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Copyright (c) 2011 Andrey Moiseev, Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),...
If you think the Android project ShootEmOff listed in this page is inappropriate, such as containing malicious code/tools or violating the copyright, please email info at java2s dot com, thanks.
package; //from w ww. ja v a2s. co m import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Random; import android.content.res.Configuration; import com.shootemoff.framework.Audio; import com.shootemoff.framework.Game; import com.shootemoff.framework.Graphics; import com.shootemoff.framework.Input.KeyEvent; import com.shootemoff.framework.Input.TouchEvent; import com.shootemoff.framework.Sound; /* I should have used pools for my objects not to make garbage * collector angry. As it freezes the game sometimes, * I avoided some object creations. However, it doesn't help. */ public class World { Random random = new Random(); Game game; private final int DOTS_COUNT = 15; private final int GUN_SHOTS_COUNT = 10; // In this case ArrayList is better than LinkedList: // list will never be resized. public List<Dot> dots = new ArrayList<Dot>(DOTS_COUNT); public List<Dot> shots = new ArrayList<Dot>(GUN_SHOTS_COUNT); public Core core = new Core(); public ControlPad shieldControl = new ControlPad(); public ControlPad gunControl = new ControlPad(); public float offScreenRadius; private final float SHIELD_HEALTH = 20.0F; private final float CORE_HEALTH = 6.0F; //private final int[] ALLOWED_ANGLES = {110, 330, 10, 180, 350, 300, 30, 200, -20, 100, 50, 320, 270}; private final int[] ALLOWED_ANGLES = {30, 200, -20, 100, 50, 320, 270, 0, 70, 340, 45, 20, 190, -80}; public boolean just_aimed = false; public double aim_angle; public VectorF aim_beam; public float shield_top_coef = (float)0.65;//0.05; public float shield_bottom_coef = (float)0.95;//0.35; public float shield_right_coef = (float)0.30; public float shield_left_coef = (float)0.06; public float shield_top; public float shield_bottom; public float shield_right; public float shield_left; public float gun_top_coef = (float)0.05;//0.65; public float gun_bottom_coef = (float)0.35;//0.95; public float gun_right_coef = (float)0.30; public float gun_left_coef = (float)0.06; public float gun_top; public float gun_bottom; public float gun_right; public float gun_left; //default base speed float base_speed; private float time = 0.0F; // in seconds private float last_shot_time = 0.0F; public enum GameState {Ready, Running, Paused, GameOver} public GameState state = GameState.Ready; private float difficulty = 0.04F; // Max 0.1F // Sounds // Dot collides with core Sound coreHurt; Sound coreHealth; Sound coreShield; // Dot collides with shield Sound shieldCollision; Sound gameOver; Sound gunShot; Sound shieldMove; Sound gunShotCollision; Sound gameOn; public World(Game game, int screen_layout) { = game; Graphics g = game.getGraphics(); // Construct core core.coords = new VectorF((float) g.getWidth() / 4, (float) g.getHeight() / (float) 2); core.shieldRadius = (float) g.getWidth() / 4; core.maxRadius = core.shieldRadius * 0.7F; core.angle = 45.0F; = 1.0F; core.shieldEnergy = 0.0F; //Construct shield arc shieldControl.angle = 45.0F; shieldControl.coords = new VectorF( (float)(g.getWidth() * 0.13),(float)(g.getHeight() * 0.80) ); shieldControl.ARC_RADIUS = (float)(g.getHeight() * 0.15); shieldControl.SHIELD_RADIUS = (float)(shieldControl.ARC_RADIUS * 0.9F); //Construct gun arc gunControl.coords = new VectorF( (float)(g.getWidth() * 0.13),(float)(g.getHeight() * 0.20) ); gunControl.ARC_RADIUS = (float)(g.getHeight() * 0.15); gunControl.SHIELD_RADIUS = (float)(gunControl.ARC_RADIUS * 0.9F); // Set offScreenRadius offScreenRadius = (float) Math.hypot((double) g.getWidth() / 2, (double) g.getHeight() / (float) 1.4); // Max dot radius (when it's energy is 1.0F) Dot.maxRadius = core.maxRadius / 8.0F; DetermineBaseSpeed(screen_layout); loadSounds(); } //return 1-small, 2-normal, 3-large, 2-other sizes private int DetermineScreenSize(int screen_layout) { int screen_size; if ( (screen_layout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK ) == Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE ) { screen_size = 3; } else if ( (screen_layout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK ) == Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL ) { screen_size = 2; } else if ( (screen_layout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK ) == Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL ) { screen_size = 1; } else { screen_size = 2; } return screen_size; } private void DetermineBaseSpeed(int screen_layout) { int screen_size = DetermineScreenSize(screen_layout); switch(screen_size){ case 1: this.base_speed = 5F; break; case 2: this.base_speed = 15F; break; case 3: this.base_speed = 25F; break; default: this.base_speed = 15F; } } private void loadSounds() { Audio a = game.getAudio(); coreHurt = a.newSound("core_hurt.wav"); coreHealth = a.newSound("core_health.wav"); coreShield = a.newSound("core_shield.wav"); shieldCollision = a.newSound("clash_02.wav"); gameOver = a.newSound("game_over.wav"); gunShot = a.newSound("laser_shot.wav"); shieldMove = a.newSound("shield_move.wav"); gunShotCollision = a.newSound("clash_01.wav"); gameOn = a.newSound("saber_on.wav"); } // Restart the game public void renew() { dots.clear(); = 1.0F; core.shieldEnergy = 0.0F; time = 0.0F; last_shot_time = 0.0F; state = GameState.Ready; difficulty = 0.04F; generateStartDots(DOTS_COUNT); } // Add randomness private void generateStartDots(int count) { for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { generateNewDot(true); } } private VectorF generateNewDotCoordsInRandomPlace() { //should stick to predefined angles to make the enemies can from above int index = random.nextInt(ALLOWED_ANGLES.length -1 ); int angle = ALLOWED_ANGLES[ index ]; VectorF coords = new VectorF((float) Math.cos(angle), (float) Math.sin(angle)); coords = coords.multiply(core.shieldRadius + (offScreenRadius - core.shieldRadius) * random.nextFloat()); return coords; } public void update(float deltaTime) { if(state == GameState.Ready){ updateReady(deltaTime); } if(state == GameState.Running){ updateRunning(deltaTime); } if(state == GameState.Paused){ updatePaused(deltaTime); } if(state == GameState.GameOver){ updateGameOver(deltaTime); } } private void doInput() { if(game.getInput().isTouchDown()){ double touchX = (double) game.getInput().getTouchX(); double touchY = (double) game.getInput().getTouchY(); //shield pad controls if(touchY >= shield_left && touchX <= shield_right && touchY >= shield_top && touchY <= shield_bottom){ float shield_pad_width = shield_bottom - shield_top; float touchPoint = (float)((touchY - shield_top) / shield_pad_width); core.angle = (270 - (200 * touchPoint)) + 200; shieldControl.angle = core.angle;; } else if( touchY >= gun_left && touchX <= gun_right && touchY >= gun_top && touchY <= gun_bottom ){ //double shot_offset = (int)(time - last_shot_time); if(shots.size() < GUN_SHOTS_COUNT){ float gun_pad_width = gun_bottom - gun_top; float touchPoint = (float)((touchY - gun_top) / gun_pad_width); aim_angle = (270 - (200 * touchPoint)) + 200 + 90; double radians = Math.toRadians(aim_angle); float current_radius = core.maxRadius * 3; double x_coord = core.coords.x + (Math.sin(radians) * current_radius); double y_coord = core.coords.y + (Math.cos(radians) * current_radius); aim_beam = new VectorF((float)x_coord, (float)y_coord); just_aimed = true; last_shot_time = time; } /* // Y-axis is inverted. See checkCollisionWithShield(...) // method normAngle(((float) (Math.atan2(-(touchY - core.coords.y), touchX - core.coords.x) / (Math.PI * 2) * 360.0)) - Core.GAP_ANGLE/2F); */ } } //remember the aiming angle and sheooooouut... if(just_aimed == true && last_shot_time < time){ double radians = Math.toRadians(aim_angle); float current_radius = core.maxRadius *; double x_coord = core.coords.x + (Math.sin(radians) * current_radius); double y_coord = core.coords.y + (Math.cos(radians) * current_radius);; generateNewGunShot(x_coord, y_coord, radians); just_aimed = false; } } private void updateReady(float deltaTime) { if(checkTouchUp() || checkMenuUp()) state = GameState.Running; } private boolean checkTouchUp() { for(TouchEvent event : game.getInput().getTouchEvents()) { if(event.type == TouchEvent.TOUCH_UP) return true; } return false; } private boolean checkMenuUp() { for(KeyEvent event : game.getInput().getKeyEvents()) { if(event.keyCode == android.view.KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) { if(event.type == KeyEvent.KEY_UP) return true; } } return false; } private void updatePaused(float deltaTime) { if(checkTouchUp() || checkMenuUp()) state = GameState.GameOver; } private void updateGameOver(float deltaTime) { if(checkTouchUp() || checkMenuUp()) renew(); } private void updateRunning(float deltaTime) { checkTouchUp(); // Just to clear touch event buffer if(checkMenuUp()) state = GameState.Paused; countTime(deltaTime); doInput(); generateNewDots(DOTS_COUNT); handleShotPositions(); handleCollisions(); moveDots(deltaTime); moveShots(deltaTime); decreaseShieldEnergy(deltaTime); } private void decreaseShieldEnergy(float deltaTime) { if(core.shieldEnergy > 0.0F) { core.shieldEnergy -= deltaTime / SHIELD_HEALTH; if(core.shieldEnergy < 0.0F) core.shieldEnergy = 0.0F; } } private void generateNewDots(int neededCount) { if(neededCount > dots.size()) generateNewDot(false); } private void increaseDifficulty() { difficulty += 0.00005F; } private void generateNewGunShot(double x, double y, double radians) { float linearSpeed = this.base_speed * difficulty; Dot gun_shot = new Dot(); gun_shot.coords = new VectorF((float)x, (float)y); gun_shot.angle_radians = radians; VectorF speed = new VectorF(linearSpeed, linearSpeed); gun_shot.speed = speed; = 1.0F; //gun_shot.coords.subtractFromThis(core.coords); //gun_shot.coords = generateNewDotCoordsInRandomPlace(); gun_shot.type = Dot.Type.Gunshot; shots.add(gun_shot); } private void generateNewDot(boolean atStart) { float linearSpeed = this.base_speed * difficulty; Dot dot = new Dot(); if(atStart) { dot.coords = generateNewDotCoordsInRandomPlace(); } else { dot.coords = generateNewDotAtOffScreenRadius(); increaseDifficulty(); } VectorF speed = new VectorF( linearSpeed * (-dot.coords.x / dot.coords.length()), linearSpeed * (-dot.coords.y / dot.coords.length())); dot.speed = speed; dot.coords.addToThis(core.coords); = random.nextFloat(); if( <= 0.3F) = 0.3F; float typeRand = random.nextFloat(); Dot.Type type; if (typeRand >= 0.8){ type = Dot.Type.Health; } else{ type = Dot.Type.Enemy; } dot.type = type; dots.add(dot); } private void countTime(float deltaTime) { time += deltaTime; } public String getTime() { int seconds = (int) time; int minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; String result = ""; if(minutes > 0) result += minutes + ":"; result += String.format("%02d", seconds); return result; } private VectorF generateNewDotAtOffScreenRadius() { //should stick to predefined angles to make the enemies can from