. p/blacknd    code.google.com

Facebook Google+ Twitter

74. p/faceplusbox    code.google.com

jQuery plugin for Facebook and Google+ Slide BOX

75. p/live-android    code.google.com

Thanks for all your guys loving LiveAndroid. Android is so amazing We love it Now our team focus on developing funny apps, for more details and like us on Facebook: Any ideas or suggesti...

76. p/naonedbus    code.google.com

L'application Android pour consulter les horaires des transports de la ville de Nantes.Suivez l'appli sur twitter :Sur facebook : Et sur Google+ :Faites un don : PayPal...

77. p/motivatormaker-android    code.google.com

Take a picture and frame it as a motivator poster.Share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and more. Works on phones and tablets. ?

78. p/xperience-x8    code.google.com

DEVELOPER: Klozz TeamMEX@XDA-DevelopersRom based on Cyanogenmod and MiniCM 7.2 nAa FACEBOOK Group New code google page ^^Xperience? Crema de Nieve (Android 4.0)<img src="

79. p/facebook-cpp-graph-api    code.google.com

UPDATE If you like to see full blown implementation of facebook-cpp-graph-api check out : my new project :Music Social Recommendation and sharing TunesAmpWho am i:my name is meir ya...

80. p/interactive-video-wall-wallgui    code.google.com

GUI classes for the video wall. Detailed explanation is in our facebook group page.

81. p/schematical-open-source    code.google.com

Schematical is a platform for rapidly building and deploying Facebook applications.

82. p/facebook-robot    code.google.com

A project that shows posts and comments of a Facebook's Fan Page.

83. p/facebook-facebookmanager    code.google.com

Facebook Alert is a small windows application that sits on system try,and it's notify you once you will received friend request,message or any other notification.

84. p/facebook-api-trial    code.google.com


85. p/munro-bagging    code.google.com

Simple facebook application for munro bagging

86. p/sentistatus    code.google.com

FB app making the sentiment analysis of facebook statuses

87. p/gae-simpleauth    code.google.com

Supported specs: OAuth 2.0 OAuth 1.0(a) OpenID Supported providers out of the box: Google (OAuth 2.0) Facebook (OAuth 2.0) Windows Live (OAuth 2.0) Twitter (OAuth ...

88. p/fb2gc    code.google.com

The goal is to have a web based service to achieve two-way synchronization between facebook friends and google contactsThe main goal actually is to obtain profile pictures for google contacts, t...

89. p/face-tube    code.google.com

Incomplete project originally aiming to mashup facebook with youtube by auto-queuing a user's music likes on youtube.

90. p/facebookapplication    code.google.com

Facebook Applications

91. p/code-facebook-clone    code.google.com

Source Open Code Facebook Clone

92. p/in-legend-facebook-music-streaming-app    code.google.com

This player was first developed to promote "ballads n bullets" the first record of the hand hammered piano craft band in legend. It was developed on a tight time schedual and has some crude bug fixe...

93. p/facebook-ofppt    code.google.com


94. p/ibpsexamblog    code.google.com

facebook popup

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