List of Free code JSF


  • autentia wuija
    WUIJA is a Java framework to develop Web apps. Our goal: make development easier. The best point: you can develop GUI in Java (like Swing) using variety of widgets or adding easily your own ones. It's based on JSF1, Faceltes, ICEfaces, Spring, Hibernate...
  • bookLibraryh
    booklibrary written in Java /JSF with Hibernate framework.
  • cdiext
    CDI, Weld and JSF extensions.
  • com.idega.faces
    JSF and facelet support for the Idega platform.
  • combosaninhados
    Combos Aninhados em JSF 2 e Primefaces.
  • curso desenvolvimento web com jsf2
    Exemplos e exerc?cios resolvidos do curso online de Desenvolvimento Web com Java Server Faces 2.
  • deface
    A Java Server Faces ( JSF ) testing tool for decoding view state and creating view state attack vectors.
  • demo jsf spring order
    Sample web application using Java Server Faces (JSF) as UI frame work, Spring as the service layer, and Ebean persistance framework.
  • DojoServerFaces
    JSF component library that wraps Dojotoolkit widgets.
  • example jsf2 springsecurity3
    example project for jsf2 and spring security 3.
  • exemploseguranca
    Spring 3 + Spring Security 3 + Hibernate 3 + JSF 2.0.
  • faces motors
    C?digo fonte do Livro de JSF e JPA da Casa do C?digo.
  • FrenchPress
    JSF based blogging platform.
  • gadlets
    A framework for modularized JSF 2 applications.
  • java ee 6 web archetype
    Java EE 6 Web project maven archetype with JSF 2.0, CDI, Primefaces and logging setup.
  • Java Spring Examples
    Java Course Examples with JPA / Spring MVC / JSF / AOP / Hibernate.
  • JavaWeb Project
    Eclipse project (Spring 3 , JSF 2, Hibernate 4 , JPA 2 ,Spring Security 3.x , RichFaces 4.2.x and PrimeFaces 3.3.x ).
  • jboss jsf api spec
    JBoss JSF API Spec.
  • JSF 2 Benchmark
    This project benchmark datatable of JSF 2 components frameworks : Icefaces, Primefaces, Richfaces.
  • jsf 22 examples
    JSFlive JSF 2.2 Examples.
  • jsf cdi
    CDI extensions for JSF.
  • jsf eficaz
    C?digo aberto do livro JSF Eficaz.
  • jsf less resourcehandler
    LeSS ( resources for JSF 2.0.
  • JSF Resource Relocator
    A JSF Module to allow easy relocation of resources.
  • jsf scrumtoys refactored
    A sample web application using Java EE6 stack.
  • jsf test
    Testing library for JSF 2 and Javascript.
  • JSF2 Primefaces GAE Sample Project
    Showcases JSF 2, Spring 3, Primefaces 3 and Objectify on GAE.
  • JsfJpaSpringWebApp
    A First Java Web App sample to introduce All standard java components : JSF, JPA, Spring and Junit test suite, with HQLDB as database test engine.
  • jsfsecurity
    demonstrate how to use springsecurity3.0 and jsf security taglib.
  • JSFShowcase
    JSF 2 Demos with/without PrimeFaces, CDI and Spring.
  • jsfunit
    Test Framework for JSF Applications, by the JBoss Community.
  • modern ee app20
    A modern Java EE application, based on JSF 2.0, CDI, JPA.
  • my bookingdom
    JSF Primefaces based POC.
  • OTV JSF Spring Hibernate
    This project shows how to integrate JSF2, PrimeFaces3, Spring3 and Hibernate 4 Technologies. It provides a general project template for Java developers. Used Technologies : JDK 1.6.0_31, Spring 3.1.1, JSF 2.1, Hibernate 4.1.0, Primefaces 3.1.1, MySQL Connector 5.1.17, MySQL 5.5.8, c3p0, Tomcat 7.0 and Maven 3.0.2.
  • Register Portlet
    Register Portlet for GateIn project based on JSF as alternative to the register portlet based on Exo Platform WebUI.
  • Research Development JEE
    Research and Development based in the Java EE world using Hibernate / JBoss projects and JSF.
  • richfaces
    RichFaces 5 The next generation JSF component framework by JBoss, Red Hat.
  • security interceptor
    Example of CDI Interceptor using JSF + Primefaces as frontend.
  • semeru jsf maven
    Projeto desenvolvido com as tecnologias JSF (Mojarra), Primefaces, Hibernate, Maven, Spring Security, MySQL e Apache Tomcat.
  • shiro faces
    JSF 2 TagLib for Apache Shiro. This taglib reimplements all original JSP tags as their Facelets equivalent, so they can be used in JSF projects.
  • springfaces
    Spring JSF Integration (for Spring 3 & JSF 2).
  • static jsfexpression validator
    Static analysis of validity of JSF EL expressions embedded in JSP pages.
  • TNTConcept
    With TNTConcept you can manage, in an integrated way, your customers, providers, contacts, business interactions, projects, week objectives, project time tracking, bills, cash flow... Built with the lastest J2EE techs: JSF, Spring, Hibernate , Maven...
  • tuto jsf spr hib
    Tutoriel JSF / Spring / Hibernate.
  • vaadlets
    Declarative Vaadin UI like Facelets for JSF.
  • Web AppCommon
    A set of java class usefull to build a new simple JSF\JSF2 web app.
  • webtools. jsf
    Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools. jsf ).

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