PDF « Media « Java Open Source App

Java Open Source App
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Java Open Source App » Media » PDF 

1. gaving/ftf    github.com

pdf crawler for popular medical journals

2. angbrav/MiniSearch-Engine    github.com

Mini Search Engine. More info in MiniGoogle SearchReposrt.pdf

3. okohll/RunJasperReports    github.com

RunJasperReports is a command line tool to generate report output from JasperReports report definition files (.jrxml files). These files can be generated using graphical tools such as iReport and then RunJasperReports can be used to run them against a live database at any time, e.g. on a server on a scheduled basis. Output PDF/HTML is written to disk and can optionally be emailed.

4. asposepdf/Aspose_Pdf_Java    github.com

Aspose.Pdf for Java Examples

5. allcolor/YaHP-Converter    github.com

YaHP is a Java library that allows you to convert an HTML document into a PDF document.

6. pdfcrowd/pdfcrowd-java    github.com

The Java client for the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API

7. jamesemorgan/JavaPrintingExamples    github.com

Demos project containing none working class examples of printing PDF's from java , used as part of a blog post

8. Horatio-Blackwood/OpenAgendaMail    github.com

OpenAgendaMail is an email-based agenda aggregation program for your group. Members can simply send a quick email to add an item to an agenda. On the appropriate day the application organizes each of the submitted agenda items, generates a .pdf file and emails it out to a configurable list of email addresses.

9. ogrisel/paper2ebook    github.com

Utility to re-structure research papers published in US Letter or A4 format PDF files to typically remove the 2 columns layout.

10. joergviola/play20-pdf    github.com

A PDF module for Play 2.0

11. fsvehla/PDF    github.com

Java PDF Page count extractor

12. compilr/MergePdf    github.com

Merge PDF files using Java

13. Kris-LIBIS/PdfTool    github.com

Java that contains the PDF manipulation routines

14. hvfrancesco/firmaPDF    github.com

simple java application for PDF digital signature

15. Zigu/PdfRenderer    github.com

mixed java and groovy library to render html as pdf

16. peteRogers/javaPDFCanvas    github.com

Java PDF canvas for simplifying drawing to pdf files

17. smee/pdf-index    github.com

Simple full text index of a directory with PDF files

18. kdk-pkg-soft/freehep-ncolor-pdf    github.com

FreeHEP Java Libraries with n-Color PDF extensions

19. ryancole/java-converter    github.com

This is an example of how to use the Java version of Aspose to convert Excel files to PDF .

20. rahulbot/boxmaker    github.com

The engine underneath http://boxmaker.rahulbotics.com/. Give us dimensions, and we'll generate a PDF you can use to cut a notched box on a laser-cutter.

21. sandys/Imap2PDF    github.com

Gmail IMAP -> parse multipart -> convert txt or HTML to PDF

22. jhonfx/print_test    github.com

Test to generate pdf in java

23. yalemssa/bpgead2pdf    github.com

Yale BPG EAD to PDF conversion (based on example class packaged with FOP)

24. AnimalPlanet/pdf-to-text    github.com

Uses pdfbox api to convert a pdf to plaintext

25. boldt/Okular2PDF    github.com

Converts annotated Okular Document Archives ( PDFs ) to annotated PDFs

26. bhavyahmehta/Pdf-Reader---Writer    github.com

Simple yet powerful and reusable Pdf generation and viewer for android platform

27. DavidR91/xoj2pdf    github.com

Batch convert Xournal .xoj files to PDF

28. ESCRIBA/lenient-pdf-compare    github.com

Tool to compare PDF files structurally or visually and visualize changes.

29. rominirani/Web-Page-to-PDF-Bookmarklet    github.com

A Web Browser bookmarklet that converts the current web page into a PDF file and uploads that file into the Box.net Account

30. RobertOrmandi/java-cf    github.com

This is a prototype implementation of a user-based collaborative filtering training (similarity matrix and top-K computations) and prediction supporting multi-thread computation through training phase. The applied similarity measure is the cosine similarity and the aggregation technique is the adjusted weighted sum method (For more details, please, see http://ids.csom.umn.edu/faculty/gedas/papers/recommender-systems-survey-2005. pdf , the applied similarity is shown in (6.), the aggregation method is presented at (10. c).)

31. seejohnrun/Pretty-Damn-Fancy    github.com

Java PDF Brute Force Cracker

32. jgzornoza/AppletFirmaPdfConDNIe    github.com

Applet que recoge PDF de una URL pasada como par?metro y lo env?a firmado con el DNI electr?nico a otra URL pasada como par?metro

33. SaurabhSonawane/ITextAssignment    github.com

It descibes how to develope pdf using java

34. nassar/pjx    github.com

Java class library for modifying and writing PDF files

35. jribble/libreconverter    github.com

Easily use LibreOffice to convert documents to PDF in Java

36. sbansal/PDFParser    github.com

Java project aimed at parsing PDF Files

37. lpireyn/pi-ocelot    github.com

Powerful and flexible Java library to work with PDF documents.

