List of Free code Menu
Animated SiteMap Menu Control
An AJAX Control based on the ASP,NET AJAX framework that provides an exploding type animation for ASP.NET SiteMap site navigation. Allows drill down and reverse traversal using smooth bounded animation.
ASP.NET & MVC Multi-Level Drop Down Menu - JQuery
A simple to use yet powerful and flexible Menu control that works in either ASP.NET or MVC style sites and comes with a jQuery plugin to manage in script.
Menu Extender for ASP.NET
The MenuExtender is an ASP.NET extender which will turn hierarchial HTML lists (rendered with UL and LI) into a multi-level dynamic cascading menu.
MultiMenu ASP.NET Cascading Menu WebControl
MultiMenu is an N-level cascading menu WebControl written on the .NET 2.0/3.5 BCL.