List of Free code CSS
abandoned Java CSS Library
A Java domain specific language representation of the CSS web framework including exporting Java generated CSS to stylesheet files.
A simple HTTP proxy server which intercepts pages viewed and submits to a HTML /CSS validator.
CSS605 Fall2011
Course Materials for CSS 605 Object Oriented Programming for Social Sciences.
A tool for embedding data URIs in CSS files.
XML/XHTML and CSS 2.1 renderer in pure Java.
flyingsaucer old
Flying Saucer takes XML or XHTML and applies CSS 2.1 compliant stylesheets to it, in order to render to PDF (via iText), images , and on screen using Swing or SWT. The library implements (basically) the entirety of CSS 2.1 and aims to be fully compliant with the W3C specification; it includes a small handful of CSS 3 features.
A framework for managing CSS, Scripts, and Metadata in Java web applications.
honzi CodePractice
I am improving my knowledge of Assembly, C, C++, C#, CSS, Gherkin, HTML, Java , Java Script, JQuery, Objective C, Perl, PHP, Python 3, Ruby, and Web GL.
image 2cssConverter
Convert images (jpg, gif, png) to base64 encoded CSS classes.
jawr example
Example Struts2 application using JAWR to bundle and compress CSS.
Simple Java wrapper over the Compass CSS Authoring Framework.
A Java implementation of the LESS CSS framework.
jsoup: Java HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery.
A VERY simple blog engine. No DB. No Java (almost). No PHP. No Ruby. No (your language of choice). Just plain text, HTML and CSS.
minify maven plugin
Combine and minimize Java Script and CSS files for faster page loading.
A plugin for the Play Framework that enables easy, automatic compression of Java Script and CSS.
RainbowVis Java
A Java library for ( HTML /CSS) colour data visualization. Easily map numbers to a smooth transitioning colour legend.
CSS Sprites Generator Done Right. SmartSprites maintains CSS sprites in your designs, fully automatically. No tedious copying and pasting to your CSS when adding or changing sprited images.
A dynamic sprite server that creates web image sprites and corresponding CSS on the fly.
Proyecto escolar de un tienda departamental utilizando tecnolog?as web como HTML, CSS, Java Script, JSP, AJAX, entre otras.
web .SalaDeAula
C?digo HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java p/ Web constru?do em sala de aula.
Web AppBuilder
A Java Script and CSS build tool, which can combine (concatenate) and minify a large number of Java Script and CSS files, in dependency order.
web validators
A set of java APIs to validate Web content (html, css, etc) using various online validators.
Free and Open Source Java project which brings together almost all the modern web tools: JsHint, CssLint, JsMin, Google Closure compressor, YUI Compressor, UglifyJs, Dojo Shrinksafe, Css Variables Support, JSON Compression, Less, Sass, CoffeeScript.
An extension to CSS providing mixins, nested rules, conditional content, variables and seamless Java integration.