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package; /*from www . j a v a2s . c om*/ import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; import; import android.text.util.Linkify; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.haarman.listviewanimations.swinginadapters.AnimationAdapter; import com.haarman.listviewanimations.swinginadapters.prepared.SwingBottomInAnimationAdapter; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.Animator; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.ObjectAnimator; import com.squareup.picasso.Callback; import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso; public class IAPDialogList extends LinearLayout implements OnClickListener, OnItemClickListener, OnScrollListener { static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( "IAPDialogList", LoggerType.ConsoleLoggerType ); static interface onPackSelectedListener { void onPackSelected( long packid, PackType packType ); } /** returns if dialog is currently attached to parent */ private boolean mAttached; /** current dataprovider */ private IAPUpdater mData; private IAPWrapper mWrapper; private ListAdapter mAdapter; private AnimationAdapter mAnimationAdapter; private HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice> priceMap; private boolean mScrollStateChanged; private TextView mSummaryText; private IAPDialogMain mParent; private ListView mList; private Button mRestoreAllButton; private View mListProgress; private onPackSelectedListener mPackSelectedListener; private Picasso mPicassoLibrary; private LocalDataService mDataService; // listen to pack purchase status change ContentObserver mPackPurchasedContentObserver = new ContentObserver( new Handler() ) { @Override public void onChange( boolean selfChange ) { onChange( selfChange, null ); } @Override public void onChange( boolean selfChange, Uri uri ) { "** mPackPurchasedContentObserver::onChange: %s **", uri ); if ( !isValidContext() || null == mData ) return; if( null != uri ) { int purchased = Integer.parseInt( uri.getLastPathSegment() ); long packId = Integer.parseInt( uri.getPathSegments().get( uri.getPathSegments().size() - 2 ) ); if( null != priceMap ) { priceMap.put( packId, new PackOptionWithPrice( purchased == 1 ? PackOption.OWNED : PackOption.ERROR ) ); } logger.log( "purchased status changed(%d) for packId: %d", purchased, packId ); } update( mData, mParent ); }; }; // listen for service complete events ContentObserver mServiceFinishedContentObserver = new ContentObserver( new Handler() ) { @Override public void onChange( boolean selfChange ) { onChange( selfChange, null ); }; @Override public void onChange( boolean selfChange, Uri uri ) { "** mServiceFinishedContentObserver::onChange **" ); if ( !isValidContext() || null == mData ) return; IAPUpdater data = (IAPUpdater) mData.clone(); mData = null; update( data, mParent ); }; }; public IAPDialogList ( Context context, AttributeSet attrs ) { super( context, attrs ); } public void update( final IAPUpdater updater, final IAPDialogMain parent ) { final boolean dataChanged = !updater.equals( mData ); "mData: %s", mData ); "updated: %s", updater ); "update: %s, dataChanged: %b", updater.getPackType(), dataChanged ); mParent = parent; priceMap = mParent.getPriceMap( updater.getPackType() ); mData = (IAPUpdater) updater.clone(); processList( mData.getPackType(), dataChanged ); } void onDownloadStatusChanged( Uri uri ) { "onDownloadStatusChanged: %s ", uri ); mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } void onPurchaseSuccess( long packId, String identifier, String packType ) { "onPurchaseSuccess: %s - %s", identifier, packType ); if ( !isValidContext() ) return; // priceMap.put( packId, new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.OWNED ) ); mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } private void initializeWrapper() { if ( isInEditMode() ) return; "initializeWrapper" ); if ( null == mWrapper ) { mWrapper = IAPWrapper.createNew( getContext(), mDataService.getIntentValue( Constants.EXTRA_IN_BILLING_PUBLIC_KEY, "" ) ); } } public IAPUpdater getData() { return mData; } private void onRestoreAll() { "onRestoreAll" ); HashMap<String, String> restoreAllAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); restoreAllAttributes.put( "ContentType", mData.getPackType().toCdsString() ); Tracker.recordTag( "Content: Restored All", restoreAllAttributes ); mScrollStateChanged = true; Toast.makeText( getContext(), R.string.feather_restore_all_request_sent, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); final String secret = mDataService.getIntentValue( Constants.EXTRA_IN_API_KEY_SECRET, "" ); final String billingPublicKey = mDataService.getIntentValue( Constants.EXTRA_IN_BILLING_PUBLIC_KEY, "" ); Intent intent = AviaryIntent.createCdsRestoreAllIntent( getContext(), mData.getPackType().toCdsString(), secret, billingPublicKey ); if( mParent.getContext().startService( intent ) != null ) { displayProgressNotification(); } } /** * Restore all request has been sent, in the meantime let's send also * a system notification to show that.... */ private void displayProgressNotification() { final Context context = getContext(); if( null != context ) { NotificationCompat.Builder notification = RestoreAllHelper.createNotification( context ); notification.setProgress( 100, 0, true ); NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService( Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE ); notificationManager.notify( RestoreAllHelper.NOTIFICATION_ONGOING_ID, ); } } public void setOnPackSelectedListener( onPackSelectedListener listener ) { mPackSelectedListener = listener; } private String getPackTypeString( PackType packType ) { int res = -1; switch ( packType ) { case FRAME: res = R.string.feather_borders; break; case EFFECT: res = R.string.feather_effects; break; case STICKER: res = R.string.feather_stickers; break; } if ( res > 0 ) { return getContext().getString( res ); } return ""; } private void processList( final PackType packType, final boolean update ) { "processList: %b", update ); if ( null != packType ) { int delayTime = getResources().getInteger( android.R.integer.config_mediumAnimTime ) + 300; registerContentObservers( packType ); if ( null == getHandler() ) return; getHandler().postDelayed( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if( update ) { new QueryInventoryAsyncTask().execute( packType ); } else { if( android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16 ) { final Cursor cursor = createCursor( packType ); mAdapter.changeCursor( cursor ); } else { mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } }, delayTime ); } else { mAdapter.changeCursor( null ); } } private Cursor createCursor( PackType packType ) { String query = "pack/type/" + packType.toCdsString() + "/content/available/list"; if( android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16 ) { query += "/not_purchased"; } return getContext().getContentResolver().query( PackageManagerUtils.getCDSProviderContentUri( getContext(), query ), new String[] { PacksColumns._ID + " as _id", PacksColumns._ID, PacksColumns.PACK_TYPE, PacksColumns.IDENTIFIER, PacksContentColumns._ID, PacksContentColumns.CONTENT_PATH, PacksContentColumns.CONTENT_URL, PacksContentColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, PacksContentColumns.ICON_PATH, PacksContentColumns.ICON_URL, PacksContentColumns.IS_FREE_PURCHASE, PacksContentColumns.PURCHASED, PacksContentColumns.PACK_ID, PacksContentColumns.ITEMS_COUNT }, null, null, PacksContentColumns.PURCHASED + " ASC, " + PacksColumns.DISPLAY_ORDER + " ASC" ); } String getPackType( int type ) { switch ( type ) { case FeatherIntent.PluginType.TYPE_BORDER: return AviaryCds.PACKTYPE_FRAME; case FeatherIntent.PluginType.TYPE_FILTER: return AviaryCds.PACKTYPE_EFFECT; case FeatherIntent.PluginType.TYPE_STICKER: return AviaryCds.PACKTYPE_STICKER; } return null; } private void registerContentObservers( PackType packType ) { "registerContentObserver" ); unregisterContentObservers(); getContext().getContentResolver().registerContentObserver( PackageManagerUtils.getCDSProviderContentUri( getContext(), "pack/purchased" ), true, mPackPurchasedContentObserver ); getContext().getContentResolver().registerContentObserver( PackageManagerUtils.getCDSProviderContentUri( getContext(), "service/finished" ), false, mServiceFinishedContentObserver ); } private void unregisterContentObservers() { "unregisterContentObserver" ); getContext().getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver( mServiceFinishedContentObserver ); getContext().getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver( mPackPurchasedContentObserver ); } @Override protected void onAttachedToWindow() { "onAttachedToWindow" ); super.onAttachedToWindow(); mAttached = true; mPicassoLibrary = Picasso.with( getContext() ); mDataService = ((FeatherActivity) getContext()).getMainController().getService( LocalDataService.class ); mList = (ListView) findViewById( ); mRestoreAllButton = (Button) findViewById( ); mRestoreAllButton.setOnClickListener( this ); mListProgress = findViewById( ); mSummaryText = (TextView) findViewById( ); String summary = getContext().getString( R.string.feather_iap_restore_all_summary ); if( PackageManagerUtils.isStandalone( getContext() ) ) { String link = getContext().getString( R.string.feather_details ) + ""; SpannableString baseString = new SpannableString( summary + " " + link ); ClickableSpan span = new ClickableSpan() { @Override public void onClick( View widget ) { Intent intent = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_VIEW ); intent.setComponent( AviaryIntent.getTutorialComponent( getContext() ) ); intent.setData( Uri.parse( "aviary://launch-activity/iap_tutorial" ) ); try { getContext().startActivity( intent ); } catch( ActivityNotFoundException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; baseString.setSpan( span, summary.length() + 1, baseString.