Android Open Source - fullScreenApp System Ui Hider

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Java Source Code

package com.example.fullscreen.util;
//from   ww w .java 2 s.c om
import android.os.Build;
import android.view.View;

 * A utility class that helps with showing and hiding system UI such as the
 * status bar and navigation/system bar. This class uses backward-compatibility
 * techniques described in <a href=
 * "">
 * Creating Backward-Compatible UIs</a> to ensure that devices running any
 * version of ndroid OS are supported. More specifically, there are separate
 * implementations of this abstract class: for newer devices,
 * {@link #getInstance} will return a {@link SystemUiHiderHoneycomb} instance,
 * while on older devices {@link #getInstance} will return a
 * {@link SystemUiHiderBase} instance.
 * <p>
 * For more on system bars, see <a href=
 * ""
 * > System Bars</a>.
 * @see android.view.View#setSystemUiVisibility(int)
 * @see android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN
public abstract class SystemUiHider
   * When this flag is set, the
   * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN}
   * flag will be set on older devices, making the status bar "float" on top
   * of the activity layout. This is most useful when there are no controls at
   * the top of the activity layout.
   * <p>
   * This flag isn't used on newer devices because the <a
   * href="">action
   * bar</a>, the most important structural element of an Android app, should
   * be visible and not obscured by the system UI.
  public static final int FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN_OLDER_DEVICES = 0x1;

   * When this flag is set, {@link #show()} and {@link #hide()} will toggle
   * the visibility of the status bar. If there is a navigation bar, show and
   * hide will toggle low profile mode.
  public static final int FLAG_FULLSCREEN = 0x2;

   * When this flag is set, {@link #show()} and {@link #hide()} will toggle
   * the visibility of the navigation bar, if it's present on the device and
   * the device allows hiding it. In cases where the navigation bar is present
   * but cannot be hidden, show and hide will toggle low profile mode.
  public static final int FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION = FLAG_FULLSCREEN | 0x4;

   * The activity associated with this UI hider object.
  protected ActionBarActivity mActivity;
   * Visibility flags associated with this UI hider object.
  protected int uiOptions;

   * The view on which {@link View#setSystemUiVisibility(int)} will be called.
  protected View mAnchorView;

   * The current UI hider flags.
  protected int mFlags;

   * The current visibility callback.
  protected OnVisibilityChangeListener mOnVisibilityChangeListener = sDummyListener;

   * Creates and returns an instance of {@link SystemUiHider} that is
   * appropriate for this device. The object will be either a
   * {@link SystemUiHiderBase} or {@link SystemUiHiderHoneycomb} depending on
   * the device.
   * @param activity
   *            The activity whose window's system UI should be controlled by
   *            this class.
   * @param anchorView
   *            The view on which {@link View#setSystemUiVisibility(int)} will
   *            be called.
   * @param flags
   *            Either 0 or any combination of {@link #FLAG_FULLSCREEN},
   *            {@link #FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, and
   *            {@link #FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN_OLDER_DEVICES}.
  public static SystemUiHider getInstance( ActionBarActivity activity,
                                          View anchorView, int flags )
        return new SystemUiHiderKitkat( activity, anchorView, flags );
        return new SystemUiHiderHoneycomb( activity, anchorView, flags );
      return new SystemUiHiderBase( activity, anchorView, flags );

  protected SystemUiHider( ActionBarActivity activity, View anchorView,
                          int flags )
    mActivity = activity;
    mAnchorView = anchorView;
    mFlags = flags;

   * Sets up the system UI hider. Should be called from
   * {@link Activity#onCreate}.
  public abstract void setup( );

   * Returns whether or not the system UI is visible.
  public abstract boolean isVisible( );

   * Hide the system UI.
  public abstract void hide( );

   * Show the system UI.
  public abstract void show( );

   * Toggle the visibility of the system UI.
  public void toggle( )
    if( isVisible( ) )
      hide( );
      show( );

   * Registers a callback, to be triggered when the system UI visibility
   * changes.
  public void setOnVisibilityChangeListener(
    OnVisibilityChangeListener listener )
    if( listener == null )
      listener = sDummyListener;

    mOnVisibilityChangeListener = listener;

   * A dummy no-op callback for use when there is no other listener set.
  private static OnVisibilityChangeListener sDummyListener = new OnVisibilityChangeListener( ) {
    public void onVisibilityChange( boolean visible )

   * A callback interface used to listen for system UI visibility changes.
  public interface OnVisibilityChangeListener
     * Called when the system UI visibility has changed.
     * @param visible
     *            True if the system UI is visible.
    public void onVisibilityChange( boolean visible );

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