List of Free code API Google
circle sync
Example application using the Google+ Domains API.
Google App Engine sample application using plain Java that demonstrates most of the basic functions and API calls.
Foursquare Welcome Screen
A foursquare powered welcome screen to display check ins at a venue. Written in Java for the Google App Engine, using Foursquare's Push API.
An unofficial Java api for Google Music.
google api translate java
Java wrapper for the Google Translate service.
google play crawler
Play with Google Play API :).
google spelling
This is a simple API to use Google Spelling service.
google voice java
Java API for Google Voice.
A (deprecated) Java client for talking to Google Reader's (now nonexistent) unofficial API.
GooSearch is a simple Java library that allow you to search in the web using Google Search API (Custom Search API).
grefine ckan storage extension
Upload data directly from within Google Refine to CKAN using CKAN storage API.
Guava Lessons
Various examples of usage Google Guava API.
java speech api
The J.A.R.V.I.S. Speech API is designed to be simple and efficient, using the speech engines created by Google to provide functionality for parts of the API. Essentially, it is an API written in Java , including a recognizer, synthesizer, and a microphone.
Simple comparison of Future/Promises APIs in Java, GPars, Google Guava, Akka and Finagle/Util.
Maps API
A replacement of the often used google maps api with an open source one using OpenStreetMap.
Fun facial recognition hack for Google Glass. To run you need to put your own API key/secret in: MedRefAppEngine Server /web/
mylyn google tasks
Mylyn connector for Google Tasks API.
Application r?alis?e dans le cadre d'un Hackathon BeMyApp sp?cial API Deezer. One more dream, l'application Andro?d qui prolonge vos r?ves en musique avec Deezer. Disponible gratuitement sur Google Play.
Unofficial Google Reader API for Java.
Siena is a persitence API for Java inspired on the Google App Engine Python Datastore API.
spreadsheet api java client
Java Client for Google Spreadsheets based on google api java client.
simple weather application which displays a 4 days forecast for a city/town using Google weather api.