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(C) Copyright 2014 MapleScot Development This project licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 by attribution licence Unless required by applicable law or ag...
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/* * (C) Copyright 2014 MapleScot Development * This file licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 by attribution licence * *//from www .j ava 2 s . c o m * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * */ package com.maplescot.loggerbill.misc; import com.badlogic.gdx.Application; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetDescriptor; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetErrorListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.SkinLoader; import; import; import; import*; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.TextureRegionDrawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import; import com.maplescot.loggerbill.ui.MainMenu; import com.maplescot.loggerbill.ui.SplashScreen; import java.util.Random; import static com.maplescot.loggerbill.misc.Constants.MUSIC; /** * This singleton class wraps our asset manager. It does background loading of the various assets we need in our game * and serves them up statically on demand. * <p/> * Created by james on 19/07/14. */ public class Assets implements Disposable, AssetErrorListener { private static final String TAG = Assets.class.getName(); private static final Assets myInstance = new Assets(); // Singleton private static final int SPRITE_COUNT = 2; private Sprite clearSprite[] = new Sprite[SPRITE_COUNT]; private Sprite rightBranchSprite[] = new Sprite[SPRITE_COUNT]; private Sprite leftBranchSprite[] = new Sprite[SPRITE_COUNT]; private static Random rnum = new Random(); public TextureRegion billDeadRegion; public TextureRegion tombstoneRegion; public TextureRegion stumpRegion; public TextureRegion grassRegion; public TextureRegion fireFly; public TextureRegion moon; public TextureRegionDrawable hillsDrawable; public TextureRegionDrawable pauseButtonDrawable; public TextureRegion tapIcon_left; public TextureRegion tapIcon_right; public TextureRegion biPlaneRegion; public TextureRegion guage_full; public TextureRegion guage_empty; public AssetFonts font; public Animation birdAnimation; public Animation billAnimation; public Skin skin; public Skin uiSkin; public Clouds clouds; public Sound thwack; private AssetManager assetManager; private boolean initialized = false; // only ever have one of these public SplashScreen splashScreen=null; public MainMenu mainMenu=null; public static Assets getInstance() { return myInstance; } /** * Initialize the loading of our assets. Actual loading will be done incrementally in the update method; */ public void load() { assetManager = new AssetManager(); assetManager.setErrorListener(this); initialized = false;, "Loading Texture atlases"); assetManager.load(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_GAME, TextureAtlas.class);, "Loading Music/Sounds"); assetManager.load(MUSIC, Music.class); assetManager.load(Constants.THWACK, Sound.class);, "Loading UI skins"); assetManager.load(Constants.MAIN_STD_UI, Skin.class, new SkinLoader.SkinParameter(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_STD_UI)); assetManager.load(Constants.MAIN_UI, Skin.class, new SkinLoader.SkinParameter(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_UI)); } /** * Incrementally load a bit of the textures... and return back. */ public boolean updateLoading() { boolean finished = assetManager.update(); if (finished) {, assetManager.getAssetNames().size + " Assets loaded."); if (!initialized) initTextures(); } return finished; } /** * Get some pointer references to our loaded assets and initialize sprites. */ public void initTextures() {, "Preparing sprites."); TextureAtlas atlas = assetManager.get(Constants.TEXTURE_ATLAS_GAME); // enable texture filtering for pixel smoothing for (Texture t : atlas.getTextures()) { t.setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); } // Get pointers to our textures hillsDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(atlas.findRegion("hills")); stumpRegion = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("stump")); grassRegion = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("grass")); fireFly = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("firefly")); moon = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("moon")); pauseButtonDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(atlas.findRegion("pause")); billDeadRegion = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("dead_bill")); tombstoneRegion = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("tombstone")); biPlaneRegion = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("biplane")); guage_full = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("guage_full")); guage_empty = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("guage_empty")); if ( == Application.ApplicationType.Desktop || == Application.ApplicationType.WebGL) { tapIcon_left = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("key")); tapIcon_right = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("key")); } else { tapIcon_left = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("tap")); tapIcon_right = new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("tap")); } tapIcon_left.flip(true, true); tapIcon_right.flip(false, true); //keyIcon_left.flip(true, true); //keyIcon_right.flip(false, true); clouds = new Clouds(atlas); font = new AssetFonts(); Array<TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion> birdRegions = atlas.findRegions("bird"); birdAnimation = new Animation(0.15f, birdRegions, Animation.PlayMode.LOOP); Array<TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion> billRegions = atlas.findRegions("bill"); billAnimation = new Animation(Constants.BILL_FRAME_TIME, billRegions, Animation.PlayMode.LOOP_PINGPONG); // Initialize our sprites. clearSprite[0] = new Sprite(new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("chunk_clear1"))); clearSprite[1] = new Sprite(new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("chunk_clear2"))); rightBranchSprite[0] = new Sprite(new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("chunk_branch1"))); rightBranchSprite[1] = new Sprite(new TextureRegion(atlas.findRegion("chunk_branch2"))); leftBranchSprite[0] = new Sprite(rightBranchSprite[0]); leftBranchSprite[1] = new Sprite(rightBranchSprite[1]); // We calculate the origin like this so we can use the same origin on a branch chunk. If we just used // LibGDX's originCenter it would get the wrong position on the branch image. float xOrigin = clearSprite[0].getWidth() / 2; // Sprites must be the same size float yOrigin = clearSprite[0].getHeight() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < SPRITE_COUNT; i++) { clearSprite[i].setSize(Constants.CHUNK_SIZE, Constants.CHUNK_SIZE); rightBranchSprite[i].setSize(Constants.CHUNK_SIZE * 2, Constants.CHUNK_SIZE); clearSprite[i].setOrigin(xOrigin, yOrigin); rightBranchSprite[i].setOrigin(xOrigin, yOrigin); leftBranchSprite[i].setSize(Constants.CHUNK_SIZE * 2, Constants.CHUNK_SIZE); leftBranchSprite[i].flip(true, false); // Left Branch is just the right branch flipped. leftBranchSprite[i].setOrigin(rightBranchSprite[i].getWidth() - xOrigin, yOrigin - 10); } skin = assetManager.get(Constants.MAIN_UI, Skin.class); uiSkin = assetManager.get(Constants.MAIN_STD_UI, Skin.class); thwack = assetManager.get(Constants.THWACK, Sound.class); initialized = true; } /** * Play that funky music, white boy. * * @param play True to play, else stop. */ public void playMusic(boolean play) { if (!initialized || !assetManager.isLoaded(Constants.MUSIC)) return; // Don't do anything if initialization isn't complete Music music = assetManager.get(MUSIC, Music.class); if (play && !music.isPlaying()) { music.setLooping(true); music.setVolume(0.85f);;, "Music is playing"); } else if (music.isPlaying() && !play) {, "Stopping music"); music.pause(); } } /** * dir -1 = left, 0 = clear, 1 = right * * @param dir direction of branch * @return A sprite reprenting this branch. */ public Sprite getChunkSprite(Chunk.Type dir) { if (dir == Chunk.Type.CLEAR) return clearSprite[rnum.nextInt(SPRITE_COUNT)]; else if (dir == Chunk.Type.LEFT) return leftBranchSprite[rnum.nextInt(SPRITE_COUNT)]; else return rightBranchSprite[rnum.nextInt(SPRITE_COUNT)]; } @Override public void error(AssetDescriptor asset, Throwable throwable) { } @Override public void dispose() {, "Disposing assets"); assetManager.dispose(); } /** * Some happy little clouds.... I feel like channelling Bob ross today.. * */ public class Clouds { public final TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion cloud[] = new TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion[6]; private Random rnum; public Clouds(TextureAtlas atlas) { cloud[0] = atlas.findRegion("cloud1"); cloud[1] = atlas.findRegion("cloud2"); cloud[2] = atlas.findRegion("cloud3"); // We have 3 different cloud patterns stored as sprites. We'll manufacture 3 more by flipping the sprites. cloud[3] = new TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion(cloud[0]); cloud[4] = new TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion(cloud[1]); cloud[5] = new TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion(cloud[2]); cloud[3].flip(true, true); cloud[4].flip(true, true); cloud[5].flip(true, true); rnum = new Random(); } public TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion getRandomCloud() { return cloud[rnum.nextInt(cloud.length)]; } } public class AssetFonts { public final BitmapFont small; public final BitmapFont normal; public final BitmapFont big; public AssetFonts() { small = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/fontLarge.fnt"), true); normal = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/fontLarge.fnt"), true); big = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/fontLarge.fnt"), true); // set font sizes small.setScale(0.25f); normal.setScale(0.5f); big.setScale(1.0f); // enable linear texture filtering for smooth fonts small.getRegion().getTexture().setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); normal.getRegion().getTexture().setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); big.getRegion().getTexture().setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); } } }