Database « Database « Java Open Source App

Java Open Source App
3.Algorithm Data Structure
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Java Open Source App » Database » Database 

1. SoapyIllusions/fly

A simple Java framework to build modern web UIs for database centric applications

2. plhdb/plhdb

Primate Life Histories Database Codebase

3. forcedotcom/java-sdk SDK for Java

4. jankotek/JDBM3

Embedded Key Value Java Database

5. jankotek/MapDB

MapDB provides concurrent TreeMap and HashMap backed by disk storage. It is a fast, scalable and easy to use embedded Java database.

6. jchambers/jeospatial

A geospatial point database library for Java

7. williamw520/jsoda

Simple Java object layer for AWS databases (SimpleDB and DynamoDB)

8. sgrotz/EhCacheSampleCustomerDB

Sample Application showcasing a sample Customer DB integration with EhCache

9. chirino/hawtdb

HawtDB is an embedded MVCC Key/Value Database

10. booz-allen-hamilton/culvert

Secondary indexing for structured and unstructured data in Big Table style databases.

11. jeluard/stone

A flexible time series database

12. horizon-institute/WeatherScraper

Scrape weather data from webpages and store in a DB

13. flyway/flyway

Flyway - The Agile Database Migration Framework for Java

14. tackley/dbdeploy

Java tools to manage agile database development

15. tacitknowledge/autopatch

An automated database patching framework for Java .

16. d2rq/d2rq

Database to RDF mapping engine and SPARQL server

17. crrood/JavaDatabase

Simple Java database from a school project

18. jdeolive/geodb

Spatial database bindings for Java .

19. steffenbodemann/Database-Examples

Verschiedene Java Datenbank Examples

20. fayimora/Database-Practice

Just little scripts in java for using databases

21. spencerbrett/research-database

This is the basic Java Servlet and HTML code used in creating a database for research paper conferences.

22. UweTrottmann/tmdb-java

A Java wrapper around The Movie Database API v3. It is still incomplete, pull requests welcome.

23. r-daneelolivaw/java-db-converter

Java Database converter

24. adamfisk/GeoIP-Java

Java Interface to MaxMind Database

25. KazumaRonz/JavaLoungeCafe

Cafe Database System

26. OneBusAway/onebusaway-gtfs-modules

A Java -based library for reading, writing, and transforming public transit data in the GTFS format, including database support.

27. portletDevTrainingSghe/BasicDatabasePortlet

A portlet with a very simple purpose of querying a database for some information displaying it.

28. nicolatassini/

Build a full text search engine in Java \ Heroku indexing data from - What, Why and How to build integrated solutions with through Java demo running on Heroku is included. @SkillsMatter, London, March 29th 2012

29. phawk/Java-DB-Class

Basic Java Database class for your models to inherit

30. angryziber/simple-java

Code for the talk at GOTOCon Prague & Amsterdam about writing simple web apps - Plain Simple Java , and another one at Topconf - 3 tales of testing DB-enabled apps

31. akamenev/JavaDataBase

Trying to create my own database based on Computer Science Center Database course

32. ReadyTalk/staccato

Database migration management for Java

33. markrambow/JavaPolylineEncoder

Encoded Polylines for Gmaps in Java (usefull to store them in Databases )

34. Ninja-Squad/DbSetup

An API for populating a database in unit tests

35. Galus/DBProj1

Relational Database Application in Java

36. olyven/db-mware

a database midlle-ware for java

37. sae/dbpool

java database pool

38. ksclarke/sodbox

An object-oriented Java database

39. sf27/DBObject

Class in java to interact with the database .

40. AmptUp/SpeedRun

Creating Java Databases .... With Speed

41. flsusp/jdup

Java Database Upgrader

42. hencjo/summer-migration

Summer Database Migration for Java

43. mdrjr/m1db

Java Object's Database

44. HaRDi437/Prog3TP3

Simple database client in java .

45. Rikkos/JDBM

Java Database Editor

46. bertcl/bcl_dbsrv

Java Database Server

47. maciakl/qtjdb

Quick and Tiny Java Database

48. nhibberd/toro

Java database API

49. MaltaProject/Tempestas-Client

Tempestas is an open-source, java based project designed to read and process live weather streams. Once the data has been processed, the data is incorporated into a database . The database is then used by users to perform computational searches for weather analysis.

50. Kaibin/AwtPrinter

A Java AWT client . Technology:Graphics2D print, H2 database .

