List of Free code Video


  • AndroidRTPVideoStreamer
    Sends/Receives RTSP messages and uses the payload from RTP packets to stream mjpeg video from a server.
  • fun Java
    fun Java is a open source java framework to make 2D videogames. It is based on previous frameworks from AS3 such as Flixel and FlashPunk.
  • java webgame
    An open source video strategy game, designed for web.
  • jbt
    Java Behaviour Trees is a Java framework for easily building and running generic behaviour trees. Here, "behaviour tree" refers to the technique used to control the behaviour of characters in video games.
  • jitsi videobridge
    Jitsi Videobridge is an XMPP server component that allows for multiuser video communication. Unlike the expensive dedicated hardware videobridges, Jitsi Videobridge does not mix the video channels into a composite video stream, but only relays.
  • KeyholeWidget
    A JavaFX 8 based custom control to be a multi purpose widget to display weather, time, music, video, etc. You can use this in applications or standalone.
  • MarteEngine
    MarteEngine is a Java Engine for videogames.
  • MediaSystem
    Entertainment center for searching and viewing your video collection. It will fetch metadata and subtitles from external sources and can be controlled by remote. The GUI is written using JavaFX and video playback uses VLC through vlcj.
  • movstream
    Java Web Application for streaming personal video files.
  • NealFord FunctionalThinkingVideo Samples
    Samples featured in Neal Ford's O'Reilly video Functional Thinking.
  • pkgnx
    Blazing fast binary data format for video games ? PKG4 for Java.
  • SpotLink
    SpotLink is a standards based software product from This Technology that allows publishers to connect their broadband campaign management systems to the SCTE 130 ecosystem for dynamic ad insertion in content streamed from video servers.
  • vget
    VIdeo download java library.
  • YTGrabber
    A YouTube video download api built using Java Servlets.

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