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ); mSummaryText.setText( baseString ); Linkify.addLinks( mSummaryText, Linkify.ALL ); mSummaryText.setMovementMethod( LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() ); } else { mSummaryText.setText( summary ); } mAdapter = new ListAdapter( getContext(), null ); if( android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16 && SystemUtils.getCpuMhz() >= Constants.MHZ_CPU_FAST ) { mAnimationAdapter = new ListAnimator( mAdapter ); mAnimationAdapter.setAbsListView( mList ); mList.setAdapter( mAnimationAdapter ); } else { mList.setAdapter( mAdapter ); } mList.setOnItemClickListener( this ); mList.setItemsCanFocus( true ); mList.setOnScrollListener( this ); initializeWrapper(); } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { "onDetachedFromWindow" ); super.onDetachedFromWindow(); unregisterContentObservers(); mRestoreAllButton.setOnClickListener( null ); mAdapter.changeCursor( null ); mList.setOnItemClickListener( null ); mList.setOnScrollListener( null ); if ( null != mWrapper ) { mWrapper.dispose(); mWrapper = null; } mList.setAdapter( null ); if( null != mAnimationAdapter ) { mAnimationAdapter.setAbsListView( null ); } mAttached = false; } @Override protected void onConfigurationChanged( Configuration newConfig ) { "onConfigurationChanged" ); super.onConfigurationChanged( newConfig ); } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { "onFinishInflate" ); super.onFinishInflate(); } @Override protected void onVisibilityChanged( View changedView, int visibility ) { "onVisibilityChanged: " + visibility ); super.onVisibilityChanged( changedView, visibility ); } @Override public void onClick( View v ) { final int id = v.getId(); if ( id == mRestoreAllButton.getId() ) { onRestoreAll(); } } class ListAdapter extends CursorAdapter { class ViewHolder { long packid; String identifier; TextView title; TextView text; ImageView icon; IAPBuyButton buttonContainer; FutureListener<Pair<Long, PackOptionWithPrice>> listener = new FutureListener<Pair<Long, PackOptionWithPrice>>() { @Override public void onFutureDone( Future<Pair<Long, PackOptionWithPrice>> future ) { Pair<Long, PackOptionWithPrice> result = null; if ( null != future ) { try { result = future.get(); } catch ( Throwable t ) { return; } } if ( packid == result.first ) { buttonContainer.setPackOption( result.second, packid ); } } }; } BitmapDrawable mFolderIcon; String mPackTypeText; int idColumnIndex; int displayNameColumnIndex; int iconPackColumnIndex; int identifierColumnIndex; int itemsCountColumnIndex; int mMaxImageSize; String[] itemsCursorProjectionIn = new String[] { PacksItemsColumns._ID }; public ListAdapter ( Context context, Cursor c ) { super( context, c, false ); mFolderIcon = (BitmapDrawable) context.getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.aviary_effects_pack_background ); mMaxImageSize = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.aviary_iap_list_item_image_size ); initCursor( c ); } @Override public Cursor swapCursor( Cursor newCursor ) { initCursor( newCursor ); return super.swapCursor( newCursor ); } private void initCursor( Cursor cursor ) { if ( null != cursor ) { idColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex( PacksColumns._ID ); displayNameColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex( PacksContentColumns.DISPLAY_NAME ); iconPackColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex( PacksContentColumns.ICON_PATH ); identifierColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex( PacksColumns.IDENTIFIER ); itemsCountColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex( PacksContentColumns.ITEMS_COUNT ); } } @Override public void bindView( View view, Context context, Cursor cursor ) { if ( !isValidContext() ) return; final ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag(); if ( null == holder ) return; long packid = cursor.getLong( idColumnIndex ); String title = cursor.getString( displayNameColumnIndex ); final String iconPath = cursor.getString( iconPackColumnIndex ); String identifier = cursor.getString( identifierColumnIndex ); int itemsCount = cursor.getInt( itemsCountColumnIndex ); boolean process = true; if ( null != iconPath ) { Object tag = holder.icon.getTag(); int hashCode = iconPath.hashCode(); if ( tag instanceof Integer ) { if ( ( (Integer) tag ).intValue() == hashCode ) { logger.warn( "no need to download the icon again" ); process = false; } } if ( process ) { // from here mPicassoLibrary .load( iconPath ) .resize( mMaxImageSize, mMaxImageSize, true ) .transform( new