Encrypt Algorithm « Algorithm Data Structure « Java Open Source App

Java Open Source App
3.Algorithm Data Structure
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Java Open Source App » Algorithm Data Structure » Encrypt Algorithm 

1. oleander/ransac-and-hough-transform-java    github.com

Java implementation of the Hough transform and RANSAC algorithm

2. bmaltzan/3daa    github.com

A visualizer for algorithms

3. GII/JEAF    github.com

Java Evolutionary Algorithm Framework

4. carlosnasillo/Hybrid-Genetic-Algorithm    github.com

Anti-Virus research on using Heuristics and GA's to evolve and detect new polymorphic virus signatures

5. sanyaade/Sorting-Searching-Algorithms    github.com

Demonstrations consist with Algorithms Purely implemented using Java . Algos' By, madurax86

6. phx-softcrafties/JavaHungarianAlgorithm    github.com

Hungarian algorithm for sparse systems, implemened in Java with TDD.

7. epson121/Algorithms    github.com

Coursera class solutions

8. alan-leslie/BookMarkCrawler_1    github.com

A version of the web crawler from algorithms of the intelligent web. Adapted to extract specific sections from pages.

9. sundayoyeniyi/intelligentweb    github.com

This repository keeps my body of work for intelligent web - a collaborative web crawling & filtering algorithm

10. fxl545826/dataStructureStudy    github.com

for studying Java data staructures and algorithm

11. ghiottolino/Java-Data-Structures-And-Algorithms    github.com

Java Sorting Algorithms, some tests implementations, just for fun and refresh my memory

12. sborde/DDM-Projekt    github.com

Repository for my course task. Winnow algorithm in P2P.

13. tpopela/vips_java    github.com

Implementation of Vision Based Page Segmentation algorithm in Java

14. axel22/Evolutionary-Computing-IDE    github.com

Integrated development environment for creation and evaluation of evolutionary algorithms.

15. g3ortega/Algorithms    github.com

These are my algorithms implementations in Java ...

16. juicegit/al-gore    github.com

Various CS-esque algorithms mostly implemented in Java

17. akhileshgodi/Search_Heuristics    github.com

AI - Search algorithms and their implementations

18. aristotea/jpathplan    github.com

A Java -based library of path planning algorithms

19. Andrey-Sisoyev/adv-msg-interpolator    github.com

A message interpolator based on a seriously rewritten MI from hibernate-validator v4.1.0.Final, using algorithm a bit different one than specified in JSR303. A more advanced approach. See README on the project's main page.

20. thecosmicfrog/map-reduce    github.com

Graphical implementation of MapReduce algorithm in Java .

21. Kurt-P/JavaAlgorithms    github.com

This is a repo for a class project I have involving algorithms in Java

22. sidoh/song_recognition    github.com

A rough implementation of the algorithm proposed by Wang (Shazam inc.) in Java

23. cmullins/song_recognition    github.com

A rough implementation of the algorithm proposed by Wang (Shazam inc.) in Java

24. mojtaba-khallash/dependency-parsing-toolbox    github.com

"Dependency Parsing toolbox" integrates different algorithms related to dependency parsing in one place. This toolbox has been developed by Mojtaba Khallash from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).

25. ondrasej/GPlan    github.com

An implementation of the GraphPlan planning algorithm.

26. HengfengLi/Spelling-Correction    github.com

Some algorithms for Spelling Correction

27. fkrafi/AlgorithmSimulator    github.com

Java Applet Based Algorithm Simulators for Ahsanullah University Science & Technology Website.

28. dawnofmusic/SAW_FundamentalAlgorithms    github.com

A project containing all the sources I created throughout the years concerning basic algorithms in computer sciences .

29. tonyduan/sorting-comparison    github.com

A simple visual comparison of various sorting algorithms written in Java .

30. onedayitwillmake/Search2DBoilerplate    github.com

Some simple java boilerplate for trying out different AI search algorithms in Processing following along with http://ai-class.com

31. daniel-beard/DStarLiteJava    github.com

A java implementation of the incremental heuristic search algorithm D* Lite.

32. b1nary0mega/Word-Search-Maker    github.com

This program will take a word list, generate a word search , and solve it. Solving it is done via several different sort algorithms.

33. bhushan23/Security-App-in-JAVA    github.com

1. In this security app we will use md5 algorithm to check hash of a file and will comparing with database of md5 of a virus, we will get to know if its a virus, 2. implementing Data integrity checker 3. password protection algorithm by modifying md5 algorithm

34. spidernetlabs/SecurityAlgorithm    github.com

Java class library that allow you to encrypt / decrypt a string or a file with many algorithms.

35. ryancwilliams/JHashCash    github.com

A open-source implementation of the hashCash security algorithm for java .

36. stewbob/dijkstra    github.com

A Java implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm

37. camwatkins/java_algos    github.com

Several java implementations of well known algorithms.

