Swing « GUI « Java Open Source App

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Java Open Source App » GUI » Swing 

1. Steema/TeeChart-Java-for-Swing-applications-samples    github.com

Sample programs showing how to use TeeChart Java for Swing applications

2. wsbruzzi/Chat    github.com

Trabalho em Java - chat Swing

3. gabrielmancini/chat    github.com

Chat server and client using swing and netty

4. jorin-vogel/Chat-App    github.com

Java -Swing App for demo-purposes

5. zbigniewTomczak/blocking-queues-chat    github.com

Java Swing chat with usage of java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue

6. Uriel32/Simple-Chat-Infrastructure    github.com

Simple Chat Server/Client ( Java , Swing, BSD 2-Clause)

7. ico77/chat-server-client    github.com

Java implementation of a multi-threaded chat server and swing client

8. cismet/cids-navigator    github.com

Java Swing Client for the cids system .

9. adrian/upm-swing    github.com

Java SWING version of Universal Password Manager.

10. aksvenk/Discuss    github.com

A discussion forum built with swing and java RMI

11. borisyurkevich/DBTable    github.com

Client -server application where the Swing based GUI is a client and RDBMS is a server. Can work on one machine.

12. stanguy/JsTaric    github.com

OpenSource Java Swing GUI to export TARIC codes to CSV

13. sirdeaz/JavaCircles    github.com

JavaCircles is a simple implementation of the Google + circles. It can be used to spice up your java swing apps.

14. UISpec4J/UISpec4J    github.com

Java /Swing GUI testing made simple!

15. q6475005/java_gui    github.com


16. alandipert/clj-swingrepl    github.com

Clojure REPL GUI using Swing

17. alisonlyang/WaiterGUI    github.com

made in COMS1007 with java swing, simple program reading a text file of menu items, and generating a gui like what waiters use in restaurants. keeps track of orders throughout a "day"

18. cyberpython/glossa-interpreter-gui-components    github.com

Java Swing GUI components to be used for glossa-interpreter integration

19. MrYoda/JavaMinesweeper    github.com

The first Java project for studying many things as OOP, OOD, interfaces, generics, some collections, a little of Swing GUI

20. aljux/swing_astar    github.com

An implementation of A* in java along with a GUI .

21. ari/kafenio    github.com

HTML editor component for Java Swing

22. seungjin/october-bot    github.com

robotframework-mabot in Swing/ Java

23. cyberpython/MiniJavaEditor    github.com

A Java /Swing source code editor that can easily integrate with a MiniJava compiler implementation in Java .

24. sanyaade/JavaMailer    github.com

Java Mailer Swing App using JavaMail API, JActiviation J2SE, J2ME, J2EE compatible

25. technicat/FuguJava    github.com

Java framework that supports both J2ME and Swing

26. donhenton/ActiveMQViewer    github.com

A Java Swing application for monitoring/manipulating ActiveMQ queues via JMX

27. rdlittle/JPADS    github.com

Java swing implementation of PADS

28. tomcz/jpasskeep    github.com

Cross-platform password keeper written in Java Swing

29. dense/Mass-Mailer    github.com

Mass Mailer in Java /Swing

30. Ommy/Map-Creator    github.com

A map editor made in Java using the SWING interface made during Kobo's Hackathon

31. bylexus/JFractGen    github.com

A Julia/Mandelbrot Fractal generator written in Java /Swing

32. SquidPony/SquidLib    github.com

Useful tools for working with Grid World in Java Swing panels. Comments and suggestions are very welcome!

33. santa4nt/SwingCapture    github.com

A photobooth webcam capture program backed by JMF and Swing.

34. TheKojuEffect/SwingMVC    github.com

Java SE MVC pattern implementation with Swing

35. dibog/net.bogdoll.wizards    github.com

Basic java wizard framework for Swing

36. rubyroyd/PhysicsEngine    github.com

simple physics engine, used java and swing

37. perelo/Harbor-Management    github.com

Database & Java (swing) project from the IUT (Cas 2)

38. tclab/time_report    github.com

Java Swing time tracker app

39. Artem-Mamchych/java-swing-apps    github.com

Swing applications

40. rlaoprasert/jirc    github.com

java project for ap computer science ; uses sockets, threading and, swing to create a simple chat program

41. mikedterada/Alchemy    github.com

Skyrim Alchemy Aid. Java program that uses a swing

42. ottoo/ShoppingList    github.com

Shopping list application made with Java Swing

43. gustavkarlsson/g-wiz    github.com

A Java Swing wizard framework

44. jbundle/jcalendarbutton    github.com

A simple java swing component that displays a popup calendar

45. martinusadyh/perpus-app-swing    github.com

Project Perpustakaan Java Swing

46. dabrady/swing    github.com

java swing experiments

47. gitpan/Java-Swing    github.com

Release history of Java - Swing

48. marti1125/Java_Swing    github.com

Java Swing

49. RealityGrid/swing_steerer    github.com

A Java / Swing Steering Client.