51. simonvy/Servers

server chain to handle flex client and database assessment

52. osi/mulgara

Mulgara is a scalable RDF database written entirely in Java .

53. LeonHartley/Habbo-Server

A Habbo Hotel emulation server, written in Java for the post-shuffle client . Has it's own, unique, database .

54. michaelmior/RUBBoS

Updates to the RUBBoS database benchmark

55. novabyte/Firkin

A Java library to simplify data access operations with a Riak database .

56. hoschi/uni-mvdb-distsort

distributed sorting and database join algorihtms

57. marklogic/mlsam

Library that allows access to relational databases from within MarkLogic

58. steppenwells/databaseliner

Databaseliner is a tool for spidering a database to produce a referentially integral subset of data.

59. Wisser/Jailer

Database Subsetting Tool

60. hampos/DeciBell

DeciBell is an Object - Relation database mapper for Java

61. reihu/schemaInject

Java package for automatic database schema injection

62. GerardRibas/gerardribas.persistence

Simple Project for Persistence on Databases

63. Noreaster76/foo-guice

figured out how to do guice + hibernate to enable multiple databases

64. dieselpoint/norm

A simpler way to access a database . Norm stands for "Not Object-Relational Mapping", although it kind-of is.

65. candybon/fasttrack

A Java Library that allows persisting, fast tracking any Java Instance in a single generic database table.

66. rimvanvliet/Albero-managementconsole

A simple console to manage Albero trees in the database

67. ceefour/webdav-servlet

Java servlet that provides an implementation of the webdav protocol. Underlying data-storage (database, custom file systems) can be easily plugged in.

68. strud/db_evaluation

A simple java database evaluation skeleton.

69. ccdaisy/resource-frame

A resource-frame include db \message for java application

70. holu/fsml

create fsml database from file hierarchy

71. yago-naga/aida

AIDA Named Entity Disambiguation by the Databases and Information Systems Group at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics.

72. kjk/volante

Small, fast, object-oriented database for . NET /C#.

73. jpvetterli/crnickl

CrNiCKL (chronicle) is a Java database for time series

74. jpvetterli/crnickl-demo

Demo code using the CrNiCKL (chronicle) database for time series.

75. berkersonmez/university-course-automation-system

"Database Management Systems" course project .

76. lockerfish/eleven0eight-commons-data

common java database access layer

77. juzraai/PubSearch

Java application for searching in publication databases

78. joussy/isbnSniff

ISBN (International Standard Book Number) format was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and was published in 1970. IsbnSniff, try to resolve these two problematic, by merging book information from the different free databases available on Internet. This program developed in Java Language implement a search engine , and able a developer to add and modify easily search engines modules.This is an unique numeric commercial book identifier created for the booksellers. This format is mostly used all over the world and easily recognizable: ISBN numbers can be found on the cover of most of books. Several ISBN databases have been released since, some are free and some others are commercial. These databases offer the possibility to retrieve books information by typing their ISBN. My project will works around the merging results from different ISBN databases available on Internet.

79. grzn/dbc

Project for Databases course

80. DallanQ/Names

A comprehensive database of name variants

81. raphaelpaiva/eyequery

Eyequery is intended to be a graphical database query authoring tool, allowing non-technical business-users to query useful information without the help from developers.

82. wolferliu/ExcelAndDbJava

A tool to import / export data between Excel And Db in Java

83. p/sqlalchemy-migrate

Schema migration tools for SQLAlchemy, designed to support an agile approach to database design, and make it easier to keep development and production databases in sync, as schema changes are require...

84. p/contentmirror

Serializes content from a plone site to a relational database. Minimal configuration needed out of the box, just set your target database and load up the database schema. supports any archetype based ...

85. p/comic-vine-scraper

Comic Vine Scraper is an add-on script for ComicRack that lets you 'scrape' (copy) details from the Comic Vine database into your comic book files. You can use it to scrape a large amount of extra ...

86. p/urssus

NEW: 0.2.13 is out This version is working very nicely for me. However: It's completely untested on operating systems beyond Linux Database upgrades are disabled, so there is a...

87. p/sqlautocode

AutoCode is a flexible tool to autogenerate a model from an existing database.This is a slightly different approach to SqlSoup, that lets you use tables without explicitly defining them.Read...

88. p/fathom

Fathom is Python3 package that provides database inspection. It creates an objective model of database schema and allows you to easily retrieve information about it. Currently Fathom works with: Sq...

