HTTP « Network « Java Open Source App

Java Open Source App
3.Algorithm Data Structure
5.Cloud Computing
6.Data Mining
10.Google API
34.Social Network
38.Web Framework
Java Open Source App » Network » HTTP 

1. ZhouWeikuan/cocos2d

cocos2d for android, based on cocos2d-android-0.82, and now ported from cocos2d-iphone 0.99.4. The googlecode address is here: . There are several demos to watch.

2. msgilligan/grails-ajax-proxy-plugin

A proxy plugin for cross-domain AJAX , etc. Based upon ProxyServlet

3. dsmiley/HTTP-Proxy-Servlet

Smiley's HTTP Proxy implemented as a Java servlet

4. tedchoward/ThinWire

The most official unofficial fork of ThinWire (

5. rjolly/jas-android

Java Algebra System (

6. ties/winstone

GIT repo for the winstone HTTP server

7. 3scale/3scale_ws_api_for_java

3scale integration plugin for Java applications. 3scale is an API Infrastructure service which handles API Keys, Rate Limiting, Analytics, Billing Payments and Developer Management. Includes a configurable API dashboard and developer portal CMS. More product stuff at, support information at

8. azagniotov/stubby4j

HTTP stub server written in Java with embedded Jetty

9. wspeirs/PHAAAS

The Plugable Http Authentication Authorization and Auditing System

10. gseguin/NanoHTTPd

A free, simple, tiny (1 java file!), nicely embeddable HTTP server in Java .

11. tobyweston/simple-http

A simple Java HTTP client

12. IkarosKappler/ikrs.http

A tiny java written http server.

13. psimonazzi/url-droid

Super-lightweight HTTP client library in Java for Android and the JVM

14. m3dev/curly

A pretty simple HTTP client as handy as `curl` command

15. webbit/webbit

A Java event based WebSocket and HTTP server

16. kilim/kilim

Lightweight threads for Java , with message passing, nio, http and scheduling support.

17. joelind/zxing-iphone

A build of Zebra Crossing ( for ios 4

18. square/okhttp

An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications.

19. Atmosphere/nettosphere

A Java WebSocket/HTTP server based on the Atmosphere and Netty Framework

20. mikeebert/http-server

HTTP Server in Java

21. beele/Roggbiv

Java implementation of the Arduino RGB controller (

22. kevinsawicki/http-request

Java HTTP Request Library

23. hamnis/httpcache4j

A HTTP cache for Java

24. lsinger/PushNotificationsJava

A class that sends push notifications to registered Apple devices using the HTTP API of

25. gb96/WorldWind-JAVA

regular mirror of WWJ source from

26. captainRon/CachedThreadPool

Short test from java -applicatioin-process-hangs-on.html

27. robertkosten/CyanChat

Java Implementation of the CyanChat Protocol, as specified at chat /programmers.html

28. ning/async-http-client

Asynchronous Http Client for Java

29. philipgloyne/java-http-get-clients

A quick test application to review the performance of several java http libraries.

30. http-kit/http-kit

http-kit is a minimalist, event-driven, high-performance Clojure HTTP server/ client library with WebSocket and asynchronous support

31. brunodecarvalho/java-http-client-benchmark

Benchmark for several Java HTTP clients

32. jharlap/mock-http-server

Java tool for mocking HTTP server behaviours for testing HTTP client code

33. simplegeo/simplegeo-java-client

A Java HTTP client that accesses the SimpleGeo API

34. dashorst/runcc

Parser/lexer generator taken from

35. jaredestern/server

HTTP-compliant dynamic web server.

