List of Free code Ajax Control


  • AJAX Control Toolkit
    The AJAX Control Toolkit is a collection of samples and components which make it easier than ever to build and consume rich client-side controls and extenders built on the Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions. The Toolkit provides both ready to go samples and...
  • ASP.NET AJAX Control Set (AjaxSet)
    AjaxSet is a library that is intended to contain a number of AJAX controls and extenders.
  • ASP.NET AJAX Controls & Extenders
    A free ASP.NET AJAX control library that has also been submitted to be included within the AJAX Control Toolkit.
  • Control Methods for ASP.NET AJAX
    Control Methods tries to bring ASP.NET AJAX Page Methods to UserControls to allow individual controls to define their own static WebMethods for AJAX calls which allows developers to group control related logic in the code-behind as is possible with Page Methods.
  • Emerald
    Emerald is an ASP.NET forum web application. The project goal is to provide a fully operational forum with decent functionality using the latest Microsoft technologies. It is developed in C#/ASP.NET 3.5 and using the latest AJAX controls.
  • Extended Mvc
    Extended Mvc rewrites and extends the HTML and Ajax helpers shipped with ASP.NET MVC 2 using C# 4.0, .NET Framework 4 and Fluent HTML. The objective was to correct some gliches I found in MS Library and add new functionalities and controls.
  • Forgotten AJAX Extenders
    Forgotten AJAX Extenders project was created to provide to the community with a set of ASP.NET AJAX Extenders that I wished were included in the AJAX Control Toolkit. Hopefully, if these controls are popular, they can be included in a future Control Toolkit release.
  • Memba Velodoc XP Edition (incl. ASP.NET Ajax file upload controls)
    Memba Velodoc XP Edition is the open source core of the Velodoc platform for publishing, sharing, sending and transferring large files. It is a web application constituted of ASP.NET Ajax server controls, modules and handlers for uploading and downloading large files.
  • Prompt Control for ASP.NET AJAX
    In this control, I set out to breathe new life into the types of alerts, dialogs and prompts that are available to ASP.NET developers. In ASP.NET web development we are typically limited to what the browser can support. I am sure that most of us are very familiar with the Ja...

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Ajax Control
Ajax Framework
Ajax Library
Ajax MVC
Ajax Toolkit