89. p/pyrit

Pyrit allows to create massive databases, pre-computing part of the IEEE 802.11 WPA/WPA2-PSK authentication phase in a space-time-tradeoff. Exploiting the computational power of Many-Core- and ...

90. p/py-tcdb

Tokyo Cabinet ( is a modern implementation of DBM database. Mikio Hirabayashi (the author of Tokyo Cabinet) describe the project as: Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database...

91. p/origindb

This project is being done for a NSF grant. We are creating a relational database with molecules that may have been part of the origin of life. We are going to store information such as, the molecule ...

92. p/labman2

A database with a web interface for storing the experimental results of research, aimed at ease of adding new types of data. Goal is to make adding as simple as one day for an unexperienced scient...

93. p/student-worker-relational-database

Moved to Github SWORD (Student WOrker Relational Database) is an open source school information system intended for schools with or without work study programs.SWORD attempts to inte...

94. p/hostinfo

Hostinfo is a host catalog or configuration management database (CMDB) allowing storage of details about hosts and other managed elements in format that is easy to access by both humans and script...

95. p/lp-csic-uab-lymphos

LymPHOS Web-App from LP CSIC/UAB is a web-based DataBase Application containing peptidic and protein sequences and spectrometric information on the PhosphoProteome of human T-Lympho...

96. p/related-work-net

This is the code repository of the project. We aim to extend the OSQA system by a paper database. Please read our proposal for more details.

97. p/kinobox

movie db

98. p/camabase

Funzionalita' mancantiFASE 11) pagina socio definire campi privati/pubblici gestione profilo caricare foto 2) query al db / statistiche3) libro soci (riservato allo staf...

99. p/rusmorph

Russian morphology analyzer with application to enrich morphological database.

100. p/gutentag

Gutentag is an interactive, user-editable genetic sequence database tool, targeted at molecular biology research groups. It facilitates flexible information labeling and sharing through the use of the...

101. p/tutorial-xampp

tutorial mengenai cara install xampp, menginstall wordpress, dan membuat database

102. p/opencookbook

'Open Cookbook' is a project to create and manage an online database/encyclopedia of meal/drink recipes.Created and maintained by a community of cooking and bar enthusiasts, the database is availabl...

103. p/jease

Jease eases the development of content- & database-driven web-applications with Java. Out of the box Jease provides an Ajax-powered Content-Management-System (CMS) which makes use of drag & drop t...

104. p/binbase-query

the best tool to visualize and query your BinBase databaseThis tool is used to visualize the database content of the BinBase system and is based on the grails plugins: grails-binbase...

105. p/google-enterprise-connector-notes

The Google Search Appliance connector for Lotus Notes enables the Google Search Appliance to search and serve documents and objects stored in Lotus Notes Databases (see screenshot below).Get s...

106. p/google-enterprise-connector-database

Welcome to the Google Search Appliance Connector for Databases ProjectThe enables the Google Search Appliance Connector for Databases allows Google Search Appliance to search and serve documen...

107. p/emtail

emtail, short for Exporting Modular Tail, is a tool for extracting metrics from application logs to be exported into a timeseries database in realtime for dashboarding and alerting.It aims to fill...

108. p/google-summer-of-code-2008-globus

The Globus Alliance ( is a community of organizations and individuals developing fundamental technologies behind the "Grid," which lets people share computing power, databases, instruments, and other ...

109. p/google-summer-of-code-2010-globus

The Globus Alliance is a community of organizations and individuals developing fundamental technologies behind the "Grid," which lets people share computing power, databases, instruments, and other on...

110. p/google-summer-of-code-2009-globus

The Globus Alliance is a community of organizations and individuals developing fundamental technologies behind the "Grid," which lets people share computing power, databases, instruments, and other on...

111. p/webstorageportabilitylayer

This project contains two things: The web storage portability layer (WSPL) for providing a single portable asynchronous programming model API to access a database provided by either Google Gears...

112. p/pct

PCT (Progress Compilation Tools) is a set of Ant tasks, designed to compile OpenEdge procedures and dump/load databases.PCT is distributed under the Apache License.This project was born due ...