36. Beat707/Beat707-Manager

With this application you can Backup and Restore Patterns & Songs from your Beat707 unit - IMPORTANT: this is not an Arduino file, but a Processing file - Please consider making a donation to support continued software development

37. Beat707/Beat707-USB-to-MIDI

Cross-Platform Program made with Processing - IMPORTANT: this is not an Arduino file, but a Processing file - Executable files included - Please consider making a donation to support continued software development

38. berb/java-web-server

A simple multi-threaded HTTP server written in Java for educational or experimental purposes

39. srednal/HttpProxyTunnel

Tunnel connections through an http proxy

40. ssrikanth/couchdb-lucene

For a better Lucene indexer, see rnewson's fork: couchdb -lucene/

41. hbzhang/lucene-web

Lucene over HTTP

42. davidmoten/predict4java

mavenized version of

43. 7droids/GildedRoseTestKata

Creating tests classes with 100% test coverage for the Gilded Rose Kata using different Java test frameworks. The official coding kata can be found at These are the sources to my blog on

44. lsimons/jhttp

java http client library

45. bjorncs/minimal-web-crawler

A simple web crawler implemented in Java using Apache HTTP Client and MapDB

46. jarod/qqwry-java

a java library to read QQWry ip database . (

47. naszaklasa/openddr-http-api

Java HTTP server and client to OpenDDR API

48. airbrake/airbrake-java

The official Java library for

49. beobal/java-zfs

Fork of the JNA Bindings for ZFS (

50. fornwall/eclipsecoder-java

EclipseCoder ( plug-in adding support for using java .

51. vicsstar/bbn-java-api

A Java port to the BBN ( SMS API.

52. kafka0102/xhttpproxy

a tiny http proxy with encryption

53. bperin/HttpRequest

Phonegap / Cordova Android Plugin to send native HTTP requests

54. cowtowncoder/java-uuid-generator

Java Uuid Generator (JUG) is a library for generating all (3) types of UUIDs on Java . See ( for C#-based sister project!

55. bradical/Airbrake-Notifier-for-Java

A fork of the Google Code project: that can be used to notify AirbrakeApp of errors in your Java application via lo4j or manually

56. adamfisk/LittleProxy

High Performance HTTP Proxy

57. uDig/udig-platform

uDig parent project containing all core components. More plugins can be found in community repos:

58. joval/ntlm-java

Based on the Google Code project: java /

59. dound/google-closure-compiler

Mirror of Google's Closure Compiler SVN repo (

60. drZymo/gltut

My take on implementing the tutorial of in Java using LWJGL.

61. The-Shadow/Java-PasteHTML-API

PasteHTML API written in Java .

62. butlermh/JerichoHTML

Fork of

63. vvasabi/pbkdf2-java

Java implementation of PBKDF2 from html .

64. Huang-Wei/understanding-timsort-java7

Sample code for the post : html

65. FarSighTe/Java_HTTPServer

A simple HTTP server (RED WAGON _PS E154D9).

66. martinb3/java-jeopardy

From the original

67. adamhooper/html_to_png_server

HTTP server which accepts HTML and outputs PNG representations of it

68. kulikov/protobuf-java-format

Fork from java -format/

69. elonen/nanohttpd

Tiny, easily embeddable HTTP server in Java

70. brunodecarvalho/http-client

A Java high performance throughput-oriented HTTP client library based on Netty.

71. cloudera/crunch

Crunch is in the Apache Incubator now, and lives at http ://

72. zms351/JavaHttpProxy

Java Http Proxy Framework

73. thillerson/oreilly_android

This is the source code referenced in the O'Reilly Online Course: Developing Android Applications with Java . More information can be found here: http :// java /

74. tomakehurst/wiremock

A tool for mocking HTTP services

75. johnstok/http

HTTP is an implementation of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

76. lant/idescat-java

UNMAINTAINED. Implementaci? en Java de l'API de Idescat ( / Java implementation of the Catalan Institute of Statistics API .

77. captchatrader/Java

This library allows interaction with through Java .

78. koppor/popeye

Popeye is a tool for the handling of Java (TM) property files for message internationalization ( I18N ). Originally based

79. dound/JCustomUploader

A simple, cross-platform Java -based file uploader. Compatible with Java 1.4+. Plug-in your own upload logic - not limited to HTTP.