PackIconCallable( getResources(), mData.getPackType(), iconPath ) ) .error( R.drawable.aviary_ic_na_gold ) .noFade() .into( holder.icon, new Callback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { holder.icon.setTag( iconPath.hashCode() ); } @Override public void onError() { } } ); } } else { holder.icon.setImageBitmap( null ); holder.icon.setTag( null ); } holder.packid = packid; holder.identifier = identifier; if( process ) { holder.title.setText( title ); if ( null == mPackTypeText ) { mPackTypeText = getPackTypeString( getData().getPackType() ); } if ( itemsCount > 0 ) { holder.text.setText( "(" + itemsCount + " " + mPackTypeText + ")" ); } else { holder.text.setText( "" ); } } PackOptionWithPrice result; Pair<PackOption, String> pair = CdsUtils.getPackOptionDownloadStatus( getContext(), holder.packid ); PackOptionWithPrice cacheValue = priceMap.get( holder.packid ); if ( null != pair ) { // special case, pack is downloaded and is also already installed if( null != cacheValue && cacheValue.option == PackOption.OWNED && pair.first == PackOption.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE ) { result = cacheValue; } else { result = new PackOptionWithPrice( pair.first ); } } else { result = cacheValue; if ( null == result ) { result = new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.DOWNLOADING ); } } holder.buttonContainer.setPackOption( result, holder.packid ); } @Override public View newView( Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent ) { final View view = LayoutInflater.from( context ).inflate( R.layout.aviary_iap_list_item, parent, false ); @SuppressWarnings ( "unused" ) final int position = cursor.getPosition(); IAPBuyButton buttonContainer = (IAPBuyButton) view.findViewById( ); TextView textView1 = (TextView) view.findViewById( ); TextView textView2 = (TextView) view.findViewById( ); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById( ); ViewHolder holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.title = textView1; holder.text = textView2; holder.icon = imageView; holder.buttonContainer = buttonContainer; buttonContainer.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( View v ) { "onClick: %s", v ); mScrollStateChanged = true; PackOptionWithPrice packOption = ( (IAPBuyButton) v ).getPackOption(); if ( null == packOption ) return; ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) v.getParent(); if ( null == parent ) return; parent = (ViewGroup) parent.getParent(); if ( null == parent ) return; ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) parent.getTag(); logger.log( "holder: %s", holder ); if ( null == holder || holder.packid < 0 || null == holder.identifier ) return; if ( null != packOption ) { logger.log( "option: " + packOption.option ); switch ( packOption.option ) { case PURCHASE: mParent.launchPackPurchaseFlow( holder.packid, holder.identifier, mData.getPackType().toCdsString(), "ListView", packOption.price ); break; case ERROR: new DeterminePackOptionAsyncTask( holder ).execute( holder.packid ); break; case FREE: case RESTORE: IAPDialogMain.trackBeginPurchaseFlow( getContext(), holder.identifier, mData.getPackType().toCdsString(), "ListView", packOption.price, packOption.option == PackOption.RESTORE, packOption.option == PackOption.FREE ); case DOWNLOAD_ERROR: PackOptionWithPrice newOption; logger.log( "requestPackDownload: " + holder.packid ); if( packOption.option == PackOption.FREE ) { mParent.sendReceipt( holder.identifier, true, false ); } else if( packOption.option == PackOption.RESTORE ){ mParent.sendReceipt( holder.identifier, false, true ); } try { mParent.requestPackDownload( holder.packid ); Pair<PackOption, String> pair = CdsUtils.getPackOptionDownloadStatus( getContext(), holder.packid ); if( null != pair ) { newOption = new PackOptionWithPrice( pair.first ); } else { newOption = new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.DOWNLOADING ); } } catch( Throwable t ) { newOption = new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.DOWNLOAD_ERROR ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( getContext().getString( R.string.feather_download_start_failed ) ); sb.append( "." ); sb.append( "\n" ); sb.append( "Cause: " ); sb.append( t.getLocalizedMessage() ); new AlertDialog.Builder( getContext() ) .setTitle( R.string.feather_iap_download_failed ) .setMessage( sb.toString() ) .setPositiveButton( android.R.string.cancel, null ) .create() .show(); } if( PackOption.isDetermined( newOption.option )) { priceMap.put( holder.packid, newOption ); } holder.buttonContainer.setPackOption( newOption, holder.packid ); break; default: break; } } } } ); view.setTag( holder ); if ( !mScrollStateChanged ) { /* view.setVisibility( View.INVISIBLE ); Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation( getContext(), android.R.anim.fade_in ); anim.setStartOffset( position * 100 ); anim.setAnimationListener( new AnimationListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart( Animation animation ) {} @Override public void onAnimationRepeat( Animation animation ) {} @Override public void onAnimationEnd( Animation animation ) { view.setVisibility( View.VISIBLE ); } } ); view.startAnimation( anim ); */ } return view; } } @Override public void onItemClick( AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id ) { // ListView item click if ( null != mPackSelectedListener ) { mPackSelectedListener.onPackSelected( id, mData.getPackType() ); mScrollStateChanged = true; } } @Override public void onScrollStateChanged( AbsListView view, int scrollState ) { "onScrollStateChanged: %d ", scrollState ); if ( scrollState == OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL ) { mScrollStateChanged = true; mList.setOnScrollListener( null ); } } @Override public void onScroll( AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount ) {} class QueryInventoryAsyncTask extends AviaryAsyncTask<PackType, Void, HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice>> { IabResult mIabResult; Cursor mCursor; @Override protected void PreExecute() {} @Override protected HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice> doInBackground( PackType... params ) { HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice> map = new HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice>(); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( null != mWrapper ) { mIabResult = CdsUtils.waitForIAPSetupDone( mWrapper ); } logger.log( "mIabresult: %s", mIabResult ); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.log( "wait setupdone time: %d", ( t1 - t0 ) ); mCursor = createCursor( params[0] ); if ( null == mCursor ) return map; HashMap<Long, String> checkList = new HashMap<Long, String>(); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { while ( mCursor.moveToNext() ) { PacksColumns.PackCursorWrapper pack = PacksColumns.PackCursorWrapper.create( mCursor ); PacksContentColumns.ContentCursorWrapper content = PacksContentColumns.ContentCursorWrapper.create( mCursor ); pack.setContent( content ); if( priceMap.containsKey( pack.getId() ) ) { PackOptionWithPrice cache = priceMap.get( pack.getId() ); if( null != cache && ( cache.option == PackOption.OWNED || cache.option == PackOption.PURCHASE || cache.option == PackOption.RESTORE ) ) { // don't query the inventory if this pack has already been determined continue; } } PackOptionWithPrice result = new PackOptionWithPrice( CdsUtils.getPackOption( getContext(), pack ), null ); switch ( result.option ) { case ERROR: case PACK_OPTION_BEING_DETERMINED: if ( null != mWrapper && null != mIabResult && mIabResult.isSuccess() ) { checkList.put( pack.getId(), pack.getIdentifier() ); } else { map.put( pack.getId(), new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.ERROR ) ); } break; case RESTORE: case OWNED: case FREE: case PURCHASE: map.put( pack.getId(), result ); break; default: break; } } } finally { // IOUtils.closeSilently( mCursor ); } long t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.log( "need to check %d items in the inventory", checkList.size() ); if( checkList.size() > 0 ) { if ( null != mWrapper && null != mIabResult && mIabResult.isSuccess() ) { // try..catch HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice> inventoryMap = null; try { inventoryMap = getPackOptionsFromInventory( mWrapper, checkList ); } catch( NullPointerException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } if ( null != inventoryMap ) { map.putAll( inventoryMap ); } else { logger.error( "must put errors!" ); for( Long id : checkList.keySet() ) { map.put( id, new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.ERROR ) ); } } } } long t4 = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.log( "checking packs time: %d", ( t3 - t2 ) ); logger.log( "query inventory time: %d", ( t4 - t3 ) ); logger.log( "total time: %d", ( t4 - t0 ) ); return map; } @Override protected void PostExecute( HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice> result ) { "QueryInventoryAsyncTask::PostExecute" ); logger.log( "result: %s", result ); logger.log( "mIabResult: %s", mIabResult ); if( null != mIabResult && mIabResult.isFailure() ) { logger.warn( mIabResult.getMessage() ); if( mIabResult.getResponse() != IabHelper.IABHELPER_MISSING_SIGNATURE ) { Toast.makeText( getContext(), mIabResult.