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Copyright (c) 2010 Ben Abraham, Renaud B?dard, Henk Boom, Daniel Burton, Matthew Gallant Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated ...
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package de.swagner.paxbritannica.factory; //from www.ja va2 import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import de.swagner.paxbritannica.Constants; import de.swagner.paxbritannica.GameInstance; import de.swagner.paxbritannica.Resources; import de.swagner.paxbritannica.bomber.Bomber; import de.swagner.paxbritannica.fighter.Fighter; import de.swagner.paxbritannica.frigate.Frigate; public class Production { public float BUILDING_SPEED = 100; public int MAXSHIPS = 100; private float SEGMENTS = 32; private float RADIUS = 32; private float DRAW_OFFSET = -4; private float SPAWN_OFFSET = 47; public float fighterCost = 50; public float bomberCost = 170; public float frigateCost = 360; public float upgradeCost = 1080; private float potential_cost = 0; private float needle_angle = 0; private float needle_velocity = 0; private Vector2 facing90 = new Vector2(); public boolean halt_production = false; private Sprite needle; private Sprite upgrade_outline; private Sprite frigate_outline; private Sprite bomber_outline; private Sprite fighter_outline; private Sprite production1; private Sprite production2; private Sprite production3; private Sprite production_tile1; private Sprite production_tile2; private Sprite production_tile3; private Sprite production_tile4; private Sprite health_none; private Sprite health_some; private Sprite health_full; public int currentBuildingUnit = -1; public float fade = 0; // public ImmediateModeRenderer renderer = new ImmediateModeRenderer(); // OrthographicCamera camera; private FactoryProduction factory; public Production(FactoryProduction factory) { this.factory = factory; // camera = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480); // camera.translate(400, 240, 0); needle = Resources.getInstance().needle; needle.setOrigin(needle.getHeight() / 2, needle.getWidth() / 2); production1 = Resources.getInstance().production1; production1.setOrigin(production1.getHeight() / 2, production1.getWidth() / 2); production2 = Resources.getInstance().production2; production2.setOrigin(production2.getHeight() / 2, production2.getWidth() / 2); production3 = Resources.getInstance().production3; production3.setOrigin(production3.getHeight() / 2, production3.getWidth() / 2); production_tile1 = Resources.getInstance().production_tile1; production_tile1.setOrigin(production_tile1.getHeight() / 2, production_tile1.getWidth() / 2); production_tile2 = Resources.getInstance().production_tile2; production_tile2.setOrigin(production_tile2.getHeight() / 2, production_tile2.getWidth() / 2); production_tile3 = Resources.getInstance().production_tile3; production_tile3.setOrigin(production_tile3.getHeight() / 2, production_tile3.getWidth() / 2); production_tile4 = Resources.getInstance().production_tile4; production_tile4.setOrigin(production_tile4.getHeight() / 2, production_tile4.getWidth() / 2); upgrade_outline = Resources.getInstance().upgradeOutline; upgrade_outline.setOrigin(upgrade_outline.getHeight() / 2, upgrade_outline.getWidth() / 2); frigate_outline = Resources.getInstance().frigateOutline; frigate_outline.setOrigin(frigate_outline.getHeight() / 2, frigate_outline.getWidth() / 2); bomber_outline = Resources.getInstance().bomberOutline; bomber_outline.setOrigin(bomber_outline.getHeight() / 2, bomber_outline.getWidth() / 2); fighter_outline = Resources.getInstance().fighterOutline; fighter_outline.setOrigin(fighter_outline.getHeight() / 2, fighter_outline.getWidth() / 2); health_none = Resources.getInstance().healthNone; health_none.setOrigin(health_none.getHeight() / 2, health_none.getWidth() / 2); health_some = Resources.getInstance().healthSome; health_some.setOrigin(health_some.getHeight() / 2, health_some.getWidth() / 2); health_full = Resources.getInstance().healthFull; health_full.setOrigin(health_full.getHeight() / 2, health_full.getWidth() / 2); } /** * Span new Ship * * 1 = Fighter * 2 = Bomber * 3 = Frigate * 4 = Upgrade * @param unitType */ public void spawn(int unitType) { // factory.ownShips = 0; // for (Ship fighter : GameInstance.getInstance().fighters) { // if( == factory.ownShips++; // } // for (Ship bomber : GameInstance.getInstance().bombers) { // if( != factory.ownShips++; // } // for (Ship frigate : GameInstance.getInstance().frigates) { // if( != factory.ownShips++; // } // if(factory.ownShips>MAXSHIPS) { // return; // } Vector2 spawn_pos = new Vector2(factory.collisionCenter.x + (SPAWN_OFFSET * factory.facing.x), factory.collisionCenter.y + (SPAWN_OFFSET * factory.facing.y)); if (unitType == 1) { factory.resourceAmount -= fighterCost; GameInstance.getInstance().fighters.add(new Fighter(, spawn_pos, new Vector2(factory.facing.x, factory.facing.y))); } else if (unitType == 2) { spawn_pos.sub(10, 10); factory.resourceAmount -= bomberCost; GameInstance.getInstance().bombers.add(new Bomber(, spawn_pos, new Vector2(factory.facing.x, factory.facing.y))); } else if (unitType == 3) { spawn_pos.sub(25, 25); factory.resourceAmount -= frigateCost; GameInstance.getInstance().frigates.add(new Frigate(, spawn_pos, new Vector2(factory.facing.x, factory.facing.y))); } else if (unitType == 4) { factory.resourceAmount -= upgradeCost; factory.upgradesUsed += 1; factory.harvestRate += (factory.harvestRateUpgrade/factory.upgradesUsed); } } private void update() { if (factory.button_held) { if (potential_cost == 0 && factory.resourceAmount >= potential_cost) { potential_cost = fighterCost; } if (factory.resourceAmount > potential_cost + (BUILDING_SPEED * - 1) { potential_cost += BUILDING_SPEED *; } } else { if (potential_cost > upgradeCost) { spawn(4); } else if (potential_cost > frigateCost) { spawn(3); } else if (potential_cost > bomberCost) { spawn(2); } else if (potential_cost > fighterCost) { spawn(1); } potential_cost = 0; } } public float scale_angle(float frames) { float angle = 0; if (frames < fighterCost) { angle = 0.25f; } else if (frames < bomberCost) { angle = (frames - fighterCost) / (bomberCost - fighterCost) * 0.25f + 0.25f; } else if (frames < frigateCost) { angle = (frames - bomberCost) / (frigateCost - bomberCost) * 0.25f + 0.5f; } else { angle = (frames - frigateCost) / (upgradeCost - frigateCost) * 0.25f + 0.75f; } return Math.min(angle - 0.25f, 1); } public float get_resources_spent(float frames) { float spent = 0; if (frames < fighterCost) { spent = 0; } else if (frames < bomberCost) { spent = fighterCost; } else if (frames < frigateCost) { spent = bomberCost; } else if (frames < upgradeCost) { spent = frigateCost; } else { spent = upgradeCost; } return spent; } public void draw(Batch batch) { update(); facing90.set(factory.facing); facing90.rotate(90).nor(); // factory.facing.nor(); // //Renders behind sprites... :( // float SEGMENTS = 32; // float RADIUS = 32; // renderer.begin(GL10.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); //; // camera.position.set(350, +240, 0); // camera.update(); // camera.apply(; //, // factory.collisionCenter.y, 0); // - 90, 0, 0, 1); // float angle = factory.production // .scale_angle(factory.resourceAmount) * MathUtils.PI * 2f; // float filled_angle = MathUtils.PI * 2f - angle; // renderer.color(0, 0, 0, 1.6f); // renderer.vertex(0, 0, -10); // for (int point = 0; point < SEGMENTS; point++) { // Vector2 vert = new Vector2(MathUtils.cos(MathUtils.PI / 2.f - angle - point / SEGMENTS * filled_angle) * RADIUS, MathUtils.sin(MathUtils.PI / 2.f // - angle - point / SEGMENTS * filled_angle) // * RADIUS); // renderer.vertex(vert.x, vert.y, -10); // } // renderer.vertex(0, 0, 10); // renderer.end(); // //; // camera.position.set(400, 240, 0); // camera.update(); // camera.apply(; float angle = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, norm(scale_angle(factory.resourceAmount),0,0.25f))); fade = Math.min(MathUtils.PI, fade+(; if(fade == MathUtils.PI) fade =0; production_tile1.setOrigin(0, 0); // if(factory.ownShips>MAXSHIPS-1) { // production_tile1.setColor(1.0f, 0.1f,0.1f, MathUtils.sin(fade)); // } else { production_tile1.setColor(angle, angle,angle, angle); // } production_tile1.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); production_tile1.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32* facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); production_tile1.draw(batch); angle = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, norm(scale_angle(factory.resourceAmount),0.25f,0.5f))); production_tile2.setOrigin(0, 0); // if(factory.ownShips>MAXSHIPS-1) { // production_tile2.setColor(1, 0.1f,0.1f, MathUtils.sin(fade)); // } else { production_tile2.setColor(angle, angle,angle, angle); // } production_tile2.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); production_tile2.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); production_tile2.draw(batch); angle = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, norm(scale_angle(factory.resourceAmount),0.5f,0.75f))); production_tile3.setOrigin(0, 0); // if(factory.ownShips>MAXSHIPS-1) { // production_tile3.setColor(1, 0.1f,0.1f, MathUtils.sin(fade)); // } else { production_tile3.setColor(angle, angle,angle, angle); // } production_tile3.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); production_tile3.