113. p/hibernate-audit

The project provides extensions to Hibernate to provide complete auditing capabilities. It uses a set of tables in the DB that do not depend on the object model

114. p/flyway

The agile database migration framework for Java|| Project Moved: Flyway moved to a new home -> ||

115. p/searchgui

DatabaseHelp Database Help [

116. p/binbase

BinBase database systemthis is a completely automated analysis tool for the annotations of mass specs. Currently we are only supporting leco chrommmatof based data, but we are working on the suppo...

117. p/titl

Tools to modify and extract data from Apple's proprietary iTunes application databases.

118. p/jodd

tools + ioc + mvc + db + aop + tx + html < 1.2M =

119. p/genexo-a-m

This application allows a teacher to enter questions to the database for specific courses that he teaches, and use them to generate exams, Also the teacher adds and manages projects using this ...

120. p/mini-wiki

The project strives to become a site where people can add knowledge to a database in small quantities of knowledge.

121. p/query-stats

The Query Stats plugin tracks database queries.Use the "queries" helper or controller method to access data on the queries.See the documentation on QueryStats::Holder for functionality....

122. p/oqain

Web client and database for collecting Outcomes data and Query tool for Quality Assurance.

123. p/db-migration-renumber

After an 'svn up', you can end up with one or more uncommitted migrations that need to be reverted, renumbered and re-executed.It's a pain to do manually, so this task was created to automate the ...

124. p/ddvg

As the summary implies this is a database driven state engine that generates VoiceXML/VXML.The speech application is in two primary states, to say and to listen. The third important state is cust...

125. p/cfwheels-dbmigrate

This plugin adds Database Migration functionality to CFWheels similar to Rails' Active Record migrations.Migrations are an easy way to build and alter your database structure using cfscript.Do...

126. p/jabreffilesearch

A plugin for JabRef, the popular open source bibliographic database management software, which allows searching through any user-downloaded documents in the users file directory. The framework is exte...

127. p/freemedforms

Table of contentsFreeMedForms is a free, open source, multiplatform medical forms manager.It can be used for clinical research and patient database management.FreeMedForms est un g...

128. p/csvfix

News: CSVfix 1.5 released - feature list here.The ProblemIf you have any dealings at all with data and databases, then you almost certainly will have have to deal with comma-separated val...

129. p/part-db

Elektronische Bauteile Datenbank, zum Verwalten von Elektronischen Bauteilen per. Webserver.Wiki: Eine Test Datenbank ist unter zu finden.

130. p/tungsten-toolbox

This is a collection of tools to work with database replication.It includes Tungsten Sandbox (a tool to install several Tungsten-Replicator instances in one host) ldg (Large Data Generator)...

131. p/brigantine

This program can visualize (panning, zooming, reprojection on the fly) and copy geometry and raster data that stored in databases: # [

132. p/luadbi

LuaDBI is a database interface library for Lua. It is designed to provide a RDBMS agnostic API for handling database operations. LuaDBI also provides support for prepared statement handles, placeholde...

133. p/cargo-company

This Cargo Company database management system will help cargo companies to keep track of the customers, staff, branches, cargos, routes and vehicles. Because there are lots of things to be ordered in ...

134. p/sqlog

The sqlog package contains a set of scripts useful for creating,populating, and issuing queries to a SLURM job log database and/orthe queue of running jobs.sqlog was designed as a si...

135. p/db-migration

Migracion de Datos entre bases de datos

136. p/chinese-dictionary

Support:chinese -> english with exampleenglish -> chinese with exampleAbout 144000 word in database.

137. p/kobs

Admidio is a web-DB to maintain the members of a sport club.KLOBS is an add-on to register the participants of the training with a card reader interface and generate personalized training profil...

138. p/soen341-personal-course-scheduler

User will choose time constraints and courses from the database, after doing so the scheduler will generate possible schedules for the user that meet their criteria.

139. p/phpmysyslog

Give an fast interface to search logs stored in a database.

140. p/dbxtalk

The complete and open-source solution to relational database access.

141. p/octalforty-wizardby

This is octalforty Wizardby, a powerful yet easy to use database continuous integration & schema migration framework primarily targeting .NET. The latest release is Alpha 3.Managing changes...

142. p/palm-address-converter

This simple utility reads a palm address.dat database and exports it to a csv file.

143. p/crud-mvc

Many applications require simple CRUD actions for database entities. This is a common interface to make the CRUD actions easy.The library uses Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection. However,...

144. p/lib-tiny-accessdatabase

Some classes: + Implements methods to handle with database (MDB file)from C + Some utilities Classes + ...