50. cozycode/commons-swing    github.com

Common Java Swing code

51. zhyi/zse-swing    github.com

Java SE Extension - Swing

52. markhobson/entangle-swing    github.com

Entangle support for Java Swing .

53. dzafarsadik/learning-swing    github.com

Java Swing API examples

54. justincbeck/swing_quilt    github.com

Java Quilt Generator

55. gogromat/SwingMinesweeper    github.com

Java Swing Minesweeper

56. mNijurin/swing_sandbox    github.com

sandbox for swing and other java features

57. mtoader/swing-demos    github.com

Some demos of Java Swing skills.

58. Vitaliy-Yakovchuk/dbusmenu-swing    github.com

Unity global menu integration for Java swing applications

59. keithrbennett/multilanguage-swing    github.com

A simple Swing app implemented in Java , JRuby, ...?

60. benwaugh/Swing-Demo    github.com

Various bits of code for experimenting with Java Swing

61. aeremenok/swing-formbuilder    github.com

Generates swing components from java beans at runtime

62. jeremywrowe/SwingSet    github.com

SwingSet - A collection of Java Swing Window effects

63. mkns/SwingTesting    github.com

A few simple Java Swing things, using Swing .

64. nickebbutt/od-swing    github.com

Some helpful java swing utility classes

65. braindeaf/jruby-swing    github.com

JRuby port of Swing example applications from O'Reilly Java Swing 2nd Edition in order to learn Java JRuby and Swing

66. yaochen1979/SwingDemo    github.com

Java SWING : 1. Function One: String to Binary or Binary to String.

67. cozycode/Swing-Inspector    github.com

A utility for inspecting the components of a Java Swing application while the application is running.

68. jrdalpra/AlphaSwing    github.com

A Swing Framework to make easy desktop application development with Java

69. acionescu/java-forms-swing    github.com

generates java swing forms

70. csk157/tutorial_java_swing_frames    github.com

Theyseemecodin.com tutorial on Java swing - creating basic frames and elements

71. genericFJS/Java-Swing-Tutorials    github.com

Example Code from zetcode.com

72. MentalMarriott/Java--Sorts---Swing    github.com

few sorts with some swing interface

73. hash/swing_paint    github.com

paint in swing

74. shashirepo/java    github.com

Its All About Java Swing Desktop Applications

75. eikek/swing-uploadfield    github.com

A swing component for url inputs.

76. mikera/swing-console    github.com

A Swing text console component

77. fmquaglia/multitareas-swing    github.com

Multitareas Swing

78. rickyclarkson/fj-swing    github.com

Bindings between mutable values and Swing components

79. arboliveira/swing-insulation    github.com

Swing Insulation

80. residuen/OpenEdu-SwingLessons    github.com

Einf?hrungslektionen f?r Java - Swing

81. CaptJeffThomas/SwingContactList    github.com

Java Swing Intro - Contact List

82. Albaniusz/java_swingtutorial    github.com

Edu Java Swing Tutorial

83. channguyen/SimpleTextEditor    github.com

Java Swing

84. anormal81/VividSwingAnimations    github.com

A simple and powerful java swing animation framework

85. zekitow/swing-contact-list    github.com

Simple contact list written in java swing .

86. spreiter301/Twinkle    github.com

Twinkle - Growl for Java Swing

87. pakenned/SimpleSwingAboutMenu    github.com

Project to demonstrate a simple about menu for a simple Java Swing application

88. AlanGav/Binario_A_Decimal_Swing    github.com

Aplicaci?n gr?fica en java que convierte decimal a binario.

89. hbt/vim_swing_bindings    github.com

[dead] provides vim like keyboard bindings to java swing applications (experiment)

90. yashksagar/MiniCourierInSwing    github.com

A mini version of the MS Courier Tablet using Java Swing custom components

91. misue/JavaSamples    github.com

Small sample programs of Java and Swing .

92. schauhan8/Swing-Sketch-pad    github.com

A Java Swing App that is a notepad which has sketching enabled in it. Also, stores each drawing, and creates a new tab per sketch.

93. detinho/JSR303Swing    github.com

Integration between the JSR303 specification (beans validation) and the InputVerifier from the swing framework.

94. tiglett/jsGif-Swing    github.com

Go away

95. karottenreibe/Neo2SwingHack    github.com

Dirty hack to fix Neo2 level 4 keys within Swing applications

96. perusworld/yosanai-aws-console-swing    github.com

Yosanai - Amazon Web Services Swing Console

97. perusworld/yosanai-swing-components    github.com

Yosanai Swing Components

98. feliperfranca/JavaCRUD    github.com

CRUD application based on the Swing Application Framework

99. Codeartisans/swing-on-steroids    github.com

Swing development on stero?ds with Supervising Presenters and Passive Views (aka. MVP), a MessageBus and optionaly Guice or Qi4j

