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/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project *//from w w w . jav a 2 s.c o m * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ListAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; /** * A ListView that supports dragging to reorder its elements. * * This implementation has some restrictions: * Footers are unsupported * All non-header views must have the same height * The adapter must implement DragAdapter * * Dragging disabled by default. Enable it with * {@link DragListView#setEditable(boolean)}. * * This should really be built-in to Android. This implementation is SUPER- * HACKY. : / */ public class DragListView extends ListView implements Handler.Callback { /** * Adapter that implements move and remove operations. */ public interface DragAdapter extends ListAdapter { /** * Remove the element at position from and insert it at position to. */ public void move(int from, int to); /** * Remove the element at the given position. */ public void remove(int position); } /** * Sent to scroll the list up or down when the dragged view is near the * top or bottom of the list. */ private static final int MSG_SCROLL = 0; /** * Height of each row in dip. */ public static final int ROW_HEIGHT = 44; /** * Padding for each row in dip. */ public static final int PADDING = 3; /** * Background color of row while it is being dragged. */ public static final int DRAG_COLOR = 0xff005500; /** * A handler running on the UI thread. */ private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(this); /** * The system window manager instance. */ private WindowManager mWindowManager; /** * The adapter that will be called to move/remove rows. */ private DragAdapter mAdapter; /** * True to allow dragging; false otherwise. */ private boolean mEditable; /** * Scaled height of each row in pixels. */ private final int mRowHeight; /** * The view that is actually dragged around during a drag. (The original * view is hidden). */ private ImageView mDragView; /** * A copy of the dragged row's scrolling cache that is shown in mDragView. */ private Bitmap mDragBitmap; /** * Window params for the drag view window. Used to move the window around. */ private WindowManager.LayoutParams mWindowParams; /** * At which position is the item currently being dragged. Note that this * takes in to account header items. */ private int mDragPos; /** * At which position was the item being dragged originally */ private int mSrcDragPos; /** * At what y offset inside the dragged view did the user grab it. */ private int mDragPointY; /** * The difference between screen coordinates and coordinates in the drag * view. */ private int mYOffset; /** * The y coordinate of the top of the drag view after the last motion * event. */ private int mLastMotionY; /** * Default padding for rows. */ private final int mPadding; public DragListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); float density = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; mPadding = (int)(PADDING * density); mRowHeight = (int)(ROW_HEIGHT * density); } /** * This should be called instead of * {@link ListView#setAdapter(android.widget.ListAdapter)}. * DragListView requires a DragAdapter to handle move/remove callbacks * from dragging. * * @param adapter The adapter to use. Will be passed to * {@link ListView#setAdapter(android.widget.ListAdapter)}. */ public void setAdapter(DragAdapter adapter) { super.setAdapter(adapter); // Keep track of adapter here since getAdapter() will return a wrapper // when there are headers. mAdapter = adapter; } /** * Set whether to allow elements to be reordered. * * @param editable True to allow reordering. */ public void setEditable(boolean editable) { mEditable = editable; if (!editable) stopDragging(); } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (mEditable) { switch (ev.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: stopDragging(); int x = (int)ev.getX(); // The left quarter of the item is the grabber for dragging the item if (x < getWidth() / 4) { int item = pointToPosition(x, (int)ev.getY()); if (item != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION && item >= getHeaderViewsCount()) { startDragging(item, ev); return false; } } break; } } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (!mEditable || mDragView == null) return super.onTouchEvent(ev); switch (ev.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: stopDragging(); int offset = getHeaderViewsCount(); if (mDragPos >= offset && mDragPos < getCount()) mAdapter.move(mSrcDragPos - offset, mDragPos - offset); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: int y = (int)ev.getY() - mDragPointY; mLastMotionY = y; mWindowParams.x = 0; mWindowParams.y = y + mYOffset; mWindowManager.updateViewLayout(mDragView, mWindowParams); computeDragPosition(y); break; } return true; } /** * Restore size and visibility for all list items */ private void unExpandViews() { int padding = mPadding; for (int i = 0, count = getChildCount(); i != count; ++i) { View view = getChildAt(i); ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = view.getLayoutParams(); params.height = 0; view.setLayoutParams(params); view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); view.