145. p/sca-op

This is a database and interface to track SCA Branches, Reigns, Awards, Officers, and (eventually) events. It is currently implemented as a DotNetNuke module.

146. p/cmpic-autocad

Provides classes for two-way communication between AutoCAD and CMPIC Cable Management database

147. p/agotdb

This tool allows you to browse through the AGoT card database using criteria and filters.It allows you also to put card together into "decks" that you can print, test, or make evolve through revisio...

148. p/national-assembly

NationalAssembly DB Storage

149. p/yii-rights

This module utilizes Yii's built-in Database Authorization Manager (CDbAuthManager) to provide a web interface for advanced access control.Rights has been moved to Bitbucket and can now be...

150. p/mw-calendar

This project is obsolete and will no longer be managed. Please see my newest calendar thats database driven MW Calendar Please visit the main MediaWiki home page for up to date information. Th...

151. p/ajp-2-dbm

database monitoring

152. p/database-code-ycusoy

database code yang di buat atau di modifikasi oleh ycusoy pada blognya.

153. p/anchormodeler

Anchor Modeler is a database modeling tool for creating database models that handles temporalisation using the sixth normal form. See for more information on Anchor Modeling.The tool ca...

154. p/roundhouse

RoundhousE is an automated database deployment (change management) system that allows you to use your current idioms and gain much more.It seeks to solve both maintenance concerns and ease of ...

155. p/alfresco-metadbconnector

Alfresco Share component that allows to store database complex information on content metadata following "Alfresco Way". This capability adds another level of information enrichment to your content as...

156. p/dbassert

DbAssert is a set of assertion methods for jUnit tests to verify your database data.It uses non-intrusive way for writing unit tests, you don't have to extend any specific class to be able to quer...

157. p/mwcalendar

This is a database driven mediawiki extension. This is in BETA development. See MediaWiki for more project information.

158. p/bwhf

|| July 5, 2011 - The BWHF central database has been shut down... forever...? R.I.P. BWHF database Lived 2 years, 5 months and 23 days (December 28, 2008 - June 20, 2011).The Agent will contin...

159. p/my-file-database

untuk mengunduh file database

160. p/babudb

BabuDB is an embedded non-relational database system. Its lean and simple design allows it to persistently store large amounts of key-value pairs without the overhead and complexity of similar approac...

161. p/dbmmapmod

Miranda IM db3x Memory-Mapped Database modification by FYR and chaos.persei with encoding and autobackupsDiscussion:Download full binary:

162. p/database-crawled

data crawled by my spider

163. p/h2sharp

H2 is a java relational database engine. This project takes the compiled Jar of H2 and Runs IKVM.Net (program to convert Java Byte code to .Net?s CIL) on it. This project wraps the resulting lib...

164. p/xbird

XBird is a light-weight XQuery processor and database system written in Java. The light-weight means reasonably fast and embeddable.XBird introduces the following features: XQuery Proces...

165. p/arduino-edb

This is a re-implementation of the database library originally written by Madhusudana das found here:This version increases the maximum number of records allowed in a database from 256 rec...

166. p/distrital-bde

Spatial Database Class

167. p/gedemin

The Gedemin project is an open-sourced, object oriented, post relational rapid application development (RAD) tool especially aimed for creating of business ERP/MRP database systems.|| Issue update...

168. p/fbclone

FBClone can clone a Firebird database is one shot (instead of backup/restore cycle) and pump data from one database to another with the same structure, it handles metadata / data charset conversion a...

169. p/view-ridge-assistant

Program tool for work with View Ridge Gallery database

170. p/db-vdumper

visual database dumper

171. p/scala-migrations

Scala Migrations is a library to manage upgrades and rollbacks todatabase schemas. Migrations allow a source control system to managetogether the database schema and the code using the schema. I...

172. p/msdb

MSDB (Microsatellite Search and Building Database) is specially designed to offer you a user-friendly interface for finding microsatellite markers, their exact position and frequency of occurrence f...

173. p/database-projects

Collection of Database project develop in CDetail article on these project on site.Source :

174. p/wsop-dbm

A database management system project for GBG

175. p/changedb

Database management software for Change Youth group, Canterbury

176. p/hotel-database

Database of worlds hotels system.

177. p/dorma

A Database Management System for the Dormitories in the University of the Philippines which stores records of residents and transients. It allows user to view residents easily, edit and delete them. I...

