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package; /*from w w w. ja v a 2 s. com*/ import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources.Theme; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.GestureDetector.OnGestureListener; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import; import; public class AviaryWheel extends View implements OnGestureListener, ScrollableView, VibrationWidget { /** * The listener interface for receiving onScroll events. The class that is interested * in processing a onScroll event implements * this interface, and the object created with that class is registered with a * component using the component's <code>addOnScrollListener<code> method. When * the onScroll event occurs, that object's appropriate * method is invoked. * * @see OnScrollEvent */ public interface OnWheelChangeListener { /** * The wheel start scrolling * * @param view */ void onStartTrackingTouch( AviaryWheel view ); /** * The wheel value is changing * * @param view * @param value */ void OnValueChanged( AviaryWheel view, int value ); /** * Scroll completed * * @param view */ void onStopTrackingTouch( AviaryWheel view ); } static final String LOG_TAG = "wheel"; private static final int INVALID_VALUE = -1; private static final double EDGE_HEIGHT = 0.5517241379310345; private Drawable mShadowBottom; private BitmapShader mShader; private Matrix mShaderMatrix; private GestureDetector mGestureDetector; private ScrollerRunnable mScroller; private double mCurrentValue; private boolean mToLeft; private boolean mLayoutCompleted; private boolean mInLayout; private Drawable mLinesIndicator; private Drawable mLinesSingle; private Paint mLinesPaint; private int mShaderWidth; private int mLastMotionValue; private int mLineWidth; private int mMinX; private int mMaxX; private int mNextValue; // edges private float mEdgeOffset; private AviaryEdgeEffect mEdgeLeft, mEdgeRight; private Matrix mEdgeMatrixLeft = new Matrix(); private Matrix mEdgeMatrixRight = new Matrix(); private int mEdgeStyle; private VibrationHelper mVibrationHelper; private OnWheelChangeListener mScrollListener; private float mScaledDensity; private Paint debugPaint; public AviaryWheel ( Context context ) { this( context, null ); } public AviaryWheel ( Context context, AttributeSet attrs ) { this( context, attrs, R.attr.aviaryWheelStyle ); } public AviaryWheel ( Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle ) { super( context, attrs, defStyle ); init( context, attrs, defStyle ); } private void init( Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle ) { ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get( context ); // 2.0 is xhdpi mScaledDensity = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density / 2.0f; final Theme theme = context.getTheme(); TypedArray a = theme.obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, R.styleable.AviaryWheel, defStyle, 0 ); mShadowBottom = a.getDrawable( R.styleable.AviaryWheel_aviaryWheelShadowTop ); mLinesSingle = a.getDrawable( R.styleable.AviaryWheel_aviaryWheelLine ); mLinesIndicator = a.getDrawable( R.styleable.AviaryWheel_aviaryWheelIndicator ); mEdgeStyle = a.getResourceId( R.styleable.AviaryWheel_aviary_edgeStyle, 0 ); a.recycle(); mEdgeOffset = (float) ( 20.0 * mScaledDensity ); mLineWidth = mLinesSingle.getIntrinsicWidth(); mLinesPaint = new Paint( Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG ); // gesture detector if ( !isInEditMode() ) { mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector( context, this ); mGestureDetector.setIsLongpressEnabled( false ); } // fling manager mScroller = new ScrollerRunnable( this, 200, configuration.getScaledOverflingDistance(), null ); // vibration helper mVibrationHelper = new VibrationHelper( context, true ); mEdgeLeft = new AviaryEdgeEffect( getContext(), mEdgeStyle ); mEdgeRight = new AviaryEdgeEffect( getContext(), mEdgeStyle ); mEdgeLeft.setEdgeMaxAlpha( 100 ); mEdgeRight.setEdgeMaxAlpha( 100 ); mNextValue = INVALID_VALUE; mCurrentValue = 0; } public void setOnWheelChangeListener( OnWheelChangeListener listener ) { mScrollListener = listener; } /** * Sets the new wheel value * * @param value * an integer value between 0 and 100 */ public void setValue( int value ) { value = Math.min( 100, Math.max( value, 0 ) ); if ( mCurrentValue != value ) { // if not layout not ready, just set the next value if ( !mLayoutCompleted ) { mNextValue = value; return; } if ( !mScroller.isFinished() ) { mScroller.stop( false ); } scrollStarted(); trackMotionValue( value ); scrollCompleted(); } } /** * Gets the current value. It's a value between 0 and 100 * * @return */ public int getValue() { return (int) mCurrentValue; } /** * From 0..100 value return the scroll x position * * @param value * @return */ protected int getPositionFromValue( double value ) { return (int) ( ( value / 100.0 ) * ( getRange() ) ) + mMinX; } /** * From x position return the 0..100 value * * @param value * @return */ protected double getValueFromPosition( int value ) { return ( (double) ( value - mMinX ) / getRange() ) * 100.0; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent( MotionEvent event ) { boolean retValue = mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent( event ); int action = event.getAction(); if ( action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ) { onUp( event ); } else if ( action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL ) { } return retValue; } @Override protected void onLayout( boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom ) { super.onLayout( changed, left, top, right, bottom ); mInLayout = true; if ( changed ) { mLayoutCompleted = true; if ( mNextValue != INVALID_VALUE ) { setValue( mNextValue ); mNextValue = INVALID_VALUE; } } mInLayout = false; } int mHeightDiff = 0; @Override protected void onSizeChanged( int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh ) { super.onSizeChanged( w, h, oldw, oldh ); Rect bounds = new Rect( 0, 0, w, h ); int max_width = (int) ( w - ( mEdgeOffset * 4 ) ); // calculate the new max and min mMinX = ( w - max_width ) / 2; mMaxX = w - mMinX; // set the new bounds for the drawables if ( null != getBackground() ) { mHeightDiff = getBackground().getIntrinsicHeight() - mShadowBottom.getIntrinsicHeight(); } mShadowBottom.setBounds( bounds.left,, bounds.right, + mShadowBottom.getIntrinsicHeight() ); // create the shader for drawing the lines createShader( w, h ); } private static final int HARD_LIMIT = 2048; private static final float SHADER_MULTIPLIER = 2.2f; private void createShader( int w, int h ) { int bitmapWidth = (int) ( w * SHADER_MULTIPLIER ); // now draw the lines on the new bitmap Bitmap linesBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmapWidth, mLinesSingle.getIntrinsicHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888 ); Shader shader = new BitmapShader( ( (BitmapDrawable) mLinesSingle ).getBitmap(), TileMode.REPEAT, TileMode.CLAMP ); Canvas canvas = new Canvas( linesBitmap ); Paint paint = new Paint( Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG | Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG ); paint.setShader( shader ); final int w2 = linesBitmap.getWidth() / 2; final int indicator_width = mLinesIndicator.getIntrinsicWidth(); int left = w2 - indicator_width / 2; int right = w2 + indicator_width / 2; double rest = left % mLineWidth; // left side Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.setTranslate( (float) +rest, 0 ); shader.setLocalMatrix( matrix ); canvas.drawRect( 0, 0, left, linesBitmap.getHeight(), paint ); // indicator mLinesIndicator.setBounds( left, 0, right, linesBitmap.getHeight() ); mLinesIndicator.draw( canvas ); // right side shader.setLocalMatrix( null ); canvas.drawRect( right, 0, linesBitmap.getWidth(), linesBitmap.getHeight(), paint ); mShader = new BitmapShader( linesBitmap, TileMode.CLAMP, TileMode.CLAMP ); mLinesPaint.setShader( mShader ); mShaderMatrix = new Matrix(); mShaderWidth = linesBitmap.getWidth(); final int height = (int) ( EDGE_HEIGHT * linesBitmap.getHeight() ); final int width = (int) ( 9.0f * mScaledDensity ); mEdgeMatrixLeft.reset(); mEdgeMatrixLeft.postRotate( -90 ); mEdgeMatrixLeft.postTranslate( width, height ); mEdgeMatrixLeft.postTranslate( 0, mHeightDiff - 3 ); mEdgeLeft.setSize( height, width * 2 ); mEdgeMatrixRight.reset(); mEdgeMatrixRight.postRotate( 90 ); mEdgeMatrixRight.postTranslate( w - width, 0 ); mEdgeMatrixRight.postTranslate( 0, mHeightDiff - 3 ); mEdgeRight.setSize( height, width * 2 ); } @Override protected void onDraw( Canvas canvas ) { super.onDraw( canvas ); Drawable background = getBackground(); if ( background == null ) return; if ( null != mShader && mShaderMatrix != null ) { int w2 = mShaderWidth / 2; int scroll_x = getPositionFromValue( mCurrentValue ); int x = ( scroll_x - w2 ); mShaderMatrix.setTranslate( x, 0 ); mShader.setLocalMatrix( mShaderMatrix ); canvas.drawRect( mEdgeOffset, 0, getWidth() - mEdgeOffset, getHeight(), mLinesPaint ); } canvas.translate( 0, mHeightDiff ); mShadowBottom.draw( canvas ); canvas.translate( 0, -mHeightDiff ); if ( null != debugPaint ) { debugPaint.setColor( Color.WHITE ); debugPaint.setAlpha( 127 ); canvas.drawLine( mMinX, 0, mMinX, getHeight(), debugPaint ); canvas.drawLine( mMaxX, 0, mMaxX, getHeight(), debugPaint ); canvas.drawLine( getWidth() / 2, 0, getWidth() / 2, getHeight(), debugPaint ); } if ( null != mEdgeLeft ) { if ( !mEdgeLeft.isFinished() ) { final int restoreCount =; canvas.concat( mEdgeMatrixLeft ); if ( mEdgeLeft.draw( canvas ) ) { postInvalidate(); } canvas.restoreToCount( restoreCount ); } if ( !mEdgeRight.isFinished() ) { final int restoreCount =; canvas.concat( mEdgeMatrixRight ); if ( mEdgeRight.draw( canvas ) ) { postInvalidate(); } canvas.restoreToCount( restoreCount ); } } } @Override protected void onMeasure( int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec ) { Drawable background = getBackground(); if ( null != background ) { int finalWidth, finalHeigth; int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode( widthMeasureSpec ); int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize( widthMeasureSpec ); int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode( heightMeasureSpec ); int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize( heightMeasureSpec ); if ( widthMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST || widthMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED ) { finalWidth = background.getIntrinsicWidth(); } else { finalWidth = widthSize; } finalWidth = Math.min( finalWidth, (int) ( HARD_LIMIT / SHADER_MULTIPLIER ) ); if ( heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST || heightMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED ) { finalHeigth = background.getIntrinsicHeight(); } else { finalHeigth = heightSize; } setMeasuredDimension( finalWidth, finalHeigth ); } else { super.onMeasure( widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec ); } } @Override protected int getSuggestedMinimumHeight() { if ( null != getBackground() ) { return getBackground().getIntrinsicHeight(); } return super.getSuggestedMinimumHeight(); } @Override protected int getSuggestedMinimumWidth() { if ( null != getBackground() ) { return getBackground().getIntrinsicWidth(); } return super.getSuggestedMinimumWidth(); } // Gesture Detector Listeners public boolean onUp( MotionEvent e ) { mEdgeLeft.onRelease(); mEdgeRight.onRelease(); if ( mScroller.isFinished() ) { scrollIntoSlots(); } return true; } @Override public void computeScroll() { super.computeScroll(); if ( mScroller.hasMore() ) { int oldx = mScroller.getPreviousX(); int x = mScroller.getCurrX(); if ( oldx != x ) { if ( x < mMinX && oldx >= mMinX && oldx > x ) { mEdgeLeft.onAbsorb( (int) mScroller.getCurrVelocity() ); } else if ( x > mMaxX && oldx <= mMaxX && x > oldx ) { mEdgeRight.onAbsorb( (int) mScroller.getCurrVelocity() ); } } } } @Override public boolean onDown( MotionEvent e ) { getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent( true ); mScroller.stop( false ); scrollStarted(); return true; } @Override public boolean onFling( MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY ) { int max_x = getMaxX(); int min_x = getMinX(); int current_x = getPositionFromValue( mCurrentValue ); boolean toleft = velocityX < 0; if ( !toleft ) { if ( current_x >= max_x ) { return false; } if ( current_x > max_x ) { mScroller.startUsingDistance( current_x, max_x - current_x ); return true; } } else { if ( current_x <= min_x ) { return false; } if ( current_x < min_x ) { mScroller.startUsingDistance( current_x, min_x - current_x ); return true; } } mScroller.startUsingVelocity( current_x, (int) velocityX / 2 ); return true; } @Override public void onLongPress( MotionEvent e ) {} private static final int MAX_DELTA = 50; private float mOverscrollX = 0; @Override public boolean onScroll( MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY ) { float delta = -1 * distanceX; mToLeft = delta < 0; int current_x = getPositionFromValue( mCurrentValue ); int new_x = (int) ( current_x + delta ); int max_x = getMaxX(); int min_x = getMinX(); if ( !mToLeft ) { if ( current_x + delta > max_x ) { delta = Math.min( delta, MAX_DELTA ); delta *= 1.0 - ( ( ( mOverscrollX + delta ) - max_x ) / MAX_DELTA ); mOverscrollX = current_x + delta; new_x = max_x; mEdgeRight.onPull( delta / MAX_DELTA ); } else { mOverscrollX = current_x + delta; } } else { if ( current_x + delta < min_x ) { delta = Math.max( delta, -MAX_DELTA ); delta *= 1 - ( ( ( current_x - delta ) - min_x ) / MAX_DELTA ); new_x = min_x; mEdgeLeft.onPull( delta / MAX_DELTA ); } else { mOverscrollX = current_x + delta; } } trackMotionScroll( new_x ); return false; } @Override public void onShowPress( MotionEvent e ) {} @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp( MotionEvent e ) { return false; } // Fling detector Listeners /** * Range value between minimum and maximum x * * @return */ public int getRange() { return mMaxX - mMinX; } @Override public int getMaxX() { return mMaxX; } @Override public int getMinX() { return mMinX; } @Override public void scrollIntoSlots() { if ( !mScroller.isFinished() ) { return; } int max_x = getMaxX(); int min_x = getMinX(); int scroll_x = getPositionFromValue( mCurrentValue ); if ( scroll_x > max_x ) { mScroller.startUsingDistance( scroll_x, max_x - scroll_x ); return; } else if ( scroll_x < min_x ) { mScroller.startUsingDistance( scroll_x, min_x - scroll_x ); return; } onFinishedMovement(); } private void onFinishedMovement() { scrollCompleted(); } @Override public void trackMotionScroll( int newX ) { double newValue = getValueFromPosition( newX ); if ( newValue != mCurrentValue ) { mCurrentValue = newValue; scrollRunning(); } postInvalidate(); } private void trackMotionValue( int value ) { mCurrentValue = value; scrollRunning(); postInvalidate(); } void scrollCompleted() { if ( mScrollListener != null ) { mScrollListener.onStopTrackingTouch( this ); } } void scrollStarted() { if ( mScrollListener != null ) { mScrollListener.onStartTrackingTouch( this ); } } void scrollRunning() { int value = getValue(); if ( !mInLayout && ( Math.abs( value - mLastMotionValue ) > 3 ) ) { mVibrationHelper.vibrate( 8 ); mLastMotionValue = value; } if ( mScrollListener != null ) { mScrollListener.OnValueChanged( this, getValue() ); } } @Override public void setVibrationEnabled( boolean value ) { Log.i( LOG_TAG, "setVibrationEnabled: " + value ); mVibrationHelper.setEnabled( value ); } @Override public boolean getVibrationEnabled() { return mVibrationHelper.enabled(); } }