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding); } } /** * Adjust visibility and size to make it appear as though * an item is being dragged around and other items are making * room for it. * * If dropping the item would result in it still being in the * same place, then make the dragged list item's size normal, * but make the item invisible. * Otherwise, if the dragged list item is still on screen, make * it as small as possible and expand the item below the insert * point. */ private void doExpansion() { int firstVisibile = getFirstVisiblePosition(); int childNum = mDragPos - firstVisibile; if (mDragPos > mSrcDragPos) childNum += 1; int headerCount = getHeaderViewsCount(); int childCount = getChildCount(); View dragSrcView = getChildAt(mSrcDragPos - firstVisibile); int start = firstVisibile < headerCount ? headerCount - firstVisibile : 0; int padding = mPadding; int rowHeight = mRowHeight; int nextHeight = rowHeight; for (int i = start; i != childCount; ++i) { View view = getChildAt(i); int height = nextHeight; nextHeight = rowHeight; int visibility = View.VISIBLE; int paddingBottom = padding; int paddingTop = padding; if (view == dragSrcView) { if (mDragPos == mSrcDragPos) { // hovering over the original location: show empty space visibility = View.INVISIBLE; height += 1; } else { // not hovering over it: show nothing // Ideally the item would be completely gone, but neither // setting its size to 0 nor settings visibility to GONE // has the desired effect. height = 1; } nextHeight -= 1; } else if (i == childNum) { // hovering over this row; expand it to "make room" for the // dragged item paddingTop += height; height *= 2; } else if (childNum == childCount && i == childCount - 1) { // hovering over the bottom of the list: we need to "make room" // at the bottom paddingBottom += height; height *= 2; } view.setPadding(padding, paddingTop, padding, paddingBottom); view.setVisibility(visibility); ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = view.getLayoutParams(); params.height = height; view.setLayoutParams(params); } } /** * Computes the drag position based on where the drag view is hovering. * Expands views and updates scrolling when this position changes. * * @param y The y coordinate of the top of the drag view. * @return The scrolling speed in pixels */ private int computeDragPosition(int y) { // This assumes uniform height for all non-header rows int firstVisible = getFirstVisiblePosition(); int topPos = Math.max(getHeaderViewsCount(), firstVisible); int dragHeight = mRowHeight; View view = getChildAt(topPos - firstVisible); int viewMiddle = view.getTop() + dragHeight / 2; int dragPos = Math.min(getCount() - 1, topPos + Math.max(0, y - viewMiddle + dragHeight) / dragHeight); if (dragPos != mDragPos) { mDragPos = dragPos; doExpansion(); } int height = getHeight(); int upperBound = height / 4; int lowerBound = height * 3 / 4; if (y > lowerBound && (getLastVisiblePosition() < getCount() - 1 || getChildAt(getChildCount() - 1).getBottom() > getBottom())) return y > (height + lowerBound) / 2 ? 16 : 4; else if (y < upperBound && (getFirstVisiblePosition() != 0 || getChildAt(0).getTop() < 0)) return y < upperBound / 2 ? -16 : -4; return 0; } /** * Start a drag operation. * * @param row The row number of the item to drag * @param ev The touch event that started this drag. */ private void startDragging(int row, MotionEvent ev) { int y = (int)ev.getY(); View item = getChildAt(row - getFirstVisiblePosition()); mDragPointY = y - item.getTop(); mYOffset = (int)ev.getRawY() - y; mWindowParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); mWindowParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT; mWindowParams.x = 0; mWindowParams.y = y - mDragPointY + mYOffset; mWindowParams.height = WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; mWindowParams.width = WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; mWindowParams.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS; mWindowParams.windowAnimations = 0; int color = item.getDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(); item.setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(0xff005500); item.buildDrawingCache(); // Create a copy of the drawing cache so that it does not get recycled // by the framework when the list tries to clean up memory Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(item.getDrawingCache()); item.setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(color); item.destroyDrawingCache(); mDragBitmap = bitmap; Context context = getContext(); ImageView view = new ImageView(context); view.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); view.setImageBitmap(bitmap); mWindowManager = (WindowManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); mWindowManager.addView(view, mWindowParams); mDragView = view; mSrcDragPos = row; // Force expansion on next motion event mDragPos = INVALID_POSITION; mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_SCROLL, 50); } /** * Stop a drag operation. */ private void stopDragging() { if (mDragView != null) { mDragView.setVisibility(GONE); mWindowManager.removeView(mDragView); mDragView.setImageDrawable(null); mDragView = null; } if (mDragBitmap != null) { mDragBitmap.recycle(); mDragBitmap = null; } unExpandViews(); mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_SCROLL); } @Override public boolean handleMessage(Message message) { if (message.what == MSG_SCROLL) { if (mDragPos != INVALID_POSITION) { int speed = computeDragPosition(mLastMotionY); if (speed != 0) { View view = getChildAt(0); if (view != null) { int pos = view.getTop(); setSelectionFromTop(getFirstVisiblePosition(), pos - speed); } } } mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_SCROLL, 50); } return true; } }