List of Free code Sound
Ambient Sound Recognizer
Android Application for recognizing ambient sound.
android .hodor
Hodor sound board I made for a Halloween costume.
android AdamsFaces
Just a dumb little app to show my family's faces and sounds , for the learnings.
android csd
Disable annoying sounds when take a picture.
android joketoy
An Android App - Make sounds and make jokes for fun.
android notifications to headphones
This fixes the problem where notification and ringer sounds come out of the external speaker instead of through headphones when plugged in.
Android simple soundboard
Simple sound board for android.
android sound switcher
Simple application to temporarily switch off sound.
Android Sound Test
A sound generator app for Android phones.
android soundcapture4ankidroid
Captures sound files from web dictionaries to Ankidroid.
android soundrecord test
record sound and play.
Android WorkTime
Before you head off to work, use this app to quickly mute all phone sounds and turn off power using features.
Android app for converting text into memorable pictures and sounds.
A small sound related android test.
Animals Game
An android game for children with animals and sounds.
Android animal image and sound.
Android app to play a sound at change of light intensity in camera. Why is this THAT slow?.
Android sample project to measure sound amplitude via micro-phone.
sound generation app android.
WIP Android app for sounds and stuff.
Byte Beat for Android
A generative synthesizer for making strange 8-bit sounds and waveforms. Inspired by the bytebeat community.
Android Complete Sound Profile Manager.
dynamic sound android
Sample code for my AnDevCon Fall 2013 talk about dynamic sound for Android.
Easy Sound Board
Android - Easy Sound Board.
Make sound seem like it's coming from arbitrary directions on your android device.
Experimental sound app for Android built with Processing.
falling android
A demo app created in 2008 on the Android 1.x SDK to test/demonstrate the built-in accelerometer in a T-Mobile G1 phone. Detects when the phone is dropped and plays an "ahhhh" scream sound. When free-fall stops, it plays a "phew" sound. Should work on later versions of Android with a bit of finagling.
Java Android Sound Collision Detection.
Android App that plays "scary" sounds when door is knocked and phone is taped to it.
android application that allows to click an image to play associated sound.
An Android Library that provides an Activity to find a Location using sounds.
lightsaber sound
Android app simulating lightsaber sounds based on gyroscope and proximity sensor.
Magic Conch App
A fun,simple, Android app that replicates some of the sounds of the Magic Conch in Spongebob.
mic check
Sound sensitive Android experiment.
A nibbelboard playing funny sounds and chalking several basic Android hacks - project goal is not "getting > 100k downloads..." it's rather about tying together basic Android patterns.
osc tools
OSC (Open Sound Control) libraries and tools written in Java. The design principle of these components is to adopt a 'pooled' approach to message handling and hence are ideal for Android as well as the desktop.
my first android app try out - annoying sounds app.
Android Project - to show a sequence of two images. When a user clicks on an image a sound file will be played.
multiple android devices are communicating with sound by beeping ("piepsen") and listening to each other.
play me
play sounds on android.
play Sound
Using android mediaPlayer with seekbar.
Simple app for android that produces mechanical sounds when you walk as if you have a robotic leg.
A simple android application for listening different sounds.
seeYour Sound
Android app renders time-frequency surface of your sound.
is the ability to save and load your own custom guitar sound that you can assign to each shake of the android phone or device. Plus, you can use your own WAV samples from an SD card, which maximize the creative potential. As a live performance tool or an independent.
A local sound sharing Android app using WebRTC technology.
An android app to shut down the shutter sound of camera.
Transfer of data through sound on Android.
Sound wave communication on Android like chirp on iphone.
Sound Alarm
A simple alam, writetten in android.
Sound BitesMonkey
Counterpart Android service to Sound Bites.
Sound Box
simple sound clip manager for Android.
Sound CloudKid
A better client on android for Sound Cloud API.
Sound Gen
Make a clean example for an android sound generator.
sound hack
Experimenting with Sound Pool in Android.
sound it
The idea is to use the android device capabilities, like accel, touch screen, to send midi messages to pc and make some good sounds.
sound logger
Sound Logger Android Studio App Engine Connected Application.
Sound Player
Simple sound player for Android.
Sound Sampler
A sound sampler for Android.
sound sequencer
Android app, steps through grid of samples.
Sound SignatureInGraphicalPassword
( Android application) Implementation of a graphical password system with a supportive sound signature to increase the remembrance of the password. A click-based graphical password scheme called Cued Click Points (CCP) is implemented.In this system.
sound Space
Android App for sound Space.
sound Test
Test using Android Studio.
Android Sound Recording Applicaiton.
SouthPark Soundbox
South park French sounds for ANdroid.
Android app that plays random sounds.
Adds a dawn simulator to DeskClock clock from Android 4.2. Lights up the phone/tablet's screen with sunset colors for a specified number of minutes, then plays back the alarm sound and displays a standard snooze/dismiss dialog.
Synchronzied playback of Sound Cloud stream on Android devices.
Writable and sounds in Android.
Android app using Pure Data to generate synthesized sounds.
System Sounds
Android System Sounds Application.
Test Sound
Application de test pour la capture du son sous android.
a android application for timer mute and unmute system sound.
Tip calculator
It is what it sounds like, a tip calculator for android !.
Toggle android app
turn phone sound on and off (school project).
Android ToneGenerator class sounds.
triviazo android
Android launcher. This project contains all the assets (images, sounds...) used by the other projects.
android project for controlling sound with touch.
Android App -- play a whip sound when shaking your phone.
Android application - ImageButton when pressed plays a Sound Pool object of fart noises.
Android Sound Wringer - Ringtone Profiles.