80. aws/java-meme-generator-sample

Sample code for a java application that uses Elastic Beanstalk, S3, DynamoDB, and SQS to create a meme generation website and processing pipeline. For a demonstration of the application in action, see this talk from AWS re:Invent 2012:

81. 1and1/jmyspell

Mavenized version of

82. igorhvr/mnemogogo

Unofficial Fork of

83. igorhvr/mnemojojo

Unofficial Fork of

84. igorhvr/mnemododo

Unofficial Fork of

85. carbonfive/hellod

HTTP performance testing

86. scranton/stompjms

mirror of

87. michal-harish/gridport

GridPort Server - Http Services Gateway for managing ACL and SLA aspects of http/restful service endpoints - reverse proxy implementation

88. garthpatil/buckaroo

Collection of open source Java utilities from

89. cakeframework/cake

Cake - A parallel processing framework

90. wware/openehr-java

OpenEHR Java reference implementation:

91. imapsn/imapsn-lib-java

Reference implementation of

92. xitiomet/placebohttp

Small Java webserver and http library

93. skyline0623/LilyPinyinInputMethod

A java implemented Pinyin Input method.It is a team project for my natural language processing course which I am the leader.It now uses a pinyin table downloaded at( and a reduced corpus from Sogou Corp. which you can download at ( .Have fun!

94. twuni/common-net-http

A lightweight Java HTTP library and web server.

95. zdenekkostal/FreeNetIS-client

Java client for FreeNetIS (Gson, Apache HTTP Client, JGraphX)

96. aashiks/Slang4Java

A java port of

97. svn2github/openid4java

GitHub clone of SVN repo (cloned by

98. renggli/PetitParserJava

99. wangsha/fundParser

a java web parser for two fund website,

100. jessestuart/SentenceParser

A simple sentence parser written in Java (sorry, world) for a theory of computation class. Specification located here:

101. egtra/PdfLicenseManager

Fork from

102. witwall/sfntly-java

sfntly java version, mirror of

103. tenaciousRas/NanoHTTPDPooled

NanoHTTPD with a simple HTTP connection pool per the recommendation at Adaptations made to NanoHTTPD and NanoHTTPDPooled for use with Android.

104. raducotescu/simple-http-server

a simple HTTP server implemented in Java

105. paulosuzart/JTornado

Java Http Server based on Tornadoweb.

106. garysweaver/nerot

Nerot schedules execution of a Java instance or static method (with arguments you provide) and stores the result in-memory for quick asynchronous retrieval. Basically, it is like traditional response caching, only faster. You never wait on a request after cache expires, because cache never expires. Cache is only refreshed when the scheduled task executes without error. You can wrap any class or Object instance in a GenericTask to call it and store the result in cache. If you are interested in getting an RSS feed, you can use the built-in RSS feed retrieval task. If you are interested in just doing an HTTP GET request (without authentication), you can use the built-in HTTP GET task. Tasks and Stores are fully customizable and extensible.

107. AaronFoltz/java-hackernews

A Java API wrapper for

108. jalop-tresys/beepcore-java

Fork of the beepcore- java project, originally hosted here: java

109. vvasabi/JavaPNS

A fork of JavaPNS library from

110. cdownard/Javasana

Java class to access the Asana API for project management (

111. ox-it/humfrey-java

RDF store with a RESTful update interface, using Java , Jena and NG4J. Developed for

112. fpotter/chompon-java

Java wrapper for Chompon's HTTP API

113. danielpetisme/vdm-reader

A sample Groovy script for ISIMA students (

114. PilotDS4P/ds4p-pilot-public

This project is a pilot implementation of the ONC Data Segmentation for Privacy (DS4P) Implementation Guide:

115. mshahriarinia/HTTP_Server_Java

An Http Server in Java

116. psibre/javacpp

Clone of

117. nickman/javax-scripting

A fork of the original (and seemingly dead) project at Scripting providing JSR-223 script engines

118. willuhn/hbci4java

branch of, that contains support for chipTAN, smsTAN, HKTAN5, HHD 1.4 and other fixes/enhancements

119. paissad/minus-java

Java library for communicating with API.

