List of Free code Twitter
Aceevo Books
GWT 2.x Tutorial with MongoDB, Morphia, RequestFactory, Activities and Places, Editors, Cell Table/List, Twitter Bootstrap.
An attempt to create a Twitter like beastie backed by big data storage.
This project includes a lot of social media crawlers: yelp, twitter, facebook, and so on.
dataware twitter resource (GAE hosted).
dropwizard todo
Dropwizard sample web application with a frontend based on twitter bootstrap and jasmine.
App created for the SF TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon 2011. is a mobile app created using jQuery Mobile, that allows people to know who's nearby and also shows their social handles. APIs used: Foursquare, Twitter, Qwerly.
Face Mix
FaceMix es una divertida aplicaci?n con la que podr?s mezclar caras y compartirlas con tus amigos o redes sociales como Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr o Picplz.
GeoClient is a tool for analysing and visualising spatial data from some of the most popular social networks, including Twitter, Facebook and many others. The application features an intuitive client connected to several social network's API's, which.
A Twitter clone based on GWT and Hector + the Cassandra data store.
A Java HTTP client for consuming Twitter's Streaming API.
Java Tweet Miner
This program mines tons of data from twitter using Java and Redis (noSQL).
A java project for a war similar to twitter that uses Spring, JPA, web services, for the purposes of performing a coding interview.
jfs2013 storm twitter sample
The Storm sample shown during my talk at Java Forum Stuttgart 2013.
JBoss JSF 2 webapp archetype + Twitter Bootstrap.
Java library for using Twitter (+ Identica & Wordpress). Open source under LGPL.
MyBig Data
Twitter MapReduce Hadoop MapReduce jobs for analyzing tweet entities like urls, hashtags, user_mentions etc.
Phantom is a high performance proxy for accessing distributed services. It is an RPC system with support for different transports and protocols. Phantom is inspired by Twitter Finagle clients and builds on the capabilities of technologies like Netty, Unix.
Twitter style site for posting quotes using Cassandra, Hector, JSON and JQuery.
A football betting game based on the Play Framework and Twitter Bootstrap.
sample twitter
Example of integration between Podio and Twitter built on the Podio API and it's Java client.
If Twitter is a 'command line social network ', then Scriptus is shell scripting.
Server Events
Server Events is a Bukkit plugin for Minecraft that prints customizable messages to chat, Twitter, a database, or to a file.
SMS Cloudhopper
A standalone java application that allows you to connect to a SMSC via SMPP using the twitter CloudHopper library. The application also integrates an embedded jetty web server and exposes a REST interface to submit and receive SMS messages.
Social Athlete
This project will follow various professional sports teams on twitter.
social center
Social Center is a andriod app for both twitter and facebook.
Social Sketch
Processing PDE tool for fetching processing sketche sources code from Twitter and viewing in PDE.
socialize workshop
A simplistic twitter clone for Java EE 6 used in CDI training.
socialsensor stream manager
Monitors a set of social streams (e.g. Twitter status updates) and collects the incoming content.
Simple twitter client for tweet.
spring social twitter
Twitter API binding and connect support.
spring social twitter example
Example on using Spring Social with a custom class.
Spring Social Twitter Sample
a sample to spring social twitter use.
the job announcement
A showcase to demonstrate the camunda BPM platform, Java EE 6 and Twitter Bootstrap with JSF.
the job announcement fox
A showcase to demonstrate the camunda fox BPM platform, Java EE 6 and Twitter Bootstrap with JSF.
Java bindings for the Twitter Streaming API.
twitter 2 weibo
An app runs in a stand java J2EE server that syncs tweets from Twitter to Weibo.
Twitter API ME
Twitter API ME is a compelling and well defined API for Java developers who wish to develop applications that provide any type of access to Twitter's services. The API provides support for the main and more popular services on Twitter, e.g., tweet.
twitter commons sample
A sample REST service based on Twitter Commons.
twitter for geoevent
ArcGIS GeoEvent Processor Sample Twitter connectors for sending and receiving tweets.
twitter integration
Integrate eXo and Twitter, and create backbone for other social network integration.
twitter text java
A Java implementation of Twitter's text processing library.
Twitter4J is an open sourced, mavenized and Google App Engine safe Java library for the Twitter API which is released under the Apache License 2.0.
twitter4j swing sample
a desktop client for Twitter, implemented in Java using the Swing library and the framework Twitter4J.
A Java client for the Twitter Streaming API.
A simple clone of twitter built using JSP and Cassandra as a back end. It uses Hector to interface between the two. Will also make use of AJAX/JQUERY and JSON.
Typical Spring Social Security With Roo
The goal of this project is to demonstrate a consolidated implementation of Spring Security combined Spring Social (facebook & twitter) using Spring Roo as the scaffolding for the local user and connection store.
Volley Image CacheExample
A basic twitter feed reader that uses Volley and DiskLRUCache to cache user profile images.
Simple java application for reading information from various web sources. Currently Twitter is the only supported source type.
C345 UT2 1; Implemented some of Twitter and Google IO apps components.. QuickActions, TitleBar etc. The components and this app source is released under GPLv3: html.
xwiki social login
Login to your XWiki from social sites (FB, Twitter, Foursquare, etc.). Based on socialauth.