38. in-the-keyhole/khs-report-writer    github.com

Create PDF line break reports with Java

39. anandsudhir/pdfassert    github.com

PDFAssert is a Java utility for comparing PDF documents

40. kmuto/roman-nmbl    github.com

Roman Nombre setter for PDF

41. seam/reports    github.com

Reports Module: A portable extension for Java EE that provides APIs for compiling, populating and rendering documents (Excel, PDF , etc). Seam Reports is using the branching model from http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ please base pull requests off the develop branch*

42. hendrasaputra/docrest    github.com

Simple PDF REST Repository

43. clintel/PDFRenderer    github.com

SwingLabs' pdf -renderer, pure Java PDF renderer. See also: www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-06-2008/jw-06-opensourcejava- pdf -renderer.html

44. BlackacreLabs/usreports-tokenizer    github.com

Tokenize United States Reports PDFs

45. corvino/pdfbookmarker    github.com

A Java utility for adding hierarchical bookmarks to PDF files, either from a list or regex matches on a table of contents within the PDF .

46. TobiasRoeding/sourcetopdf    github.com

This is a program to convert java source files into printable, syntax highlighted pdf files..

47. ralfebert/imageassert    github.com

ImageAssert is a Java library for asserting and comparing PDF documents in JUnit tests.

48. pratap1032/FileGeneration    github.com

Different file i..e PPT PDF Excel generation using java

49. pasali/Lordu    github.com

a simple java program that allows you to merge Pdf files

50. zippy1978/ghost4j    github.com

Java wrapper for Ghostscript C API + PS/ PDF document handling API

51. tullisar/PDFIndexer    github.com

Java utility for gathering bookmark information about a large quantity of PDF files

52. born2snipe/buckley    github.com

Dynamically add a form to an existing Pdf

53. nichtich/marginalia    github.com

Extract Annotations from PDF files

54. BlackacreLabs/pdfboxminer    github.com

Dump tagged PDF text to various interchange formats

55. agesmundo/BTagger    github.com

http://cui.unige.ch/~gesmundo/papers/gesmundo-taln2011. pdf

56. crw-dev/ComicEPUB    github.com

comic file editor (zip, pdf , epub, folder)

57. n0npr0phet/batesmaster    github.com

batesmaster open source pdf bates stamper

58. freemed/compositepdf    github.com

composite form data onto a template PDF

59. pjungwir/pdfcat    github.com

Command-line tool to join multiple PDF files.

60. kilburn/pdfunlock    github.com

Small java command line utility to unlock pdf files (remove any copy/edit/print protections)

61. elacin/PDFExtract    github.com

my take at a PDF text extraction utility

62. denniskuczynski/doctorj    github.com

Simple server to connect to LibreOffice and convert documents to PDF

63. nuxeo/nuxeo-signature    github.com

Digital signature addon for signing PDF files

64. sshaitan/PDFVersionChanger    github.com

Change any pdf version and flatten annotation and form fields

65. RBG-TU-Darmstadt/PlotterWeb    github.com

A webinterface to print PDFs on plotters (or printers in general)

66. karonte691/Domain-Tool-v-0.1-Alpha    github.com

Domain tool is a subdomain finder written in java . It can generate report in PDF , XLS or TXT format.

67. tdramble/Dramble-s-Cubby-Labels    github.com

This JAVA Application reads class rosters from an SQL database file and formats the students' names into a pdf .

68. ChristianBecker/CouponCutter    github.com

Java tool for extracting a single Coupon from a whole PDF page and printing the extracted Coupon multiple times on one page.

69. dmodani/EMLToPDFUtil    github.com

Java Application which takes a EML file and outputs a PDF file of the HTML content

70. pwaring/FormFillFlatten    github.com

RESTful web service for filling field values in a PDF template and then 'flattening' the PDF so the fields can no longer be edited.

71. gnuheidix/dicomux    github.com

Free DICOM viewer especially for files with ECG and PDF content

72. RaffaeleSgarro/excel-reporter    github.com

Load data from Excel spreadsheets and print out PDF reports

73. ePaul/ltxdoclet    github.com

Javadoc doclet formatting to LaTeX (and PDF ), optionally including source listings

74. mnlhfr/moodlebeans    github.com

Java program that makes downloading course material ( pdfs , slides, etc) from moodle easier! this was only tested with the moodle at elearning.fh-hagenberg.at!

75. stedekay/SpraedPDFGenerator    github.com

Little java project to build a jar for creating PDFs from XHTML using the Flying Saucer project (http://code.google.com/p/flying-saucer/)

76. berlinbrown/lightreports    github.com

Light Reports Editor in Clojure (LTEC) is a tool for creating PDF Reports

77. bedatadriven/appengine-export    github.com

Collection of libraries for producing PDF , RTF, EMF, PNG, etc. files ported to AppEngine

78. nkitsul/pdfformfiller2    github.com

PdfFormFillerUTF-8: Simple PDF Form Filler utility with command line or WWW interface.

79. p/fb2pdf    code.google.com

The goal is to develop a command line utility and web service which allows to convert books in popular FB2 format to PDF.PDF will be formatted for Sony Reader (Libre) and potentially to other devi...