100. ilmaliek/JawaTranslatorSwing    github.com

Aplikasi penerjemah bahasa Jawa - Indonesia versi Swing

101. aeos/java-progressbar-colored    github.com

Colored Progress Bar Component in Swing

102. physion/java-predicate-editor    github.com

Swing -based query predicate editor

103. ymirpl/nsaper    github.com

Simple Java / Swing minesweeper

104. born2snipe/regex-tool    github.com

java swing regex tool

105. joaomfrebelo/JRFramework    github.com

Java Swing an Hibernate Framework

106. fabiosc/EfficaceComponentes    github.com

Componentes Java SWING personalizados

107. ghbhatt/VforVoulnteer    github.com

Java Swing Application

108. stripbandunk/JGlassPane    github.com

Java Swing GlassPane Utilities

109. dhurst22/final_cs1410    github.com

java swing - homework assignment

110. stryder199/Seng330GroupProj    github.com

A java swing group project

111. en4bz/TicTacToe    github.com

Java Swing TicTacToe

112. wonjohnchoi/five-in-a-row    github.com

Five In a Row ( Java Swing )

113. wonjohnchoi/elephant-hunt    github.com

Elephant Hunt ( Java Swing )

114. wonjohnchoi/pentris    github.com

Pentris ( Java Swing )

115. wonjohnchoi/stopwatch    github.com

Stopwatch ( Java Swing )

116. tony1223/bingo    github.com

for java swing bingo project

117. ynov/jarusedo    github.com

Stupid experiment with Java Swing

118. dosagc/ZetCode1    github.com

ZetCode Java Swing Tutorial

119. LinuxSuRen/SuRen    github.com

This is a Java Swing Program.

120. kentingnguyen/BattleShip    github.com

Battleship using Java Swing

121. mdanaci/javaswingdenemeleri    github.com

java swing ile denemeler

122. ekosuhariyadi/belajar-javaswing    github.com

Belajar Java Swing

123. pago/pgslookandfeel    github.com

A LookAndFeel for Java / Swing .

124. RiaL/WindaToAda    github.com

WindaProject(Ada+ Java ( Swing ))

125. wstphn/honey    github.com

The demo of Java Swing Application

126. timdp/jflow    github.com

Cover Flow for Java Swing

127. landrey/JavaUtils    github.com

A couple of useful (?) Java classes (Properties/preferences handling), minor swing utilities

128. fabiofalci/unloading-java-class    github.com

An unloading java class example ( swing application).

129. heropotato/Blood-Donation-Supply-Chain-System    github.com

Java EE, Java Swing , db40

130. JGuillemotte/easysoa-demo-proxy-front-swing    github.com

A Swing client for proxy demo

131. mxro/appjangle-java-demo    github.com

A simple demo for Appjangle using Java Swing (Showcase 09)

132. m2gl-tp/gli-tp1    github.com

Drawing Editor Java Swing Applet

133. herrsergio/PRB_Attendance_FP    github.com

Java Swing interface to clock in employees

134. dancek/nbody    github.com

A simple Java / Swing planetary simulation

135. hoangqviet/Painter    github.com

clone of Paint using java swing

136. cgddrd/UMLator    github.com

Interactive UML class diagram creator built using Java & the 'Swing' GUI framework.

137. p/definity-toolkit    code.google.com

The Definity Toolkit is a java framework used to create a MVC, where service layer could be shared with different views layer. The Definity Framework supports projects Web and Swing.

138. p/beanfabrics    code.google.com

Welcome to the Beanfabrics projectBeanfabrics is a presentation model component framework for building rich clients and desktop applications with Java Swing or SWT (experimental). The Beanfabrics ...

139. p/jsyntaxpane    code.google.com

A very simple to use and extend JEditorKit that supports few languages. The main goal is to make it easy to have nice looking Java Swing Editors with support for Syntax Highlighting.Featured on ...

140. p/javabuilders    code.google.com

?Just started on using the Swing JavaBuilder and i must say i like it. Just replaced 170 rules of Java code with only 13 lines YAML?Comment posted the JavaBuilders forum Swing JavaBuilde...

141. p/xfiledialog    code.google.com

stevpan@gmail.com XFileDialog is a Java wrapper class built upon Windows CFileDialog/IFileDialog and JNI. With xfiledialog, a Java Swing app can easily access several frequently-used functi...

142. p/javanapratica    code.google.com

Baseia-se no ensino da linguagem Java desde o in?cio, apresentando desde os detalhes b?sicos at? o desenvolvimento de um modelo de sistema real, desktop, com a API Swing. Ao longo do curso ...

143. p/ixora-rms    code.google.com

IxoraRMS is a tool for visualizing monitoring data. It is written in Java and has a Swing GUI. As part of my job I am involved in performance testing and I felt the need for a tool with the following ...

144. p/upj-software-engineering2012    code.google.com

academic tower defense project illustrating our software engineering knowledge and capabilities (ex. teamwork)this is what we would like to avoid:tire swing

145. p/db-multipurpose-tool    code.google.com

This is a project which helps in maintaining the databases.this is a simple Java Swing project which targets easy resolution of issues of the DatabaseFeatures of the Database include1.Comparis...

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