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); } } priceMap.putAll( result ); mAdapter.changeCursor( mCursor ); // mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); mListProgress.setVisibility( View.GONE ); } } class DeterminePackOptionAsyncTask extends AviaryAsyncTask<Long, PackOptionWithPrice, PackOptionWithPrice> { IabResult mResult; PacksColumns.PackCursorWrapper mPack; WeakReference<ViewHolder> mTargetView; IabResult mIabResult; public DeterminePackOptionAsyncTask ( ViewHolder view ) { mTargetView = new WeakReference<ViewHolder>( view ); } private void onPackOptionUpdated( final PackOptionWithPrice option, final PacksColumns.PackCursorWrapper pack ) { if ( !isValidContext() ) return; ViewHolder holder = mTargetView.get(); if ( null == holder || holder.packid != pack.getId() ) return; holder.buttonContainer.setPackOption( option, pack.getId() ); } @Override protected void PreExecute() {} @Override protected void ProgressUpdate( PackOptionWithPrice... values ) { if ( null != values ) { PackOptionWithPrice option = values[0]; "DeterminePackOptionAsyncTask::ProgressUpdate: %s - %s", mPack.getIdentifier(), option ); onPackOptionUpdated( option, mPack ); } } @Override protected void PostExecute( PackOptionWithPrice result ) { if ( !isValidContext() ) return; if ( null == mPack ) return; "DeterminePackOptionAsyncTask::PostExecute: %s - %s", mPack.getIdentifier(), result ); if ( null != result ) { onPackOptionUpdated( result, mPack ); } else { onPackOptionUpdated( new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.ERROR, null ), mPack ); } if( null != mIabResult && mIabResult.isFailure() ) { logger.warn( mIabResult.getMessage() ); Toast.makeText( getContext(), mIabResult.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); } } @Override protected PackOptionWithPrice doInBackground( Long... params ) { if ( !isValidContext() ) return null; long packId = params[0]; mPack = CdsUtils.getPackFullInfoById( getContext(), packId ); publishProgress( new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.DOWNLOADING ) ); Pair<PackOption, String> pair = CdsUtils.getPackOptionDownloadStatus( getContext(), mPack.getId() ); if ( null != pair ) { return new PackOptionWithPrice( pair.first ); } PackOptionWithPrice result = priceMap.get( mPack.getId() ); if ( null != result && result.option != PackOption.ERROR ) { return result; } // 3. check pack option status ( free/restore/owned ) result = new PackOptionWithPrice( CdsUtils.getPackOption( getContext(), mPack ), null ); if ( result.option == PackOption.PACK_OPTION_BEING_DETERMINED ) { publishProgress( result ); if( null != mWrapper && !mWrapper.isDisposed() ) { mIabResult = CdsUtils.waitForIAPSetupDone( mWrapper ); if( null == mIabResult || mIabResult.isFailure() ) { result = new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.ERROR ); } else { // need to check the google play inventory try { result = IAPDialogMain.getFromInventory( mWrapper, mPack.getIdentifier() ); } catch( NullPointerException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); result = new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.ERROR ); } } } else { result = new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.ERROR ); } } if ( PackOption.isDetermined( result.option ) ) { priceMap.put( mPack.getId(), result ); } return result; } } private static HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice> getPackOptionsFromInventory( IAPWrapper instance, HashMap<Long, String> skus ) { "getPackOptionsFromInventory: %s", skus ); HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice> result = new HashMap<Long, PackOptionWithPrice>(); Inventory inventory = null; try { if ( instance.isAvailable() ) { logger.log( "isAvailable" ); ArrayList<String> array = new ArrayList<String>(); array.addAll( skus.values() ); logger.log( "checking skus: %s", array ); inventory = instance.queryInventory( true, array ); } else { logger.error( "isAvailable = false" ); return null; } } catch ( IabException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } if ( null != inventory ) { Iterator<Entry<Long, String>> iterator = skus.entrySet().iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { Entry<Long, String> entry =; Purchase itemPurchase = inventory.getPurchase( entry.getValue() ); if ( null != itemPurchase ) { result.put( entry.getKey(), new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.RESTORE ) ); } else { SkuDetails itemDetails = inventory.getSkuDetails( entry.getValue() ); if ( null != itemDetails ) { result.put( entry.getKey(), new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.PURCHASE, itemDetails.getPrice() ) ); } else { result.put( entry.getKey(), new PackOptionWithPrice( PackOption.ERROR ) ); } } } return result; } return null; } /** * Returns true if the current context is valid and * the view is currently attached * * @return */ boolean isValidContext() { return null != getContext() && mAttached; } class ListAnimator extends SwingBottomInAnimationAdapter { public ListAnimator ( BaseAdapter baseAdapter ) { super( baseAdapter ); } @Override protected Animator getAnimator( ViewGroup parent, View view ) { return ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "translationY", view.getHeight(), 0); } } }