120. JohannesBuchner/udt-java

Java implementation of UDT (based on by Bernd Schuller's)

121. pstehlik/gelf4j

GELF log4j Appender for server

122. dasanjos/java-WebServer

A simple multi-threaded HTTP 1.1 Server implemented in Java for educational purposes based on W3C specifications

123. pratt121/java-http-server

Simple HTTP server in Java (Work In Progress)

124. lu1s/http-java-server

A very simple http server written in java

125. rack4java/rack4java-server

A minimal HTTP server with talks directly to Rack4Java

126. sl4m/http_server_java

Lite HTTP Server in Java

127. valerioventuri/https-utils

Proxy certificate enabled HTTP server and Servlet container .

128. mewf/merf

merf connects HTTP requests to Java classes

129. nessche/CASBaH

An HTTP based interface to most common CA programs (OpenSSL, Bouncycastle, etc...)

130. robfrank/http-mock

A programmable http server based on Jetty

131. adeleinr/SocialAgents

Simulation of multiagent system that follow a simple gradient messaging system. Depends on the ECJ Framework ( Java SDK 1.4

132. danielqo/delicious-api

A simple client API for Delicious ( social bookmark.

133. orrc/fosdem-android

My fork of the original "official" FOSDEM app hosted on SourceForge SVN ( It's since been forked and updated by rkallensee ( The latest version is on Google Play.

134. hudson/ganymed-ssh-2

Java based SSH -2 Protocol Implementation (Forked from ssh -2/)

135. tail-f-systems/JNC

JNC ( Java NETCONF Client) is the name of a Java library for communicating with NETCONF agents, and a plugin for pyang ( to generate Java classes from YANG models, to be used by the JNC library.

136. kylegio/jsch-clone

This is a jsch clone into github taken from

137. adamgit/Entity-System-RDBMS-Inspired-Java


138. HubSpot/jmte #hubspot-open-source

139. freedom2020llc/uxfparser Parser. Parse an UML style file into java src code.

140. greensnark/sequence

A fork of Alex Moffat's sequence (

141. mabin/SampleWebServer

a sample http server write by java

142. Ordojan/Web-Server

Writing a web server in order to learn more about http and networking among other things.

143. dogukansonmez/HTTP-SERVER

Simple java web server application

144. tarttelin/JavaStubServer

An HTTP server used in tests to provide canned responses to expected requests.

145. comutt/SimpleWebServer-mod

SimpleWebServer, modified. Original version is at

146. jumisz/led-server

Lightweight event-driven asynchronous HTTP Server written in Java

147. Metalab/JavaForFunAndProfit wiki /javaforfunandprofit

148. bolinfest/moe-java

My clone of java /

149. UnitedID/YubiHSM-java-api

This is a java library (API) for the YubiHSM,

150. p/tinydav

This is a small library for contacting HTTP and WebDAV servers. Goal of this project until version 1.0 is supporting all WebDAV methods including the versioning extensions from RFC 3253).Latest ve...

151. p/castle-age-auto-player

The most current patches and features applied to the Castle Age Autoplayer script.New Forum - Castle Age Autoplayer DiscussionsFirefox/Opera/Safari - [http:?

152. p/cookies

Use without jQuery The core of this library--cookie manipulation--does not require jQuery. You can use it standalone to manipulate HTTP cookies. Use with jQuery With jQuery...

153. p/seaside

Seaside provides a layered set of abstractions over HTTP and XHTML that let you build highly interactive web applications quickly, reusably and maintainably. It is based on Smalltalk, a proven and ro...

154. p/headertool

You can easy modify header on each HTTP call on the Mozilla Firefox.The tool is based on the same main stream idea of modify header but use a more simple text editor interface more quicker do edi...

155. p/jsvnadmin

Web Client for Subversion Configuration: Repositories management Users management Groups management Access rights management Supports svn or http(Apache) proto...

156. p/fiveweb

A FiveWin desktop alike RAD for the Web using HarbourThanks for supporting us: http:/?

157. p/apib

apib is intended to be a small, simple, tool for benchmarking HTTP servers. It is intended to have many of the good attributes of "ab," such as small size, a simple interface, and no dependencies. It ...