178. p/my-database

a small program of my database test

179. p/ore-db

Ore is a WoW Database Editor written in C#.

180. p/golf-db-ibz

Golf Datenbank Case Study IBZ TI 4J?rg M?rnerTom G?ntenspergerPascal Gafner

181. p/griyamufid


182. p/smart-frame

luna calendar database 1900~2100

183. p/megua

MEGUA is a package for Sage Math. It allows an author to create databases of parameterized exercises characterized by a summary, a problem and a detailed answer of the exercise, all fields in lat...

184. p/minidbxml

Minidbxml - is a project which aims to create a console application database software for Linux. This program and source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.If you're Polish...

185. p/chss-db

Description here

186. p/cse-562-datastore

Creating a database by implementing the B+ trees for data representation and also for indexes.

187. p/unicarb-db

About UsUniCarb-DB is an Australian and Swedish funded initiative, which builds on the success of the EU supported EUROCarbDB project, to create software, databases and standards for the collectio...

188. p/vb-my-database

nhung chuong trinh nhung file da tao.

189. p/food-pantry-dbms

Food Pantry Database Management System for COSC 578 Graduate class at Towson University.

190. p/context-tree

The goal of this project is the analysis of the query coverage of data; to do this the software take two type of files; the first contains a list of database records and the second contains a list of ...

191. p/adonai-database

The adonai database is developed together with Adorayclient ( The adonai database allows you to edit songs that can be viewed with the Adorayclient on a normal Windows computer.The goal of this on...

192. p/database-java-data-exporter

Exports data from your database using Java. Exports documents saved in database as blobs and ascii blocks.

193. p/dummyjdbc

I wrote the dummyjdbc driver to just ignore database requests which an application makes to the database. Then I realized: some requests have to be answered else that would make no sense. So the "driv...

194. p/executedb

Execute Database Script

195. p/arduino-dblib

Here's a little database library I created that has been very useful for me, so I thought I would share. It makes use of the Arduino's EEPROM memory to store records in a table. I kept it simple to ke...

196. p/mediawiki-in-windows

Aplikasi DUmper Database Besar

197. p/gloodb

GlooDB is a high performance, highly scalable object oriented database with a low cost of ownership and which makes DB development simple. Performance: Presently memory is a commodity and GlooD...

198. p/fh-ipm-db

Databse software system

199. p/mylearningpro

project for generate config base database

200. p/db-router

Project in Java language for to create a database distributed system

201. p/c-sharp-db-worker-library


202. p/mipgsmca12-009-104

Transfers database tables from one database to another database.

203. p/rdf-database

This bunlde provide RDF database service for tec bundle.

204. p/script-automatic

Application to run planned configured jobs.Supporting mainly database and OS areas.For more details please see manual---New build in Downloads section---[

205. p/gmodel

This project is the home of the Open Source Gmodel semantic database. Amongst other things, Gmodel is capable of emulating arbitrary modelling languages, and of equipping traditional modelling tools w...

206. p/servis-e

Izdelava aplikacije za vodenje ra?unalni?kega servisaCilji:- postavitev DB;- programiranje spletne aplikacije- Razno

207. p/db-constructor

Database net constructor, based on java-applets

208. p/redmine-java-model

This project aims to provide a Java object model of the Redmine database, using Hibernate, allowing users to manipulate Redmine entities using Java and Hibernate.This project is in an alpha stage,...

209. p/pokedexter-2100

The program will house a navigable database of all Pokemon to date, with a framework for adding new entries.Upon opening the tool for the first time, no pokemon data besides numbers will be visible....

210. p/prism-set

The PRISM set is a new database definition for evaluation of speaker recognition systems. The database is created using data from NIST SREs from 2005 to 2010, as well as other data sets available thro...

211. p/dialry-contact-diary

Dialry is a free tool to keep your contacts in place with you. It uses a simple database where you can add, save or delete contacts.

212. p/dicktionary-parser

Parser and DB for the translations of words in the wiktionary

213. p/athenadb

Set-oriented database available to perform all basic setoperations. Written in pure C. Currently works only with Windows but can be easily ported to nix (a few WinApi functions are used).Project i...

214. p/cs2102-intro-to-database

members are: Qiang Liang; Liu Hao; Tor; Trung; Haoqiang.So if anyone uploads or update anything here, you should let everybody know by writing in this block This block serves as an blog for our ...

215. p/s60dbview

Symbian Database View ToolEasy to view symbian database file.

