TapestryLibrary Flow Logix Tapestry Library What is TapestryLibrary Flow Logix Tapestry Library? Makes Tapestry work easily with JEE/EJBs, GWT, Shiro Security and JEE Servers like Glassf...
This project is an example demonstrating a user management system using sessions, gwt-platform, objectify and appengine. This has to be maintained as simple and as secure as possible.
Its GWT wrapper for SWFUpload Flash library. Great upload capabilities of Flash and the accessibility.You can download SWFUpload swf file and js file from compatible with the new security ...
GWTSecurity is a library that allows a GWT application to utilize the security features provided by Spring Security.Add repository and dependency to your pom.xml c...
An Eclipse project that acts as a starting point for developing GWT applications to support container managed security. This includes: Securing standard resources and AJAX services Cleanly...