158. p/sj-http-server

Welcome to the sj-http-server homepage. If you find it interesting, please let me know. My address is samir.jorina AT gmail DOT com.I will be grateful for any feedback.As the the name ...

159. p/google-http-java-client

|| DeveloperGuide Developer's Guide | Setup Setup Instructions | JavaDoc | ReleaseNotes Release Notes | Support Support (Questions, Bugs) ||Written by Google, this library is a flexible, effi...

160. p/google-sites-liberation

This is an import/export tool for Google Sites. Using HTML Microformats it generates an XHTML version of Sites content suitable for offline browsing and simple HTTP hosting, which is also able to b...

161. p/pywebsocket

The pywebsocket project aims to provide a WebSocket standalone server and a WebSocket extension for Apache HTTP Server, modpywebsocket.pywebsocket is intended for testing or experiment...

162. p/ga-api-http-samples

Develop client applications and integrations with the Google Analytics Data Export API by downloading Google Analytics data in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can request d...

163. p/mod-dosblock

ModDosblock is an apache module written to provide Dos/Ddos protection at the HTTP layer. ModDosblock works on http url or http header and can throttle requests based on the rate of incoming http quer...

164. p/gtm-http-fetcher

GTM HTTP Fetcher makes it easy for Cocoa applications to perform http operations. The fetcher is implemented as a wrapper on NSURLConnection, so its behavior is asynchronous and uses operating-system...

165. p/mts-project

Multi-protocol test suite specially designed for IMS architecture : IMS protocols (SIP, RTP, RTPFLOW, Diameter, HTTP) + application ones (RTSP, SMTP, SMPP, Radius, SIGTRAN, H248, MSRP, SNMP, ?...

166. p/share-via-http

A simple way to share files on your phone with any phone, computer or tabletJust choose a file either from your gallery, a file manager or anywhere else, click on "options", "share" and "Share via...

167. p/httpclient-fluent-builder

A fluent builder on top of Apache's HttpClient to simplify its usage for common cases. This implementation is and will remain compatible with the Android String site = Http.get...

168. p/rails-digest-http-authentication

a plugin for rails for digest http authenticationsvn checkout from the source tab

169. p/delphidroid

Write Android applications using Borland Delphi.Official Website: http:\\www.delphiforandroid.comTwitter: Blog:

170. p/im-only-resting

I'm Only Resting is a feature-rich WinForms-based HTTP client that makes building and managing HTTP requests easy and offers various smart response content rendering modes.Feature Overview ...

171. p/amicroblogapi

AMicroBlogAPI is a CApp developers no longer need to parse various HTTP responses -- all responses are parsed into strong types;No longer need to construt the request query strings -- just simply gi...

172. p/gridpersister

As Second Life objects gain capability to handle incoming HTTP requests, one problem remains. The URLs of incoming http connections change. This code that can be installed on google app engine helps m...

173. p/cirruxcache

CirruxCache provides a software solution to dynamically cache HTTP objects on Google Appengine (using the Datastore and the Memcache services).This application implements several features usually ...

174. p/gogaeproxy

http proxy base on gae with golang

175. p/fiducialtuioas3

This comprehensive fiducial as 3 framework enhances the Touchlib's [http?

176. p/jquery-stream

jQuery Stream makes it easier to use two-way communication with browser-based applications and provides the unified two-way communication interface over WebSocket and HTTP protocol. jQuer...

177. p/heronote

Free Open Source eBooksApache FTP ServerApache HTTP ServerAPRARPAtomC?

178. p/ojoverse

OJOverse allows quick mapping between "old Java objects", queries, and HTTP requests.It's a derivative work from an earlier, about 2005, project (dbman), similar to simplified ORMs like SimpleORM ...

179. p/http-dispatch

RPC Command pattern API implementation which can be used on Android platform. The implementaion uses java binary serialization/deserialization so it is possible that it will not work with all the obje...

180. p/ooo-riposte

Riposte is developed to utilize Three Rings Design's Narya ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream over a stateless HTTP connection rather than through the presents TCP always-on connection.I...  | Contact Us | Privacy Policy
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