216. p/hotrepart

Hotrepart is a demonstrator project to illustrate a process for online repartitioning of a relational database.The ultimate goal is to demonstrate auto-scaling of an RDBMS under producti...

217. p/db-systems-recovery

This project implements UNDO/REDO recovery protocol on a given schedule.

218. p/worlddb

This database has multi languages country names, region names, city names and they's latitude and longitude number and country's alpha2 code ..||countries||regions||cities||||246 rows||4151 ...

219. p/db-manatee

The project aims to create a multi-threaded database query environment to provide a unified multi-threaded query the database.Users only need to input the necessary parameters can quickly retrieve the...

220. p/gamer-db

An Database Plugin made with metakit, the goal is to make a fast, reliable and bug free "ini-like" data storage for PAWN.project suspended.

221. p/dblayer

Generates source code of a module implementing row classes with slots and a single database abstraction layer class. These classes can be used as is or extended by inheritance to fit your specific nee...

222. p/flyway-test-extensions

For feature of Flyway see Flyway Home Page on Google Code or Flyway Db Org Page 2013-01-12 flyway-test-extensions version 2.0.3 released.Version number 2.0.3 are used to show the depen...

223. p/nessus-parser

Parse a saved nessus log in csv format into a database and check what the results are per machine instead of per IP.Also check the total results over all time per machine.

224. p/jquery-database-project

Provides a database to make it easy to store a large amount of data in the webbrowser itself. GettingStarted Getting Started HOWTOInstallLanguage How-To: Installing a language Download...

225. p/dbkeepernet

Do you work on a database project and you need quickly and simply distribute your new or modified database schema? DbKeeperNet is a right way for you.DbKeeperNet is a project which goal is to pr...

226. p/the-white-database

Welcome to the simplest student database making software on Earth The White Database, by The White Database DivisionThe White Database features: Entering up to 30 IDs, each one including Nam...

227. p/postinstallazione-linux

Script di post installazione linux. Hardening, creazione utenze, creazione database,configurazione rete.

228. p/fmc-los

Database Administration of Ladder of Success (c) FMC Nederland.

229. p/get-yahoo-db

By providing a list of symbols and the desired date range, you get a database with information of adjusted closing prices (optionally: open, close, high, low prices and volume traded too) of t...

230. p/andro-wrapee

The library users can perform the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on a database that stores Java objects. Practically, it's a DAO (Database Access Object) that can help users manage S...

231. p/ip-countryside

This tool creates an ip-to-country database, which can be used in multiple applications for geolocating internet users based on their IP address.If you only need the ip2country database itsel...

232. p/tagbase

Tagbase is a relational database application for the management of biologging data from electronic tags deployed on various marine animals. Tagbase implements a comprehensive relational model hand...

233. p/calypso-compression

Calypso is designed to extend Lempel-Ziv notions of lossless compression, especially for structured data such as database backups.Although still an ongoing project it is primarily the result of re...

234. p/staphylococcus-aureus-platform

SPARQL querying system to access data from a Staphylococcus aureus database.

235. p/fauxjo

Sick of Hibernate and HQL yet? Having database persistence layer performance issues? Want to get back to your roots and feel one with your database again? Fauxjo may be just what you have been looking...

236. p/real-time-db

Real-Time Systems incorporate data-intensive applications within a wide range of solutions. A common problem that developers have to manage is data-oriented design with temporal constraints, since it ...

237. p/rivelo-shop

my personal databases for operate shop

238. p/bbipdmanaging

Blackberry users cannot export all main databases of their phone. With this tool they can now.

239. p/db-autobackups

This small plugin will create backups of Miranda IM database (profile) under any of next conditions: Backups stored in user specified folder as zip-files.This plugin also suppor...

240. p/lwjdbl

The Light-Weight Java Database Library strives to provide everything necessary for an application to store data in a small and platform independent file.

241. p/database-wiki

A wiki lets users collaborate on Web content easily through a Web browser, and wikis also make it easier to understand the process by which some data was created by recording detailed history records....

242. p/db-block-similarity

An academic java project to apply deduplication techniques on a backup dataset using Berkeley DB Java Edition to store and compare the blocks.

243. p/database-assignment

just a temporary svn for doing my homework

244. p/dadabase

The Dadabase Project defines a semantically structured database of archival information about the Dada art movement. This database is under construction.The interested visitor may find more inform...  | Contact Us | Privacy Policy
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