Fork of Vanilla music player for Android. Added some functionality to have better playlists..
vanilindy is hosted in the following web site
If you think the Android project vanilindy listed in this page is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.
The following table is the detailed list of vanilindy.
Item | Value |
Java File Count | 59 |
Supported screen sizes | [mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi] |
Target SDK Version | 16 |
Minimum SDK Version | 15 |
Activity Count | 34 |
Test Case Count | 3 |
Required Permissions | android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS android.permission.WAKE_LOCK android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE |
Raw File Names | res\debug\raw\beep.wav res\raw\beep.wav |
The license information of vanilindy is as follows:
Apache License
There are 44 image files in vanilindy. The names of the image files are listed as follows.
arrow.png close.png empty.png fallback_cover.png folder.png grabber.png ic_menu_add.png ic_menu_close_clear_cancel.png ic_menu_gallery.png ic_menu_music_library.png ic_menu_preferences.png ic_menu_search.png ic_menu_sort_alphabetically.png ic_tab_albums_selected.png ic_tab_artists_selected.png ic_tab_songs_selected.png list_selector_disabled_holo_dark.9.png music_bottom_playback_bg.9.png next.png notification_close.png pause.png play.png preview_widget_d.png preview_widget_e.png preview_widget_four_long.png preview_widget_four_square.png preview_widget_four_white.png preview_widget_one_cell.png previous.png random_active.png repeat_active.png repeat_current_active.png repeat_inactive.png shuffle_active.png shuffle_album_active.png shuffle_inactive.png status_icon.png stop_current_active.png vinyl.png widget_bg.9.png widget_next.png widget_pause.png widget_play.png widget_previous.png
The following screenshort is generated from the image listed above.