above int index = random.nextInt(ALLOWED_ANGLES.length -1 ); int angle = ALLOWED_ANGLES[ index ]; VectorF coords = new VectorF(offScreenRadius * ((float) Math.cos(angle)), offScreenRadius * ((float) Math.sin(angle))); return coords; } private void moveShots(float deltaTime) { for(Dot dot : shots) { dot.coords.addToThis((float)(dot.speed.x * deltaTime * 100.0F * Math.sin(dot.angle_radians)), (float)(dot.speed.y * deltaTime * 100.0F * Math.cos(dot.angle_radians))); } } private void moveDots(float deltaTime) { for(Dot dot : dots) { dot.coords.addToThis(dot.speed.x * deltaTime * 100.0F, dot.speed.y * deltaTime * 100.0F); } } private void handleShotPositions() { Iterator<Dot> iterator = shots.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { handleShotPosition(, iterator); } } private void handleShotPosition(Dot shot, Iterator<Dot> iterator) { Graphics g = game.getGraphics(); if(shot.coords.x < 0 || shot.coords.y < 0 || shot.coords.x > g.getWidth() || shot.coords.x > g.getHeight()){ iterator.remove(); } } private void handleShotCollision(Dot shot, Iterator<Dot> shot_iterator, Dot dot, Iterator<Dot> dot_iterator) { if(Math.abs(shot.coords.x - dot.coords.x) <= Dot.maxRadius && Math.abs(shot.coords.y - dot.coords.y) <= Dot.maxRadius){ shot_iterator.remove(); dot_iterator.remove();; game.getVibration().vibrate(30); } } private void handleCollisions() { Iterator<Dot> iterator = dots.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { handleCollision(, iterator); } } private void handleCollision(Dot dot, Iterator<Dot> iterator) { float lengthToCoreCenter = (float)Math.hypot( (double)(dot.coords.x - core.coords.x), (double)(dot.coords.y - core.coords.y)); if(Math.abs(lengthToCoreCenter - core.shieldRadius) <= dot.maxRadius * + Core.SHIELD_WIDTH) { checkCollisionWithShield(dot, iterator); } else if (lengthToCoreCenter - core.maxRadius * <= Dot.maxRadius *{ handleCollisionWithCore(dot, iterator); } else{ try{ if(shots.size() > 0 && dot.type == Dot.Type.Enemy){ Iterator<Dot> shot_iterator = shots.iterator(); while(shot_iterator.hasNext()){ handleShotCollision(, shot_iterator, dot, iterator); } } } catch(NoSuchElementException e){ // just sit this one out } } } private void checkCollisionWithShield(Dot dot, Iterator<Dot> iterator) { // I normalize (move into (0; 360) interval) angles // in some places. Don't know if it's needed. if(core.shieldEnergy > 0.0F) { iterator.remove();; game.getVibration().vibrate(30); } else { // Pay attention at -v.y! Y-axis is inverted, // because it points downwards. float dotAngle = (float) Math.atan2((double) - (dot.coords.y - core.coords.y), (double) (dot.coords.x - core.coords.x)); dotAngle = dotAngle / (((float) Math.PI) * 2.0F) * 360.0F; dotAngle = normAngle(dotAngle); // For example, dotAngle = 3, and core.angle = 365 // We need to solve this somehow: core.angle = normAngle(core.angle); while(dotAngle < core.angle) { dotAngle += 360.0F; } // OK, and check if dotAngle is within the gap if(!((dotAngle > core.angle) && (dotAngle < core.angle + core.GAP_ANGLE))) { iterator.remove();; game.getVibration().vibrate(40); } } } private float normAngle(float angle) { float angle2 = angle; while(angle2 < 0.0F) angle2 += 360.0F; while(angle2 > 360.0F) angle2 -= 360.0F; return angle2; } private void handleCollisionWithCore(Dot dot, Iterator<Dot> iterator) { if(dot.type == Dot.Type.Enemy){ -= / CORE_HEALTH; if( < 0.0F) { //state = GameState.GameOver; state = GameState.Paused;; game.getVibration().vibrate(10); game.getVibration().vibrate(40); game.getVibration().vibrate(100); = 0.0F; }; } else if (dot.type == Dot.Type.Health) { += / CORE_HEALTH; if( > 1.0F) { = 1.0F; }; } iterator.remove(); game.getVibration().vibrate(30); } }