38. p/maze-solver    code.google.com

Choose a maze and an AI algorithm and then run a simulation on them. Watch the mouse move through the maze. Color trails mark the mouse's path. Click on walls to add or re...

39. p/google-diff-match-patch    code.google.com

The Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust algorithms to perform the operations required for synchronizing plain text. Compare two blocks of plain text and efficiently return a list of ...

40. p/gmmreg    code.google.com

Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Bing Jian and Baba C. VemuriThis website hosts implementations of the robust point set registration algorithm described in the paper Robust Point Set Registration ...

41. p/extreme-deconvolution    code.google.com

Extreme-deconvolution (XD) is a general algorithm to infer a d-dimensional distribution function from a set of heterogeneous, noisy observations or samples. It is fast, flexible, and treats the da...

42. p/html-encrypter    code.google.com

An encryption and decryption application developed in Java. The application uses a number of algorithms to encrypt and decrypt the HTML source code: In addition to ...

43. p/crcutil    code.google.com

Crcutil library provides efficient implementation of CRC algorithms. It includes reference implementation of a novel Multiword CRC algorithm invented by Andrew Kadatch and Bob Jenkins in early 2007. T...

44. p/google-summer-of-code-2011-cgal    code.google.com

A project for Google Summer of Code students working on CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.

45. p/google-summer-of-code-2010-cgal    code.google.com

A project for Google Summer of Code students working on CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.

46. p/jahmm    code.google.com

Jahmm (pronounced "jam"), is a Java implementation of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) related algorithms. It's been designed to be easy to use (e.g. simple things are simple to program) and general purpose....

47. p/algorithmext    code.google.com

Algorithm contains some classic datastructs not appeared in java.Util, they are: LinkedArray, a little different with LinkedList, each node is an array can hold a piece of objects, improved storage ...

48. p/j-simulated-annealing    code.google.com

This projects implements simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP and KNP Problems.

49. p/codearchiver    code.google.com

Code Archiver is a product that helps programmers sharing their algorithms in a secure centralized repository. Our vision is to create general worldwide repository for all coptuter algorithms.

50. p/fix-phonon    code.google.com

This project presents an implementation of the method to evaluate the phonon dispersion directly from molecular dynamics simulations. The basic algorithm is to construct the dynamical matrices by obse...

51. p/jalgor    code.google.com

this project is part of a college assignment.It's a basic algorithm interpreter written in java, its output will be a .cpp file ready to compile

52. p/crunchclust    code.google.com

Crunchclust is an efficient clustering algorithm that is capable of handling the most common Roche's 454 sequencing error ( Homopolymers ). It uses Levenshtein distance for sequence comparison during ...

53. p/archmind    code.google.com

Archmind is a geometric kernel that provides basic topological operators on non-manifold meshes.The goal of this project is to provide an easy to use tool for fast prototyping mesh algorithms in pyt...

54. p/map-reduce-framework    code.google.com

Framework providing interface to MapReduce algorithm.

55. p/fractalterraingeneration    code.google.com

Here I test various algorithms to make a procedurally generated terrain. I investigate and implement a new algorithm, then compare and contrast it against the other algorithms. I will be implementing ...

56. p/paginator-by-vlaim    code.google.com

Pagination is an algorithm for splitting a large amount of information from a relational database table to the virtual pages, and creation a visual interface that allows you to surf these pages.Pagi...

57. p/duplicates-by-checksum    code.google.com

This is a console program to group duplicate files together by running Fletcher checksum algorithm on each file then grouping the files with identical checksums together in a C sharp dictionary....

58. p/dot-net-cryptography-demonstration    code.google.com

These applications are used for demonstrating how .NET's cryptography algorithms and protocols work. They make calls to an DotNetUtilityLibrary.dll, which contains useful helper classes.DotNetUtil...

59. p/sharp-lzw    code.google.com

ClassLibrary for encoding and decoding files using LZW compression algorithm. The base for the compression is the default ANSI table.

60. p/alglrn    code.google.com

Project containing implementation of different algorithms.

61. p/as3crypto    code.google.com

As3 Crypto is a cryptography library written in Actionscript 3 that provides several common algorithms. This version also introduces a TLS engine (TLS is commonly known as SSL.) Protocols: TLS...

62. p/sharding-simulator    code.google.com

Sharding-simulator is a tool for evaluating and comparing different database sharding algorithms running in distributed database system.

63. p/idistance    code.google.com

An open source implementation of the multi-dimensional indexing method iDistance and initial iDistance extensions. It includes many customizable algorithm options and a set of basic test files (an...

64. p/nrank    code.google.com

Library contains several top-k algorithms using different aproaches to retrieve the data.

65. p/fast-vba-fuzzy-scoring-algorithm    code.google.com

A common problem in geomarketing (and not only) is matching sets of addresses/names from various sources. A fuzzy matching algorithm aids in matching "dirty" data with some form of "standard" data, ba...

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