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35* factory.facing.x)- (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); production_tile3.draw(batch); angle = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, norm(scale_angle(factory.resourceAmount),0.75f,1f))); production_tile4.setOrigin(0, 0); // if(factory.ownShips>MAXSHIPS-1) { // production_tile4.setColor(1, 0.1f,0.1f, MathUtils.sin(fade)); // } else { production_tile4.setColor(angle, angle,angle, angle); // } production_tile4.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); production_tile4.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x)- (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35* factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); production_tile4.draw(batch); // Draw the needle angle = scale_angle(potential_cost); if (angle == 0) { if (needle_angle > 0 || needle_velocity < 0) { needle_velocity = Math.min(needle_velocity + 0.2f *, 0.025f); needle_angle = Math.max(needle_angle - needle_velocity, 0); if (needle_angle == 0) { needle_velocity *= Math.pow(-0.475f,; } } } else { needle_velocity = 0; needle_angle = angle; } needle.setOrigin(0, 0); needle.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (2 * factory.facing.x) - (-2 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (2 * factory.facing.y) - (-2 * facing90.y)); needle.setRotation(factory.facing.angle() + ((-needle_angle) * 360) - 90); needle.draw(batch); production2.setOrigin(0, 0); production2.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); production2.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); production2.draw(batch); production3.setOrigin(0, 0); production3.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); production3.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); production3.draw(batch); // Draw the preview outline if (factory.button_held) { if (potential_cost > upgradeCost) { upgrade_outline.setOrigin(0, 0); upgrade_outline.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); upgrade_outline.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); upgrade_outline.draw(batch); currentBuildingUnit = 3; } else if (potential_cost > frigateCost) { frigate_outline.setOrigin(0, 0); frigate_outline.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); frigate_outline.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32* facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); frigate_outline.draw(batch); currentBuildingUnit = 2; } else if (potential_cost > bomberCost) { bomber_outline.setOrigin(0, 0); bomber_outline.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); bomber_outline.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); bomber_outline.draw(batch); currentBuildingUnit = 1; } else if (potential_cost > fighterCost) { fighter_outline.setOrigin(0, 0); fighter_outline.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); fighter_outline.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); fighter_outline.draw(batch); currentBuildingUnit = 0; } else { currentBuildingUnit = -1; } } else { currentBuildingUnit = -1; float health = factory.healthPercentage(); if (health < Constants.lowHealthThreshold) { float factor = health / Constants.lowHealthThreshold; health_none.setOrigin(0, 0); health_none.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); health_none.setColor(1, factor * 0.3f, factor * 0.3f, 1); health_none.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); health_none.draw(batch); } else if (health < Constants.highHealthThreshold) { float factor = (health - Constants.lowHealthThreshold) / (Constants.highHealthThreshold - Constants.lowHealthThreshold); health_some.setOrigin(0, 0); health_some.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); health_some.setColor(1, factor * 0.7f + 0.3f, factor * 0.2f + 0.3f, 1); health_some.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32*facing90.y)); health_some.draw(batch); } else { float factor = (health - Constants.highHealthThreshold) / (1 - Constants.highHealthThreshold); health_full.setOrigin(0, 0); health_full.setRotation(factory.facing.angle()); health_full.setColor((1 - factor) * 0.3f + 0.7f, 1, factor * 0.4f + 0.6f, 1); health_full.setPosition(factory.collisionCenter.x - (35 * factory.facing.x) - (32 * facing90.x), factory.collisionCenter.y - (35 * factory.facing.y) - (32 * facing90.y)); health_full.draw(batch); } } } /** * Normalize a value to exist between 0 and 1 (inclusive). * Mathematically the opposite of lerp(), figures out what proportion * a particular value is relative to start and stop coordinates. */ public float norm(float value, float start, float stop) { return (value - start) / (stop - start); } }