80. p/finfaktura    code.google.com

Fryktelig Fin Faktura er et fakturaprogram for norske forhold. Fakturaene lages p? PDF eller skjema F60. Det er fritt, ?pent og gratis, og laget for linux og windows (mac-versjon kommer)....

81. p/pycbds    code.google.com

The Nintendo DS doesn't have enough resources to read PDF files. It can however read CBR-like files using a homebrew program called Comic Book DS. Since Comic Book DS uses its unique file format?Co...

82. p/google-guice    code.google.com

Presentation Slides (PDF)Put simply, Guice alleviates the need for factories and the use of new in your Java code. Think of Guice's @Inject as the new new. You will stil?

83. p/yajhfc    code.google.com

YajHFC is a client for the HylaFAX fax server written completely in Java.Features: Faxing documents in PostScript, PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF and HTML format Polling faxes Support for g...

84. p/alfresco-pdf-toolkit    code.google.com

Alfresco PDF Toolkit adds additional functionality to Alfresco that allows you to work with PDF files.The toolkit compatibility matrix and some additional information is available on addons.alfre...

85. p/droidreader    code.google.com

DroidReader is a PDF reader application for Google's Android Operating System for mobile devices.It uses native libraries (libjpeg, freetype, MuPDF) for the rendering of the Pages.DroidReader ...

86. p/docbook4j    code.google.com

Intention of this project is to create a simple embeddable java library able to render docbook documents into well-known target formats (html, pdf, man,...).See this blog post ( for a more de...

87. p/do-pdf    code.google.com

Showing a pdf on a web page is a pretty standard requirement for a lot of applications. Usually people take following approaches for showing the pdf Render the PDF document directly on the...

88. p/tomatime    code.google.com

Tomatime es una web retrosocial para regalar tu tiempo a tus amigos.La utilizaci?n de este software tiene licencia "Web Retrosocial". Tienes un PDF explicando que significa eso de Licencia Web R...

89. p/gmail-pdf-rails    code.google.com

Envia email a trav?s de gmail generando y adjuntando un PDF / Rails

90. p/umkc-computer-club    code.google.com

This application will serve up all sorts of files (html, pdf, etc) for our computer club's users. Join UMKC Computer Club

91. p/firefox-mac-pdf    code.google.com

Uses PDFKit to display PDFs in the browser.Requires Firefox 3 and Mac OS 10.4 or higher.? 2009 Sam Gross

92. p/helden-software-pdf-plugin    code.google.com

This plugin generates PDF sheets via Mapping files, for www.helden-software.de

93. p/lucene-silverstripe-plugin    code.google.com

This plugin for the SilverStripe framework allows you to harness the power of the Lucene search engine on your site.Using a variety of tools, you can also search PDF, Word, Excel, Powerpoint...

94. p/phonegap-ebookreader-plugin    code.google.com

This phonegap android plugin allows you to open diifrent ebooks, it sends command to another apps, linked with this file type, for example PDF file will be opened in Amazon Kindle or Adobe Reader if t...

95. p/vudroid    code.google.com

VuDroid is a djvu and pdf document viewer based on code base of DjvuDroid and PdfDroid viewers.New VuDroid viewer will offer redesigned DjvuDroid features: Zoom by slider drag Progressive ...

96. p/ebookdroid    code.google.com

EBookDroid is an open source (GPL'ed) document viewer for Android based on the VuDroid code base.Supported the file in following formats: PDF DjVu XPS (OpenXPS) comics books (cbz,cbr)...

97. p/apdfviewer    code.google.com

APDFViewer is a PDF file viewer for android platform. Use poppler as the backend.Because Apache License 2.0 is not compatible with the GPLv2license poppler uses, APDFViewer's code license is ch...

98. p/open-pdf-presenter    code.google.com

Open-pdf-presenter is a program for presenting PDFs on multi-monitor settings (typically a laptop connected to a overhead projector). It includes a presenter console on an auxiliary monitor, which can...

99. p/fbreaderplus    code.google.com

this is a free project base fbreader software . Add some other decoder . eg: doc , pdf

100. p/manual-indexing    code.google.com

Help Developer to offline work and find all reference on pdf or html file, use Qt 4.7.4 and Webkit to consult manual. To read pdf file the app take pdftotext, if you having other simple...

101. p/raportilo    code.google.com

komputila programo por pdf-a raportoj

102. p/txtx    code.google.com

TxTx is a command line tool for professional document writing with Extended Txt (with LightWeight Markup) syntax on MS Windows.The output can be a PDF, HTML or Doc file.Supported l...

103. p/stream-pdf    code.google.com

An MVC3 application that serves up a byte array of a PDF.

104. p/melonlibronovedades    code.google.com

proyecto en Appengine mantenedores y reportes en PDF

105. p/nanodoa    code.google.com

NanoDoA is a document archive for private use.Some characteristics of NanoDoA are: Documents are hold in PDF format. Full text search over the hole archive. Tagging / Labeling documents...

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