List of Free code AWS
aws price api
Small API to get hourly and monthly prices for amazon web services.
aws sdk java
Official mirror of the AWS SDK for Java. For more information on the AWS SDK for Java , see our web site:.
, stop, start, describe and terminate AWS resources. Currently only a subset of the AWS resources (EC2 Instances, Elastic Load Balancers, Auto Scaling, RDS, EC2 Security Groups, RDS Security Groups, Cloudwatch Alarms) are supported. (more features are in the offing).
An AWS solution that backs up RDS data in form of S3 object which is transfer'able across regions or accounts.
eclipse aws
Eclipse plug ins for Java development on Amazon Web Services EC2.
java meme generator sample
Sample code for a java application that uses Elastic Beanstalk, S 3 , DynamoDB, and SQS to create a meme generation website and processing pipeline. For a demonstration of the application in action, see this talk from AWS re:Invent 2012: D 81VA.
Simple Java object layer for AWS databases (SimpleDB and DynamoDB).
Java folder synchronization utility that uses AWS as the backend and BouncyCastle for security.
Simple Java API for AWS Route53.